Terrible treatment from survivors
Hi all,
A little background first: I play both killer and survivor about 50/50 and generally find killer more stressful but more fun. I play at red ranks in both but generally believe that I am not a red rank player, more like purple. I have 400 hours in game collectively.
Tonight I had a killer match on myers where I anticipated a swf group from looking at the lobby and sure enough it was. As a consequence I used a ebony mori offering for "insursnce". Unfortunately, I had a terrible match and only downed one survivor-######### happens.
At the end of the match with gates powered I downed another survivor and camped the hook, even though they unhooked and all three got away, too bad for me. I do not camp hooks otherwise.
Needless to say my treatment afterwords was some of the worst I have experienced in game so far. Comments like "your mom this or that", "terrible killer", "should not be rank 1", "you are toxic for camping", among other nasty personal comments. I know some of you will say that this is standard but I always say "ggwp" no matter what happens.
I can now conclude, from my perspective, that survivors are generally more toxic than killers and I'm sorry we have these people in our community.
Thanks for the opportunity to decompress.
Survivors can be the most toxic players, for their role being so easy, especially when playing in a group. which makes their job even easier
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Whenever I see posts like this I reserve my opinion since it only one side giving their story. Camping, ebony mori, what else did you do that was toxic and you expect them to return love for it?
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Are you surprised though? That's the real question. SWF will almost always have at minimum one guy who will run his mouth to you in end game regardless of how it goes. They're typically not worth interacting with but yea i've had more survivors act toxic than killers. It is a 4 to 1 chance though so it may be more common to see survivors act out to you as killer simply because there are more chances for it to happen.
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Again, that's why I love not having post game chat.
From my perspective I can't really say. As example, yesterday I was facecamped because I used flip flop and escaped the grasp of the killer. Flip flop OP, nerf it haha haha.
Also, I watched a streamer play on pc. She was tunneled and camped and at the end and the killer said "that's what you get damn flashlight users", even though she didn't even had one. She at the same time said that, gl next game and the killer proceed to call names.
I still think it's really both sides, but survivors have 4 chances to be like that.
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Everyone who knows what's going on, knows survivors are more toxic.
It's a fact.
when Ppl turn off communication from other ppl, they're actually turning it off becuz they don't want to hear it from survivors.
Killers don't message u and say nasty things whether they win or lose.
Survivors has ALOT to say. Whether they win or lose.
Even if the survivor does something stupid, killers are to blame.
Than they come to dbd forums to guilt trip the killer to play in a certain way.
I read the same complaint about the same exact thing, another survivor posted about few post down.
Not all survivors, but generally speaking, survivors tend to be entitled raging gamers who shouts insults and scream. At least more so than killers.
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While i do agree that you will receive more toxicity from survivors given that its a 4 to 1 chance and group mentality makes these idiots brave enough to do it. The statement that killers do not message you in order to spout toxicity is untrue. It occurs less often and doesn't excuse survivors doing it and vice versa, but it DOES happen.
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I never said killers never do it. I love how ppl put words in my mouth.
When killers do say things, it's usually after he got bullied by toxic survivors.
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"Killers don't message u and say nasty things whether they win or lose."
Nope, i took the words from your post. If you meant something different, that's hardly on me.
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I could only agree w u if I said.
"Killers never message u and say nasty things whether they win or lose."
I don't use words like "all" or "never".
If I say killers don't do that kind of thing, it just means in general, killers don't do that type of thing.
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So, you camped a survivor with a mori, and then you expect the survivors to be nice in the endgame chat? If anything, you initiated the toxicity - you were the toxic one here.
I really don't see what your point is.
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I mean, I get killers calling people homophobic or racist slurs in end game chat because they escaped, I’ve had killer players leave salty messages on my steam profile. One guy keeps leaving messages every time he sees me in a lobby because he had a bad match against me a few months ago. Sure there are tons of toxic survivors, but if you think toxic, entitled, or raging killers are rare you’re mistaken.
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I've had a fair share of killers, win or lose, be toxic as hell in chat. It's about equal to how many times I've seen survivors do it.
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Killers don't really engage in the end game chat. I wish they did. But they generally don't.
I have to say ur picking and choosing what u want to remember.
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I don't delete my messages on my PS4. But I can assure u, if I open it up right now, the top 10 hate messages on the very top of my screen, are all from survivors.
