Rancor is broken. Change my mind..

Ive already had countless Moris performed on me as Im running to leave because of this perk. Alot of these times I hadnt even been hooked. Why is there no criteria if youre killing someone out if the game. Its irritating and doesnt seem fair. Last I checked killers were complaining about D strike being op (just cuz u break free and get to run again).. does anyone really think that getting to one shot and instantly kill the obsession even if theyve never been hooked is fair? Shouldnt the obsession at least get to open the hatch without a key or something? obviously the killer will be guarding the gates so shouldnt the potential victim has some kind of way out? Doesnt seem fair to basically have a sealed fate of death. You cant even go to save a friend because camping killers will protect their hook and instakill the obsession. What are your thoughts?


  • Kilrane
    Kilrane Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2018

    There are several criteria that need to be met before you can mori someone. 5 of them immediately come to mind.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 893

    It is a fun perk though.

  • jacowwow
    jacowwow Member Posts: 51

    It's not a strong perk. It gives the obsession aura reading on the killer several times per match, incentivizes leaving the obsession alone allowing them to walk all over the killer, and the indications it gives the killer, while useful, aren't as good as aura reading. Just don't be anywhere near the killer, or in a bad spot, when the final generator pops and you're pretty safe. And if you're not a crappy player who relies on decisive strike, the chances of you being the target is pretty low to begin with. Even when the perk pays off big time for the killer, it's just one kill and they may have to let everyone else go to secure it because a lot of mori animations are very lengthy.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that unlike perks like NOED, Rancor tells the survivor that they are the target of Rancor, so it doesn't even have any surprThe_Manlet said:

    It's not a strong perk. It gives the obsession aura reading on the killer several times per match, incentivizes leaving the obsession alone allowing them to walk all over the killer, and the indications it gives the killer, while useful, aren't as good as aura reading. Just don't be anywhere near the killer, or in a bad spot, when the final generator pops and you're pretty safe. And if you're not a crappy player who relies on decisive strike, the chances of you being the target is pretty low to begin with. Even when the perk pays off big time for the killer, it's just one kill and they may have to let everyone else go to secure it because a lot of mori animations are very lengthy.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that unlike perks like NOED, Rancor tells the survivor that they are the target of Rancor, so it doesn't even have any surprise factor. You know the entire time that the killer is going to be extremely dangerous at the very end of the match and you have the entire time to prepare for that.

    I dont believe D Strike is op. I never left the obsession alone because of it and never had a problem gettin them back down after they use it on me. Not to mention jugglers are everywhere and you can miss the skill check quite easily or even have to wiggle for it. I hardly play killer and I dont think its as op as Rancor. The obsession sees my aura for 3 seconds when a gen is done. Big whoop. I can get to him when there are two gates to get to. This perk takes alot of weight off the killers shoulder because you dont have to waste your time on the obession until endgame if you choose to. Ive killed countless people whom Ive never laid eyes on at the gates. And as for gambling to go for the obsession.. its not a gamble. By the end of the game you should have killed at least one person and should you choose to not kill the obsession yet because you know you can instakill him, it will be very easy destroying him at the end when there are only two gates to worry about. The mori animation isnt a problem if you just slug him and attack anyone else because you can just kill the slugged guy anyway. I think its very unfair to the one person. Considering they couldve avoided you all game and you can hit them once and their life will be over when the gates are powered.
  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264

    It's a counter to pro-surv obsession perks and a buff to anti-obsession killer perks.

    So what if you get moried? they could just hook and camp you anyways since the doors are open.

    It's technically a terrible perk since SWF with OP voice chat can relay the killer position every time a gen is done to the whole team.

    If you don't want to be moried by the perk, don't run obsession perks and then you will have a less than 1 in 4 chance of being moried.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Spiritbx said:

    It's a counter to pro-surv obsession perks and a buff to anti-obsession killer perks.

    So what if you get moried? they could just hook and camp you anyways since the doors are open.

    It's technically a terrible perk since SWF with OP voice chat can relay the killer position every time a gen is done to the whole team.

    If you don't want to be moried by the perk, don't run obsession perks and then you will have a less than 1 in 4 chance of being moried.

    Exactly, but even better, just hide. Let other survivors open the gates. If you feel it's broken/OP, just adjust your endgame gamestyle.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    “I hardly play Killer and I don’t think it’s as OP as Rancor”. Right there is your problem OP, you don’t play Killer. 
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Going to agree with the people saying it's really not that strong a perk. However, it is fun so I ran it in most of games as Rin last night.

