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I feel so bad for new killers



  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Honestly I almost quit after my first 2 games as a survivor. It was so hard and so stressful! Then I played killer and it felt... right. Cathartic even.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I always feel like saying something to the effect 'You kids have no idea how easy you have it these days! When I started killer we had vacuum pallets, insta heals, and decisive strike that worked after just being downed. Plus we had to walk uphill in the snow to get to every hook!'

  • Asqueado
    Asqueado Member Posts: 64

    The new player´s experience is just a hell, tutorial is just like nothing and the game is absolutely zero friendly with them.

    They have to grind a lot BP to be a competitive, learn about looping, chasing, perks.... and ¿How does the game teachs them? By smashing them game after game untill they just unninstall and go to another game.

    There is not learning curve, the only way to learn on DBD is just getting smashed for hours and hours, plus MM issues that can match new players with high rank players and they receive a lot of toxicity, more in survivor side than in killer side.

    As a new player (Only 200 hours played) I can´t recomend this game to my friends, because is not thhe best way to invest money on entertainment. We started being 9 mates playing a few months ago, now, I am the only one who keeps playing and I just can´t play more than 3-4 games per day because is really frustrating and having Gamepass I feel like wasting my time on DBD is like throw my life for nothing

    Excuse me my english, im trying my best

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Depends who you ask honestly. I personally don't mind it, but a lot of killer players aren't fans because they have a rep of being bully squads.