Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I'm worried about the meta shifts and balancing that might come from removing bloodlust.

Terro Member Posts: 1,171
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

I feel like removing bloodlust will change the meta on both sides that just isn't fun. Yes I know there are some in the community that'll say that Killer's shouldn't be relying on bloodlust at all and they should get good but I'm worried that this version of getting good means they aren't going to participate in chases. Even good killers still rely a little on the first tier of bloodlust. They'll either switch to hit and run tactics, won't commit to chases at all now, tunnel even more when they have a chance or just play killers that don't run into these problems. Good bye to fun chases. The killers that don't adapt will just play survivor or quit (unless matchmaking actually starts working and they get placed in matches where it'll work but that's out of my rank anyways).

Maybe I'm being an alarmist but if every chase at Red ranks just becomes a lame peekaboo mind game or the killer just goes for surprise sneak attacks without even attempting a real chase than I think I'm done with dbd.

There'll also probably be a mountain of nerfs and buffs that'll be happening eventually due to this but we'll see where things fall. I think DS might actually be hit with a nerf cuz the just hold w meme works now without bloodlust.


  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I'm sure the devs are cautious as well, considering it's a temporary thing. It's a PTB-style experiment on live servers and in no way guaranteed to be made a proper permanent change now or ever.

    Personally I'm just excited about the idea of such temporary little changes being tested out in general, as I'm sure there's all sorts of things that can get a little field test in the future without relying on people sidegrading to the PTB version of the game.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It's because dumb structures and setups still exist in this game, and bloodlust is a bandaid fix for these dumb structures much like how old ruin was a bandaid fix for bad map design. You don't need to gather data to work that one out, it's completely unnecessary. Remember the old days of abandoning a chase the moment a survivor entered a main building or used a god setup? (cowshed's infamous Shack window > truck loop > long wall > truck loop which can still spawn to this day for some ungodly reason) well unless you're nurse or probably Deathslinger you're gonna be doing that again this weekend.

    I'll say this now, I agree that bloodlust is a dumb mechanic. It shouldn't be in the game but at the same time it's necessary in a way because their maps are still terrible.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Ironically, those changes will be healthy for the game. Red Rank Killers already spread pressure and know when to leave chases.

    The bad Killers that commit too hard to chases are actually falsely incentivized by bloodlust. They might eventually get the down... but the time it took it get stacks of bloodlust is almost never worth it.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't think Bloodlust has ever given me a hit that I couldn't have gotten without it. If the meta does magically shift, then it's not because of average players.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Only the "survivor mains" wanted them removed as most people just don't care.

    Its one of the least talked about mechanics on these forums.

    Most people don't find BL to be an issue and thus don't talk about it.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    All the time you hit a survivor at a pallet is prob because of BL tier 1 or when a survivor greed a loop and you hit them just before the pallet its prob BL 1 too. I can agree with the removal of bloodlust tier 2 and 3 but bloodlust 1 is need

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434


    I don't really care bloodlust as a killer player.

    After the nerf ,bloodlust now is really useless.

    futher more you can't really chasing that long to trigger it or 3 gens would pop after that chasing.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Nope, that is never true. I only ever get T1 bloodlust right as I land a hit, if at all.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    If you start your attack and bl activate at the same time you covert more distance and that distance make the diference between a hit or a miss when survivor are at the pallet or window.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Since it's just for the weekend don't stress about it. If they eventually take away bloodlust they'll deal with things to keep the game balanced. They would probably either replace it with something that works better in the 2020 play style or take it away and buff/nerf a bunch of stuff to make things better. They'd probably also rework a lot of the tiles that still need to be dealt with.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378
    edited November 2020

    Bloodlust won't change the meta. Killers are too worried about gens to take anything else and survivors will never have a new meta as long as second chances are untouched.

    I don't really care about Bloodlust, I just don't have confidence that if it was removed that the devs could properly create content to compensate.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    Anyone that thinks its "healthy" for the game to nerf something that effects all killers and also limits their play styles probably only plays S-tier killers with the same builds, or theyre survivor mains. Theres so many playstyles for survivor. For killer it gets less and less

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I think devs should have implement this test without announcement. Many people on this forum say that they will change their playstyle, their perks, choose efficient killers, switch their side or even refuse to play killer for weekend. All of that make this test less valuable. We should play as usual to show that we need or we don't need bloodlust in game. Now when so many people going to play differently, test will show different results.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    I very rarely rely on Bloodlust for a hit unless I messed up. It won't affect me in the slightest, even on meme builds.

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    I really hate every decision they make in this game. It just keeps getting worse.

  • firedagodc
    firedagodc Member Posts: 26

    Going to play survivor now. The game was already difficult with swfs on coms with object of obsession and ridiculous gens speeds even with undying and ruin. Im not skilled with Billy or nurse or huntress so no reason to play killers like ghostface or Michael who will never catch survivors without blood lust.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    You're being an alarmist.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited November 2020

    The problem with that is that it won't represent what players would do without bloodlust. Players will (and should) adapt to it and change their strategies on both sides. It's ridiculous to try and keep everything constant and say that it works fine as long as players don't change how they play in reaction to our changes.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366
    edited November 2020

    Bloodlust is being removed?? Is there any link as to the Devs "thinking" on this? Sure, by the time bloodlust reaches level 3, the damage is already done, but any killer that has taken 45seconds + to hit a survivor, without breaking a pallet or going outside chase conditions, really needs that help.

    Why would the Devs implement breakable walls, to help those terrible killers in chases, only to take away the speed boost that helps them get hits and knock downs? This makes no sense at all!! If anything, bloodlust needed a slight buff, not complete removal.

    Someone please have a link to a dev stream or comment. If they remove bloodlust, then say hello to those killers being looped indefinitely while gens just get popped. Strange decision BHVR

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    If certian loops are shown to be too strong it COULD potentially mean making them shorter and mindgameable, or making them longer so the killer has more distance to catch up. Could be a good thing. We'll see.

    Heck , maybe they'll slightly increase base killer speeds by 5 or so %. We all know how pathetically long it takes a killer to catch up to a survivor 30 or more meters away holding W. 15% isn't that much in that situation.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,932
    edited November 2020

    I'd just like to add something to this: this test isn't just about the removal of bloodlust but to see the effect that it has on the game in general - there's no saying whether it will get removed at some point or reworked, or what other changes are made at the same time.

    That's why nobody should make too much of this test at this time.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    When you rely on bloodlust to play a stealth killer you are doing something wrong.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    "Killer's shouldn't be relying on bloodlust"

    They wouldn't be if the maps and loops were better designed and balanced. But they aren't so here we are testing removing the band-aid before the wound is healed (removing BL before more maps are fixed). The only time bloodlust is really popping is on things like fun bus, cow tree, tile strings Haddonfield, Midwitch ect. It doesn't matter how good of a M1 chaser you are, those structures and maps are super safe even with BL, let alone without it.

    As long as the match has the potential to be this borked from map design or rng, I don't think we should be thinking about removing BL.