    Didn't get to mori as many OOSes as you might think. Got a couple though, and they were satisfying. :)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    So a perk that may or may not snag you a kill at the end is OP?


  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @jacowwow said:
    Ive already had countless Moris performed on me as Im running to leave because of this perk. Alot of these times I hadnt even been hooked. Why is there no criteria if youre killing someone out if the game. Its irritating and doesnt seem fair. Last I checked killers were complaining about D strike being op (just cuz u break free and get to run again).. does anyone really think that getting to one shot and instantly kill the obsession even if theyve never been hooked is fair? Shouldnt the obsession at least get to open the hatch without a key or something? obviously the killer will be guarding the gates so shouldnt the potential victim has some kind of way out? Doesnt seem fair to basically have a sealed fate of death. You cant even go to save a friend because camping killers will protect their hook and instakill the obsession. What are your thoughts?

    Devs changed Moris to the criteria of having been hooked at least once, because they wanted to give the survivor the change to at least play a certain length of time, before being eleminated from the match.
    Rancor only triggers after ALL gens are done. So you already played for most of the match, so no, there is no need for anything more.
    The perks i already not that strong.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Jack11803 said:

    It’s basically the killers hatch. Only reason people don’t like it is because it’s really personal

    Which is the point. The point of Obsession perks was supposed be be the Killer is literally Obsessed with Killing you, to the point of frenzy. That’s why Obsession perks are supposed be be high risk / High reward. 

    Rancor is really the first perk to make DS “high risk” at the end of a match after Mori’s got nerfed. That or tombstone Myers running Dying Light. 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959
    edited September 2018

    Obsession doesn't mean necessary that the killer wants to kill that person ASAP.
    It is his main concern… maybe he especially want this person to be his very last victim.

    And right now DS has no real downside anyway, so why not add a risk/reward thing to a survivor perk?

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Wolf74 said:

    Obsession doesn't mean necessary that the killer wants to kill that person ASAP.
    It is his main concern… maybe he especially want this person to be his very last victim.

    And right now DS has no real downside anyway, so why not add a risk/reward thing to a survivor perk?

    Word, maybe for stbfl or remember me stacks. Seeing how this affects one person end game, and someone gets free sight on the killer, it isn't that strong by itself. 
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    NOED is better in every single way, imo, for a late game perk.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104


    Rancor does the following:

    During the main game

    • Reveals the aura of the survivors to you for 3 seconds
    • Reveals you to the obsession for 5/4/3 seconds
      During the end game

    • Exposes the Obsession AFTER the last generator has been repaired

    • Grants the ability to kill the obsession after downing them (without any hooks needed)

    Honestly, I don't know where to begin with you. Rancor is subjectively a bad perk, let me explain why.

    For the majority of the trial, Rancor will do almost nothing to help the killer. It's survivor aura effect is ripped straight off of Bitter Murmer which tracks better. The only difference is Rancor effects people even when they weren't on the generator for a much shorter time. It's main redeeming quality is how it exposes the obsession and let's you Mori them. However, this is not flawless. You can only kill the Obsession if they are still alive and you can find them. Assuming that you can't find them you essentially wasted a perk slot. Furthermore, if you are killing the obsession all remaining survivors are escaping. It should be noted being exposed doesn't mean jack if you can't hit them, as the instakill only applies to melee attacks. Finally Spine Chill can reveal your intent and give just the speed needed to get out the door.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    Her perks are all revenge based. So Rancor makes sense tbh.
    Spirit Fury? Revenge for all the pallets to the face.
    Haunted Ground? Revenge for touching my damn totems.
    Rancor? Revenge for getting D-striked (most times, the obsession has DS, it's just that common).

    It rarely gets used as killers often end up killing the obsession (or everyone) before gates power.
    As the obsession, you still get to live through the entire match so you already likely pipped and got a fair amount of BP. Hell, the killer might have even actually LET you live that long because of it instead of killing you early (who wants to lose out on a sick mori). You even got a free upgraded perk all game!(better version of Dark Sense since you don't even need to be the one to pop the gen to get the aura).

    Counterplay? When that last gen pops bring out the stealth and get out ASAP. Don't wait around end game. Doors open? LEAVE. Just go. Abandon the team if needed, or accept the risk of sticking around. Doors not open? Be the stealthiest MF around, even if it means losing out on gate opening points. Let that Ace open the door like a gentleman and run out once it's open and there's no heartbeat. Honestly if the obsession decides to not do this, well they made a bad play and are punished for it. Fair enough.

