autoaim "aim dressing"

I'm having particularly terrible issues with autoaim. I've been really into playing oni lately, I've noticed that it sucks me into the side of object and can completely turn me around. (deadhard etc).Next time you have a survivor dying on the hook, try swinging into them and see if your camera doesnt spin in circles and end up facing straight into the air... Mobile has the option to disable. where is our option? Please give me example/opinions below on the topic.
If they deleted the DBD we have now and replaced it with the mobile version, we would have a superior product.
Base DBD
- Well ackchyually it's technically called Aim Dressing and we aren't changing anything and...
Mobile DBD
- Can be disabled.
Game Optimization
Base DBD
- PC players have been waiting for graphics settings for years, and are required to change engine files instead. Last gen console gamers are being left behind after being promised fps fixes.
Mobile DBD
- Can be run on a phone.
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I'm still mad that we're not getting console optimization
I'm not paying around 600 dollars just to be able to play at 60 fps. Something that should be on the base game already.
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Well first of all you're assuming I have money
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I did see in the next of kin ptb, you can adjust the quality somewhat.
Having sidebars for ultrawide monitors would be nice, however, we should have a fps limit selector as this can be changed in the games json files allowing the fps you desire.
I can think of many instances of aim assist for myself and others "streamers" that kinda drive you crazy.
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Good. Console players ruin my games, adding crossplay was a terrible idea. Matchmaking still takes the same length of time and is still unbalanced.
Console players always sandbag me as survivor and drop pallets in my face, super annoying.
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The problem with uncapping FPS is if uncapped it causes bugs and inconsistencies. At least it used to, I don't know if it still does.
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Although it probably is a terrible decision. My PS5 in on pre-order "just for DBD". But every system has a killer app that people tend to buy it for. Unfortunately DBD on PS4 is quite literally a killer app. Shutting down PS4s at the offering screen cannot be good for them.
Is it worth the asking price to play my favourite game at a high resolution with more than 15 fps? Probably not. Do I regret my decision? Definitely not.
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Can confirm it definitely does as Nurse.
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this is auto aim? i thought oni just faced you a random direction after the demonstrike?
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sometimes i swear it feels like it....