Half of them are one liners.
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As a survivor main, on behalf of survivors that play like this, I apologise. I wish some people just knew to not message people after a bad game.
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If you mostly play killer then that's only natural considering you're only going against survivors. If not then consider yourself lucky for only dealing with half of the toxicity.
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The other thing too is, if u message the killer, he might respond in a toxic manner. Becuz I'm sure the killer gets a lot of hate. And PvP games have a lot of trash talk.
But if u don't message him first, killers don't typically send u hate messages.
Just look at how many survivors leave their messaging system off. They turn it off becuz of toxic survivors, not toxic killers.
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But that was in the end game collapse. It is understood that even for entitled survivors, camping in end game collapse is totally justifiable. And not considered toxic. Especially if the killer got no kills. This is survivor definition.
I mean, how entitled can u get?
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I have personally been harassed by killers without saying a word, and I've seen it happen plenty to others who have said nothing other than 'gg'.
Maybe PC end game chat is too easy for them, but I guarantee the toxicity flows equally from both sides.
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He camped the survivor when all gens where done which is what every smart killer would do in that situation. That's not toxic at all. With or without Mori, it is the only right decision. So there is no reason for anyone to behave like a little child in the endgame chat.
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I am not asking if it is a smart or a justifiable thing to do.
I am asking, do you really believe survivors should happily say "gg" and that they shouldn't mind the fact you camped someone AND brought a mori, regardless of the circumstances?
They have every right to complain. Whether they do it in a toxic way, it's entirely up to them.
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Killers generally don't engage in end game chat though. Sometimes they do. Most of the time they just quietly move on. Not worth arguing 1vs4. But when they do, it's generally all 5 survivors just doing trash talk, which is pretty standard in PvP games.
On consoles, there are no end game chat. So it's entirely thru the messaging system. And I can assure u, at least on the console side, the toxic messages comes from survivors.
I play on PC, Xbox, PS4. I have several copies of the game. I am survivor main. I have multiple accounts. I only play dbd, I play nothing else.
As I don't delete any of my messages. I'll go take a look, and write down a count of all toxic messages and if it came from survivor or killer. I'll note down the first 20 I see. I'll message here in a bit, just a sec.
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For someone who's a survivor main, consider yourself lucky that you're fortunate enough to not have the same negative experiences a lot of others have. Unfortunately yours don't reflect on the rest of the community.
Besides, I never said survivors aren't toxic so showing me your messages doesn't change anything.
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They have every right to complain as do the killer.
For me, every game is a good game. Even if I got tunneled and camped. I absolutely love this game.
How diverse everything is, and the unique situations the game can come up w due to how unbalanced the game can be.
If u lost, its gg. It doesn't matter if u got camped or mori'd. There's nothing in writing that saids u cannot use these mechanics.
Are u saying Killer getting toxic messages becuz he camped at the end and brought a mori is justifiable?
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Well, if you like getting camped and tunneled, then I really think you're in a very small minority.
And I'm not justifying toxicity. I am saying that if you bring a mori and camp (doesn't matter if before or in the endgame), then you are literally asking for the survivor side to be toxic in response. You really shouldn't complain about toxicity if you do these things
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It's because theres 4 survivors who are angry at the killers gameplay vs 1 killer who could be angry at the survivors gameplay. So most people on this game are angry if they lose but the survivors will gang up on you while being angry because there are a lot more of them and its hard to defend yourself in a 4v1 argument
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But I do have negative experiences. It mostly comes from other survivors.
I don't consider camping and tunnelling a negative experience. It is just part of the game. Even the devs said it themselves, that facecamping is not a offense, but a viable strategy.
Here's some stuff I consider toxic.
Toxic survivors:
-who rats me out to the killer
-tells me it's all my fault he died.
-looks at my perk small game, tells me I'm a noob and lol me
-looks at my default Feng skin, tells me how I suck at this game
-end game, I saw a survivor hooked all the way across the map, i didn't feel like running over there so I left, than I get a message saying how selfish I am
-im told to just go delete myself off psn.
-unhooks me w no BT so I can die
-nobody comes for the rescue becuz I am solo, no camping killer, I die on first hook, I did not kill myself, I struggle all the way till death to save time for survivors. I look at their auras and nobody seems to care about me, I message the killer how that was so messed up. Killer tells me, "if it makes u feel better, I killed all of them" I thanked the kind killer.