    It's really not hard to avoid. Only time I've died to Rancor was by choice (I love getting moried, dont judge) or because I was an idiot and stayed at the gates to throw a pebble at the killer because I'm a jerk and paid the price.
    Adapt and play accordingly if you want to live as the obsession vs this perk. It's far to situational to be OP in any sense, and rarely sees use against competent survivors,

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @jacowwow said:
    Ive already had countless Moris performed on me as Im running to leave because of this perk. Alot of these times I hadnt even been hooked. Why is there no criteria if youre killing someone out if the game. Its irritating and doesnt seem fair. Last I checked killers were complaining about D strike being op (just cuz u break free and get to run again).. does anyone really think that getting to one shot and instantly kill the obsession even if theyve never been hooked is fair? Shouldnt the obsession at least get to open the hatch without a key or something? obviously the killer will be guarding the gates so shouldnt the potential victim has some kind of way out? Doesnt seem fair to basically have a sealed fate of death. You cant even go to save a friend because camping killers will protect their hook and instakill the obsession. What are your thoughts?

    Rancor + Save the Best for last is pretty broken, you ignore the obsession until the end then mori them lul.

  • Demonsouls1993
    Demonsouls1993 Member Posts: 261
    jacowwow said:
    Ive already had countless Moris performed on me as Im running to leave because of this perk. Alot of these times I hadnt even been hooked. Why is there no criteria if youre killing someone out if the game. Its irritating and doesnt seem fair. Last I checked killers were complaining about D strike being op (just cuz u break free and get to run again).. does anyone really think that getting to one shot and instantly kill the obsession even if theyve never been hooked is fair? Shouldnt the obsession at least get to open the hatch without a key or something? obviously the killer will be guarding the gates so shouldnt the potential victim has some kind of way out? Doesnt seem fair to basically have a sealed fate of death. You cant even go to save a friend because camping killers will protect their hook and instakill the obsession. What are your thoughts?
    DS is broken change my mind or wait u cant and now that theres a true counter to it u entitled losers want it nerfed boohoo
  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    @Jack11803 said:
    It’s basically the killers hatch. Only reason people don’t like it is because it’s really personal

    no killer perk compares to the hatch , simply because they are a perk
    i had give to up something that could help most of the match for something that only works in the last 1 minute of the game in order to have something similar in effect to what all survivors start with

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I agree it's broken in some way...

    It shouldn't allow the Obsession to disconnect when all Generators are repaired. ;)

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Peasant said:


    Rancor does the following:

    During the main game

    • Reveals the aura of the survivors to you for 3 seconds
    • Reveals you to the obsession for 5/4/3 seconds
      During the end game

    • Exposes the Obsession AFTER the last generator has been repaired

    • Grants the ability to kill the obsession after downing them (without any hooks needed)

    Honestly, I don't know where to begin with you. Rancor is subjectively a bad perk, let me explain why.

    For the majority of the trial, Rancor will do almost nothing to help the killer. It's survivor aura effect is ripped straight off of Bitter Murmer which tracks better. The only difference is Rancor effects people even when they weren't on the generator for a much shorter time. It's main redeeming quality is how it exposes the obsession and let's you Mori them. However, this is not flawless. You can only kill the Obsession if they are still alive and you can find them. Assuming that you can't find them you essentially wasted a perk slot. Furthermore, if you are killing the obsession all remaining survivors are escaping. It should be noted being exposed doesn't mean jack if you can't hit them, as the instakill only applies to melee attacks. Finally Spine Chill can reveal your intent and give just the speed needed to get out the door.

    It shows their location when gens went of like a doctor's shock, not live feed like bitter murmor.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    It's not broken because.....

    • You get a warning the killer has it. If you see the killer's aura after doing a gen, you know they have it, you're prepared to take action against it.
    • There are literally 2 to 3 different exits you can take, killer cannot cover them all.
    • Even if he does catch you, you got to play the entire game and rank up

    That is why it's balanced.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 686

    I use Rancor, and I've only "used" it once. Seeing images of Survivors is all it's really good for, and even in that it's weak since if I'm on the other end of the map it's really useless. The exposed part doesn't help me much since I tend to just kill all of the Survivors before they can repair 5 gens. Only once did they get all five, and the game wouldn't even let me mori my obsession.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Don't use ds so you aren't the obsession if you have trouble surviving without ds I recommend you see doctor GIT GUD. Play stealthy and you can see the killers aura when a gen is done. It's not that hard 
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Rancor doesn’t have any bugs, thus isn’t broken. GET REKT

