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Chapter Concept: For My Lord

OneClownMain Member Posts: 16

Note: This is my first original concept and the first time I'm doing lore. If it's bad, I know.

Chapter ??: For My Lord


Name: The Crusader


Leo was the only child of two high-ranking Byzantine officials in the mid-1070's. Because of his high position in society, Leo was given whatever he wanted when he asked for it. But something was always missing, he just couldn't find what. He had everything he ever wanted, but he still felt empty inside.

Despite his feelings about his life, he always had something that he looked up to; the Church and the agents of God who worked there. He gave them what they needing and helped out when they needed help. These moments filled up that void inside of him for short amounts of time. That is why Leo will do whatever the Church wants.

In the 1090's during the First Crusade, when Pope Urban II wanted Europeans to reclaim the Holy Lands from the Muslims, Leo rounded up hundreds of Byzantine troops and marched forwards towards the Holy Lands. In the first battle that he fought in, after killing a Muslim soldier, Leo finally discovered what filled the void in his heart; serving the one and only God. How he served God was in a dark way. Anyone that Leo found who didn't worship God would have their bodies meet his spear. This bloody view of serving the lord earned Leo the name "Leo, the Occisor" (Leo, the Killer).

After slaughtering thousands of Muslims, both soldiers and civilians, Leo's own men became scared of him. They were afraid that he could kill any one of them if they got in his way. To try and save themselves, Leo's soldiers had him banished so he couldn't harm any of them. As he walked through the Arabian sands, a fog coated the land that Leo walked around, and when he looked down, he was somewhere very different. A voice popped into Leo's head that told him to kill for him. Being this to be the voice of God himself, Leo pulled out his spear and prepared to punish all who God wanted dead.

Map: Holy Lands|Desert Town

Movement Speed: 115%|4.6m/s

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Height: Tall

Power: Word of God

Because God is great, you have decided to spread the word of God. You gain 2 Heavenly Light (HL) per second passively. Hitting a survivor awards you with 100 HL. You max out at 1500 HL.

Ability: Holy Crosses

Hold the Active Ability button to dig a cross into the ground. Crosses have to be placed at least 12 meters away from each other. You can carry up to 6 crosses at a time. You cannot place anymore once all 6 are placed until one is destroyed. For each cross dug into the ground, your passive HL rate increases by 2 HL/s for each cross. If a survivor destroys a cross, they become Oblivious for 30 seconds.

Ability: Angelic Soldier

When your HL gauge is full, hold the Power button to become an Angelic Soldier. While in this state, your attacks instantly down survivors, your Movement Speed becomes 120%(4.8m/s), and your Terror Radius increases to 40 Meters. The gauge drains by 75 HL/s, but hitting a survivor awards you with 300 HL during this state. When this state runs out, you are stunned for 4 seconds and all remaining crosses are destroyed.


Holy Ascension - When you do what God wants, you will ascend into Heaven.

When you hook a survivor, you become Undetectable until one of the three conditions are met:

The Hooked survivor is sacrificed.

The Hooker survivor is rescued.

You land a successful hit on a different survivor.

Holy Ascension has a cooldown of 110/100/90 seconds.

Hex: Divine Punishment - Those who act against God deserve to be treated cruelly.

If a survivor cleanses a Dull Totem or any Hex Totem besides this one, they become Exhausted and Broken for 35/40/45 seconds. These effects don't apply if the survivor is afflicted with either of the debuffs.

If a healthy survivor cleanses this totem, they're put into the Injured State. If an injured survivor cleanses this totem, they're put into the Dying State.

Hex: God's Blessing - Doing things that makes God happy blesses you.

If a survivor is hooked for the first time, gain 1 token up to a max of 2/3/4 tokens. For each token you have while this Hex is still standing, your Movement Speed increases by 1.5% and your Recovery Speed from successful attacks increases by 7.5%.


Name: Alex Smith


Alex was the runt of his family. Growing up in New York as the youngest of 6 brothers, when his siblings fought others, he was always late to the fight. Despite being the youngest, Alex was definitely the most determined to fight. When he made it to fights before his brothers, by the time they arrive, Alex had already won. Unfortunately, he only did average in school and he didn't like how his family bullied him for his mediocre grades.

After graduating and feeling down in the dumps, Alex met an army recruiter who needed one more person to join. Seeing this as a chance to make a name for himself, he signed up and joined the army. Once he had completed all of his necessary training, Alex was ready to fight for his country. He was soon sent to Syria for a "peace-keeping" mission.

When Alex and his unit arrived in Syria, he imagined that he would help people without needing weapons. What happened in Syria forever scarred the New Yorker. His unit infiltrated the home of a suspected terrorist, but in reality, it was just a normal Syrian man's home. After being forced to take the live of the "terrorist's" eldest son, Alex felt a chill in his spine, like he did something that he shouldn't of done. Eventually, with the help of 2 sleeping pills, he was able to sleep, but he was still haunted by nightmares of the kid.

When he woke up, he had wondered if the killing was all a dream. When he journeyed around, he saw no one else; only the dark fog. Through the fog, Alex was able to see a campfire with people around it. He didn't know what was going on or where he was, but if the people near the campfire could help him come home, he would do whatever it takes.


Whatever It Takes: You'll do anything to get out of here alive, even if you leave others behind.

When a survivor is sacrificed or killed, gain a token. For each token you have, your Movement Speed is increased by 2%. You open the Exit Gates 30/40/50% faster.

Escaper: You want to get away from that killing machine chasing you immediately.

When you successfully escape a chase, you leave no scratch marks for 12/14/16 seconds.

Fight Back: Activate-able Perk.

You will fight against anyone asking for a fight. When the Killer is carrying a different survivor, press the Active Ability button when within 2 meters of them to stun them for 5 seconds and to rescue the carried survivor. Afterwards, you become the Obsession. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 80/70/60 seconds. Fight Back cannot be used while Exhausted.


  • TheMax4521
    TheMax4521 Member Posts: 6

    I like the the killer, and his perks are good

    As for the survivor, i think Fight Back is a bit OP, the killer will not be able to hook anyone. And with that perk, DS and DH, is like gg to the killer

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246


  • Arial
    Arial Member Posts: 134

    Love the killer and the lore, the power is so interesting. I would love to play both as/against him.

    Holy Ascension is broken

    The other killer perks are good

    Fight back is OP and Whatever It Takes will just be used as an excuse to not play altruistically and camp the exit gates