How is victor not a baby? -hopefully I don’t get banned for this lol-

victor is dead right? In the lore.. when the entity picks them up he’s resurrected’s he not a baby? You could make the argument that while he died his body still aged ..but his mind still didn’t so he’s still a kid right? If you don’t want people calling him a kid change the lore -I’ll delete this if BHVR wants me to-
because he was like 10 years or older when he died/ was resurrected.
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His mind would still be 5-10 so therefore he’s still a child plus his body is still small.. maybe I’m missing something here but that’s still a child in my eyes
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Victor is Charlotte's conjoined twin. They're the same age, so Victor's not a baby—he just has an underdeveloped body.
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He died young ..his body is old but still small ..he was resurrected with the mind of a child hows he not a child still?
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Because he doesn't say googoo gaga.
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Lol ok
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Because they are twins! Pretty sure you have to be the same age to be considered twins right?!?!?
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I still honestly think BHVR made their bed on this one. Add ons are all related to children and the lore literally states he was dead before Charlotte was a teenager. I'm not gonna actually make a claim so I don't get banned just gonna leave that information out there. Also fun fact, conjoined twins biologically can not have different sexes.
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You gotta be joking
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I think we must think of them as the same age and drop it.
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You cant be serious about what you said and if you are... Well idk what to say.
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"Must" yes so we must think like that even if basic knowledge proves that wrong?
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What I said isn't an opinion. They are conjoined twins. Being twins, they are the same age. Charlette's body was the one that developed, while Victor's lagged behind. None of this is up for debate—it's all factual.
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Did you by chance read the post? If you did then you'd realize he DIED, AS A KID and then was resurrected. When you die your body does not age and therefore he can not be the same age as her. His husk may be, but development and brainwise that is a no go and because he was revived you can't count the years he was dead as his age. It is dumb to do so.
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Maybe the devs will make it so the Entity decided to age Victor up mentally because a dead body certainly doesn't age.
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And he wasn't a baby when he died...
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BHVR has no one to blame but themselves for the way Victor looks. If you don't want people calling him a baby, then don't design him to look like one. I mean hell he practically lives inside Charlotte's womb for crying out loud.
And if we're seriously going to censor people for calling Victor a baby because he's not a baby, then we should be doing the same for the Pig since she's not an actual pig.🙄
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You seriously need to make some research about what a womb is and how a human baby actually looks like.
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It's an exaggeration. I thought that was clear.
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Even if he’s not a baby I’d consider him a child ..he died at like 5-10 I believe and when he was resurrected..well he’s still that age mentally and his body is tiny lol so that’s why I call him a child ..
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The lore is lying to you. You got an adult version of Nea and her as an infant.
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Didn’t say anything against that and don’t wanna argue about that. But he is very clearly not a baby.
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bhvr messed this one up big time.
I mean, let me put it like this:
If in real life the remains of a child are recovered, let's say a child that had gone missing 10 years prior. It is clear from the remain the child died shortly after going missing. Which date would be put on its headstone as deathdate, and thus age? The approximate date/the year when it likely died or the date when the remains were recovered?
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Goodbye :)
was good having you here on the forums bud.
Post edited by DoritoHead on0 -
He was a child
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If he died and was brought back by some evil force....isn't his brain age irrelevant?
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No it’s very relevant
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Wdym lol
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how so? I don't think many people here understand what happens to a brain when it is dead for a while then is brought back by something other worldly. Does it just pick up where it left off? Is it just mush and the brain is whatever the evil force wants it to be?
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It was a typo sorry @GHOSTfaceP3
Yeah you're going to get banned very soon
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My point was he wasn't her age but a kid. If I called him a baby which I'm sure I didn't then I must not have been thinking when I was typing
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Victor is no longer a newborn, therefore, he is not a baby.
A child, yes, as he died well before Charlotte was taken, so he technically wouldn't have aged, but not a baby.
The argument can also be made that, because his physical body aged the same as Charlotte, he is, in fact, the same age as her, despite having died years ago.
Whichever way you look at it, however, Victor is, at least, five years old, and, therefore, not a baby.
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Looks more like a mettigel
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It definitely looks more like a mettigel than a baby!
hopefully the next killer isn’t too similar to Viktor though!
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So you were a baby til you were a teenager?
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Mentally he should be 5 years old combined with his feral behavior. Physically however, he should be the same age as Charlotte. Remember he didn't grow equal to Charlotte, so he's just biologically the size of a toddler.
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Him and Charlotte were born at the same time, making them the same age. Victor isn't a baby. He looks like one because he was underdeveloped, but he's the same age as Charlotte.
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Hmm when I seen it it said kid but idk
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I wasn't dead though?
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Neither were you resurrected by an extradimensional evil entity with the power to do basically anything within its own realm. For example, age someone up.
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Neither was Victor. Dude didn't die right after he was born.
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Victor is indeed a child, a baby?...well maybe, his addons certainly point towards it.
After they escaped the cult they were in for an undetermind time:
Throughout the years, Victor's corpse rotted
And after: Life into her >teenage years< was a game of survival.
So yeah Victor died when he was younger then 10
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Ok well you have a valid point there. Very valid, albeit it is still kinda dumb and it wasn't in the lore that he was aged up.
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Ugh I never said after he was born man.
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My guy it said he died before charlotte was a teen. She could have been 10-11 years old. That's too old to be considered a baby.
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lol I hope you do t get that thing as a baby
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its not a valid point, if we go that way then everything goes and lore is completely and utterly pointless.
plus what does the entity care about age at all....come on now
Post edited by BioX on0 -
Victor is not a baby but a small undead monster. He is just here to eat people faces off.
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I thought he is a human like Charlotte since they're conjoined twins? 🤔
Aren't the Demo and Pyramid Head a monsters since they weren't borned or created in the nature way?