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I've used this perk about 5 times now at end game between Spirit and Freddy. I got the obsession ONCE, and only because I chased and downed them with 1 gen left and stood there, for at least 30 seconds, to let his team do the gen so I could kill him. The last 2 got out (though I almost got one of them still). Every other time the obsession slips away and escapes the moment the gate is open. It's not really that great, just play immersed until someone opens a door and leave.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Being the obsession should come with risks that you should prepare yourself for. Currently rancor is the only obsession perk that puts the obsession in real danger rather than being passive to the obsession or putting your team in danger after being tunneled to death and even then this perk could potentially encourage passive behavior until the end. Keep in mind that rancor gives the obsession (you) 5/4/3 seconds depending on the tier to see where the killer is heading, use that information to your advantage and avoid the killer. Keep in mind that rancor only applies to one person per game unlike devour hope which can apply to everyone and unlike any insta downing perk or power ever made in existence (with the exception of MYC which applies to one person at a time but even that has the potential to activate on different survivors at some point in the match). Keep in mind that rancor can be made entirely useless if you die early on or by simply knowing when to hide and where. If you're the obsession as often as you say you are you should consider getting rid of DS and instead get a perk that will be more beneficial to you throughout your match (For instance lithe, dance with me, iron will and lightweight makes a pretty solid combination just as an example here). If you're not running DS, object of obsession or sole survivor and you're the obsession this often then I would honestly recommend playing stealthy if you're that unlucky.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @vampire_toothy said:
    Being the obsession should come with risks that you should prepare yourself for. Currently rancor is the only obsession perk that puts the obsession in real danger rather than being passive to the obsession or putting your team in danger after being tunneled to death and even then this perk could potentially encourage passive behavior until the end. Keep in mind that rancor gives the obsession (you) 5/4/3 seconds depending on the tier to see where the killer is heading, use that information to your advantage and avoid the killer. Keep in mind that rancor only applies to one person per game unlike devour hope which can apply to everyone and unlike any insta downing perk or power ever made in existence (with the exception of MYC which applies to one person at a time but even that has the potential to activate on different survivors at some point in the match). Keep in mind that rancor can be made entirely useless if you die early on or by simply knowing when to hide and where. If you're the obsession as often as you say you are you should consider getting rid of DS and instead get a perk that will be more beneficial to you throughout your match (For instance lithe, dance with me, iron will and lightweight makes a pretty solid combination just as an example here). If you're not running DS, object of obsession or sole survivor and you're the obsession this often then I would honestly recommend playing stealthy if you're that unlucky.

    I die inside whenever I’m rancor obsession without an obsession perk. It happens quite often too

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    Meh, I've seen it used efficiently and I've seen it be useless. One killer I was in a game with slugged the obsession and followed them around until the final gen popped. Kinda a crappy thing to do, but it secured them a kill. Another time I was the rancor obsession, and I just played super immersed when the gates were powered and snuck out. I think it's fine the way it is.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Actually I like rancor, as a survivor you shouldn't want to be the obsession to begin with but the good* obsession perk (PWYF and STBFL) basicly ask you to completly ignore your obsession for them to do anything, making being the obsession more of a reward than anything.
    Hell the dev where talking a couple of stream ago about finding a way to have mory be more common.
    Just make rancor into a base mechanic nuff said

    *This is only my opinion, I am not the arbiter of wich perk is better than X, in my opinion dying light is not worth the time investement, and is only good in the case you bring a mori alongside it.
    And remenber me is more a niche perk than anything I personnaly see little to no use other than on freddy that is really dependant on having the late game being dragged on as much as possible since it's the moment where his power is actually usefull since it become way harder to get out of the dream world.

  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160

    I've used this perk about 5 times now at end game between Spirit and Freddy. I got the obsession ONCE, and only because I chased and downed them with 1 gen left and stood there, for at least 30 seconds, to let his team do the gen so I could kill him. The last 2 got out (though I almost got one of them still). Every other time the obsession slips away and escapes the moment the gate is open. It's not really that great, just play immersed until someone opens a door and leave.

    That’s what happened to me on The Swamp
    I was the Obsession and I got downed and the Killer waited to kill me 
    That Sucks but the Perk is not Broken
  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100

    I think it's fine as is....the Killer can't be at all 3 exits at once. Hide, watch, and wait for your chance to escape. It's far from a free mori, and it benefits you during the trial to be able to see where the killer is after each generator is done.