-2 man situation, I find the other survivor hiding the whole time becuz we got 3-4 gens left. I end up dying becuz I rather do gens than hide for 20 mins hoping for the other guy to die first
-2 man situation, I'm on first hook, and the other survivor camps the hatch and leaves me to die, this is why I run camarederie, it works well in Gideon meat plant. It gives killer more time to look for the survivor sitting on hatch.
Only time I find killer toxic is when he tells me he wants to farm, I agree to it, and he kills me instead. I no longer associate in farm games.
Camping and tunnelling is not toxic. If u view it like that, and u play this game w ur emotions, u will get worked up. If that's what u want to do, than u do u. Everyone going to play however they want. It's just how it is.
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I don't think that you have the right to complain about anything that involes the set up of a player because you are only using what is available in the game. Everyone is free to use what they want. That goes for both sides. And I also don't think that you should complain about someones playstyle, because that is also entirely up to each individual. If you encounter something you don't like move on. If you can't stand certain playstyles play a different game.
I don't like keys. I don't like Mori's. But I also don't like SWF in general or nasty meta perks combos. I don't blame someone for relying on that stuff though. Use what you want, but I will also use what I want.
If you can't say gg then say nothing. But don't be a complete dick for no reason. We don't know for sure what kind of playstyle the creator of this post normally has, but from the information that he has given there is no reason for being a terrible person in the endgame chat.
Besides...these kind of survivors will trash talk you regardless of the set up that you are using. They just have a broken ego in general so they like to take it out on others.
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Are u saying if the killer hooked someone at end game, he must leave that hook so survivor can be rescued? The mori is irrelevant as the killer wasn't able to use it.
I don't understand ur logic. U are basically defending the entitled survivors toxic messaging towards the killer, w insults and screams and u are defending these toxix behavior. The killer deserves this treatment over a video game?
How one sided entitled survivor can u be? U should just play dbd w no killers. I am legend style.
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We were specifically talking about end game chat. Not behavior in the game. When I say you only experience half of the toxicity, obviously I'm talking about the survivor half because you're fortunate enough to not have experienced it from killers.
Keep twisting the conversation though, I'm tired of repeating myself.
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So I looked at the top 20 messages on my PS4.
There were 3 messages from killers.
- 1 told me I'm good and that he wasn't able to mind game me. Gg.
- after getting tunneled, the killer said sorry for the tunnel. He said he lost the game becuz of tunnelling me. I died, everyone else escaped.
- killer let me go, he said I deserved it. I thanked him.
17 messages were from survivors
- 1 thanked me for saving him from a camping killer at end game where everyone else left but I was the only one who came back for him
- rest of the 16 were hate messages, 1 girl said all kinds of stuff to me becuz she Kobe, and I went after her and killed her.
She said I need to let survivors go becuz of that 4%. I told her sorry.
I'm actually having hard time finding toxic messages from killers. I'll keep looking.
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Oh my bad. I wasn't trying to twist the chat.
End game chat though, idk. That's so argueable. I mean was the killer the first one to comment? Or was he just reacting to something the survivors said to him?
If u play on consoles, killers don't really message u w toxicity. U should try console instead of PC.
But if we're talking overall, survivors are still the more toxic ones if we're solely looking at end game chat/PM.
Even if the benefit of the doubt sides on the survivors on PC, the console side is usually the survivors sending these type of messages.
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Here's something else to ponder - those toxic survivors...do you really think all of them aren't toxic killers as well?
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Define toxic. Behavior? Gameplay? Or text chat/PM?
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Read my previous comment very slowly.
I get that camping is the best tactic if the gates are open, but even then, the survivor that is being camped won't like it, neither will his teammates. So, by camping, you are asking for toxicity.
And if you really get offended by some stupid comments from strangers online, then grow thicker skin or turn off the endgame chat. Simple.
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Thanks for yet another killer vs survivor toxicity thread.
With once again, A very small sample, one game in fact.
Toxic people are Toxic. What we don't need are more threads dividing us as a community and spotlighting one incident to generalize one particular side.
Report them if it's over the top, then move on to the next game which will probably be four randoms you can 4k, who will still say, gg wp.
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Killers engage in end game chat in most matches I play. Usually it’s a gg or they complain about the map or whatever, nothing toxic. But I have plenty of screenshots of extremely toxic messages from killers, as well as Steam profile comments as I said.
