Why so many toxic players!?

Don't get me wrong I love this game, I play survivor and killer. Recently I have noticed ever since cross-play has came out mostly red ranks play so toxic for no reason, I've seen green ranks play better than most red ranks. It doesn't matter what perks you run some killers still decide to tunnel, camp and even bm on hook for no reason I understand survivors can also be toxic as well as killers but for people who actually want to play the game and have fun can't because of this reason. When I play killer I've always been fair but yet still have came across some toxic survivors. It doesn't matter if you play survivor or killer their is always toxic on both sides its just so annoying for myself and others to enjoy the game. Just wish people were not so toxic!
Because it continues to feed eachother.
Back in the olden days, it was the Xbox 360 community that had a name/reputation for being...well terrible.
But that has expanded.
Imagine playing friendly as a killer and just getting crap for it, a lot of people would then stop being nice,
then the people who they face play friendly and get crapped on by that one killer who used to be friendly etc etc etc etc.
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thats true, just annoying sometimes
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I think when someone doesnt play both sides they have a higher chance to lack the empathy for the other side.
Plus the toxity is too common. Its easier to be toxic when the game has the reputation to be toxic and you see it often.
And of course what BioX said.
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Usually when next rift level is unlocked for players, killer toxicity increases by 10x (from solo survivor perspective). 5 games today 4 ebony moris 2 spirits 2 nurses and one bubba, also chance to escape is tremendoulsy decreased because people trying to complete archives and don't do gens at all. If you wanna play normal matches you need to wait few days untill people complete rift and chill out a bit
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I think it's because lower rank people typically play to rank up, get bloodpoints, etc. while red rank players who typically have all the perks and items don't really play for bloodpoints but just play for their own entertainment
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This... and rank reset. People just turn into possessed demons seeking that new rank colour. The 13th of every month is mori day. If you don't run 2nd chance perks, it is also tunnel day... I don't run 2nd chance perks, so I don't play for a few days.
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I share your opinion, I am a main killer and I am a fair killer, toxicity is more noticeable in the red ranges because they think that just having your range between 1-4 makes you feel like a pro and most do not know how to loope, just repair, that's the reason gen-rush exists in those ranges, don't get me wrong but also from time to time you meet friendly survivors and killers who can become friends of steam or ps4, that should happen more to often instead of the toxicity of t-bags and flashlights, although to be honest I love to play killer and I have a lot of fun because I think I'm in a horror movie and at the same time I earn points to improve my killers, survivors and have more accessories and perks.
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Toxicity is fun
This game is about bloodbath of survs whom only have toxicity to payback and killers are toxic back, is a toxic win-win
"there is no spoone" - The Matricks
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I blame certain streamers that make a living out of bullying other players.
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Apparently people just enjoy it..? Kinda sad lol
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I get having fun etc but some players take it to far then feel the need to send messages after.
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At this point, I don't consider camping and tunnelling a toxic player.
A toxic player is who sends u hate messages, teabagging, saying nasty things to some other player. Racial, sexual, name calling, betraying teammates, etc.
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it really is sad haha.
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in my opinion it is toxic when the survivor wasn't doing anything to be toxic
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A killer camping or tunnelling is just playing the game. There is no toxic involved.
Most noob killers camp and tunnel becuz they're supposed to secure kills. When they don't get kills, the entity is displeased. They have no intention of being toxic. They don't even know what that is. They are just playing the game.
It's after series of hate messages does the noob finally figured out what he's been doing is considered toxic.
The only ppl who tells him this are disgruntled survivors w a entitlement mentality.
The noob tries not to camp and tunnel after his startling revelation. Than gets bullied by toxic survivors. He figures out the survivors deserve to die, and goes back to camping and tunelling.
It is true, that it's toxic when survivors did nothing to be toxic. But camping and tunelling was never toxic to begin with.
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As I unlock more perks and finally earn some freedom from the overall harsh grind of this game I do relax more when playing as survivor and killer as I can finally start to have some fun just messing around with perks and skills that seem like fun.
Many people have limited time so they farm the "good/great" perks. Stop there, play when they kind and are very very effective at what they are doing. This game doesn't allow for people that don't want to invest a thousand hours into a vareity of fun relaxing perks to just goof around with and don't mind when games go terrrible.
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Honestly it’s so toxic for no reason.
mom a rank 12 killer and I got put with a swf all rank 4’s
by the end they decided not to leave but to teabag me and blind me and left just before the timer ran out and then commented saying I should uninstall the game and never play again and then with other people if I play well they call me a camper and a noob.
no winning
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Every toxic player I’ve come across has been PC player. Idk why.
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In crossplay I only ever get messaged by toxic players from PS4, which is my platform. Currently having a row with some guy who got bent out of shape because I didn’t try to save somebody (not him) that rescued me from a hook during EGC. The killer was camping so it seemed kind of pointless, especially since I was wounded. The really stupid thing? The toxic guy was afk for the first 5 minutes and admitted to killing himself, so really he is the last person to be questioning how anybody plays!
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If I’m playing Killer guaranteed the toxic survivors are pc players.
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I’m sure there are plenty there, too. I’m just saying that I can’t receive messages from anyone other than those on PS4, so really they come from everywhere. I don’t see a platform stereotype.
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False! I see many toxic low rank players