I think the person who’s picking and choosing is you.
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Bringing ebony mori for "insurance".
Okay, bye.
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Me growing thicker skin is not the issue. If ppl get offended becuz the way they died in a video game, those ppl needs a thicker skin.
The survivors who complain doesn't have any skin. They are entitled. That's why they're toxic.
The problem is the survivors, not the killers.
It's a circular logic. A killer simply playing the game, is asking for toxicity from survivors. But those same survivors being toxic, and to tell the killer to just accept it due to skin problems is just hypocritical, and one sided pact mentality. That's the problem.
My inbox is full of hate mail. And I read every one of them. I get camped and tunneled. I'm totally ok w it. I'm pretty sure I have a thick skin.
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Could be both of us.
I usually see survivors commenting on end game chat. Killers usually say gg.
Or it's survivors ganging up on the killer and he is pushed against the wall defending himself.
Half the times, killers don't say anything.
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I agree with you. The game design allows mori and camping, while post game chat toxicity is rather something personal and shouldn't be part of the game.
From my experience, survivors are much more toxic when it comes to post game communication. That's probably because they feel more powerful since there're 4 of them vs 1 killer.
To avoid survivors post game toxicity, I think there should be at least an option to disable chat on the killer's side, also survivors should see a notice that the killer disabled chat for himself and won't read those messages. I believe this was they'll be discouraged from writing those toxic messages.
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It's honestly normal. If you win in this game as killer, survivors are going to complain. It doesn't matter how you do it. You can play nice, you can play mean, the salt will flow if you win. You will be insulted if you lose. You can turn off the endgame chat or steam comments but I leave them.
I get a TON of camping / tunneling complaints when I am playing pretty nice. If I hook someone, go across the map, hook someone else, then come back and hook you again, it's not tunneling sorry. Only like half of them are legitimate.
The other half of the comments that people post are just total lies.
"Whines about keys" when I just tunneled out the key user and slugged the rest after they swapped to it at 6 seconds and never said anything in that endgame chat.
"Enjoy depip" when the guy rage DC'd and I got Ruthless killer.
"BMs all game and camps for no reason" His SWF sent me to haddo, I am gonna BM and camp the heck out of anyone I get.
"-rep camp" when I am playing Hag and got 2 people in the basement early. I guess I should just walk across the map, let all my traps get triggered, and then let them unhook and reset for free.
And that's just this week. I recently had someone spew like 10 lines of salty comments because they exploited by sitting under the hook (so you can't pick them up) and then my response was to just facecamp the hooked person and them at the same time. They spoonfed me a win then cried about it.
I have had people say I am using Instadown / Exhaust add-ons on clown (why would you ever run those together) when I had 6 bottles of bleach that game, etc etc.
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Not enough is said about the demographics of this game when it comes to toxicity. I'm not sure but I believe 90% of the game's population is male ages 16-26. That alone should tell you the kind of people you are dealing with. There are outliers but they are rare.
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You put those words in your own mouth dude. That's actually funny.
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Ok you rekt yourself. You get bad messages because you invoke them
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Feng min outfits which is your style? Only true feng mains answer this correctly.
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Well it's not smart to assert a generalization over more than 50% of the playerbase based off a single anecdote, but that sounds super stressful.
TURN CHAT OFF! You don't need to hear anyone's judgment about how you played! If it brings you down, just turn it off. You're not here to have a bad time.
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Using offerings and playing the game by following the games rules is not toxic. How are you comparing that to write stuff about the other players mother etc?
That said people must learn to close that chat on PC and block messages on console. When you play solo never interact with the other players!
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No not really. I usually don't say anything in the endgame chat. The same people who cry on my profile are the same people using all the survivor meta perks, key swapping at 6 seconds, offering haddonfield/ormond, teabagging with object, and having profiles where they say like "leave salt LOL" or something similar.
Playing killer to win is enough to get boatloads of hate mail. And like I said, even if you play by the survivor rulebook, people will still find something to complain about. So I usually don't bother unless I am going out of my way to farm BP.
I never complain when I lose a game of DBD, most of the time I don't even stay to the endgame screen if I died as survivor. Which is why it's funny to me that so many people do. People will sit there and wait like 6-7 minutes until a game is over to spew some salt when they could have played an entire other match by that point.