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"bLoOdLuSt iS ObSoLeTe" meanwhile:



  • Member Posts: 899

    Lots of mistakes here. You had some ez hits that you were far to late on but had you swung earlier would have had them. the first loop i feel you tried a bit too hard to mind game the pallet instead of forcing the drop THEN mindgaming. these are just my opinions. Vaulting that window at the small fence was sill as he was hugging the fence and you could've hit him over the vault. I am for bloodlust tho but they are going to take it out of the game they need to change the maps to coincide with the change.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Nah it is not that bad tbh.

    I've played both sides against pc and didn't have that much trouble.

    It's a matter of adjustment honestly.

    Tho pc might be able to turn smoother but other than that it's about the same

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Dude not to burst your bubble but you suck as demo. You gotta learn how to use your shred, you seem extremely inexperienced.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    I can see why you need bloodlust. Maybe they should keep it for rank 10 and below (although smerfing would get worse)

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    It's pretty obvious what happened. Bloodlust isn't an issue, the problem was Steve knew how to run tiles and loops, you don't. Either practice your looping and get better, or leave him alone and go for the other Survivors who aren't as good as he is.

  • Member Posts: 464

    You are the type of player that unironically thinks Shack is an infinite

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    This video is actually disturbing.

  • Member Posts: 899

    There are some tiles that would 100% need to be dumbed down if bloodlust wasnt a thing anymore. The first tile in the video here is a perfect example of what the tile should be without blood lust this tile is 100% a tile where you can win the pallet without BL. But shack and main building loops are crazy to not be able to have atleast BL 1 2 and 3 i never get to but BL1 is a common one that people get and i think as a survivor/killer player bloodlust 1 is 100% fair

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    bruh you should not have posted this for everyone to see lol

  • Member Posts: 298

    I don't get it, what is the point of this post?

    You linked a video of extremely poor gameplay to show that you still need bloodlust?

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Watching this is painful. Wide turns, missed chance to swing twice or more up to where I stopped. You as a killer naturally run faster than survivors you don't need bloodlust in most places and this test will show that more than likely which they will probably use to rework the maps they haven't yet done and then bloodlust won't be needed. All this video did was show low skill needing bloodlust because of simple to fix mistakes and unawareness.

  • Member Posts: 122

    And now when the devs see this video they will keep bloodlust off.

    Like most of the comments - this wasn't a great example.

    Though I feel if you'd actually never bothered to Shred that the Steve might've gotten hit and a pallet used.

    But then again he may be a feckin' God.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Ok, im going to be the sensible person here and say, this is stupid and reminds me of when i first got the game when it was first released on ps4. Killers have less mobility thab survivors because of the bigger collision bix. This makes these small loops kn favor of survivors because they have a shorter distance to go. Negating the killers speed advantage. Turning basically every loop no matter how unsafe into a near infinite

  • Member Posts: 2

    To all of you saying he wasnt perfect and thats why he failed thats the exact reason why blood lust is necessary no one should have to chase a loop so ######### perfect just to get a hit. there needs to be room for error especially because the whole point of blood lust was to close the gap to give killers that wiggle room and the survivors had plenty of ways to stop blood lust build up if you think its not something that should be in the game you might be try harding to much or just in general being sweaty. And i bet ill be told im to casual but i just want to enjoy the game not get ######### stuck in fifty different chases because i have to wait for a survivor to ######### up a loop or pallet just to get a single hit in on ONE of the FOUR survivors.

  • Member Posts: 833

    sorry to tell you but you are looping very poorly, im not impressed since you are a console killer.

  • Member Posts: 328

    I get there's mistakes but tight looping without running into the object being looped is very hard nigh impossible with controller on console. It's just how it is except for the most hardcore console players.

    Get rid of bloodlust but then sort out matchmaking and give the option to crossplay different consoles only.

    Everyone knows for the most part PC players have advantage over movement and aim against 99% console players so it's not comparable.

    Based on the last survey I think they're looking at adding the ability to choose which platforms u can select for crossplay.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Tbh he did make a lot of mistakes on his end.

    I don't know what rank he is, but seeing his gameplay shows me he just have to learn what to do at certain loops loops.

    When to use his ability and when to go for a basic attack and when to drop a chase and move on.

    Sure there are some killers that would need bl but demo definitely isn't one of them.

    I posted a vid of me playing wraith and with no bl in this thread against a swf group.

    I can assure you that I was not sweaty or try harding at all and they were good survivors.

    Not once needed is bloodlust, which you can also see in older vids that a rarely hit bloodlust with any killer.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    This is why bloodlust should be in the game

    *proceeds to play badly showing that bloodlust carries killers that are bad*

    Likewise we need a better ranking system so killers don't face veteran survivors so their usual tactics are ineffective.

    Overall, BHVR still has a lot of work to do to make the game better and not a chore to play.

  • Member Posts: 347

    People forget you are playing on ps4. Since bloodlust gone, if killers make a mistake they are screwed.... Many people say that bloodlust carries bad killers, how about bad survivors who just drop pallet and run... isn’t it easier for them now?

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Well actually no, it stays the same for them tbh.

    All it did when dropping pallets was getting rid of bloodlust.

    So it will most likely stay the same for them and not getting easier.

    Other than running in a straith line in the open vs a 110% killer 😉

    I play on ps4 as well and you just need to identify which loops you need no leave and which you need to brute force

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    What are those "plenty of ways to stop the bloodlust build up"?

    Those ways stop building up Bloodlust/remove it:

    Using Killers Power

    Breaking a Pallet

    Walking as Survivor

    Hitting a Survivor

    Being out of Chase for some seconds

    What exactly should a Survivor do at one of those Loops displayed? If the Killer is using their Power and misses, thats up to the Killer. Breaking a Pallet, if the Killer does not decide to break the Pallet once its thrown, there is nothing the Survivor can do at those short loops. Walking is the only thing they can do, but it is clearly no option.

    And you will also not be able to break chase there.

    Like, you say that Bloodlust should be there to compensate for Mistakes, but how is it fair that a Survivor can play a Tile without any failure, but the Killer still gets the hit, despite messing up that hard like seen in the video? Bloodlust is NOT there to compensate for Mistakes, it was originally a band-aid fix for Looping, but the problematic spots become less and less over time.

  • Member Posts: 347

    But I’m saying if you go around a pallet instead of breaking then the survivor has more time to get to the other pallet or loop. There is no such a thing as one side impacted negatively then the otherside don’t enjoy the benefit.

  • Member Posts: 984

    Well essentially what you described is a player making a pretty decent error and losing because of it. Nothing wrong with that.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    If the killer decides to not break the pallet and go around than that is up to him.

    You can do that only in certain situations.

    1. if the sur decide to keep running away even though the pallet loop is safe.

    Than as killer you go around to catch up, and you will in that situation.

    2. If it is an unsafe pallet loop.

    For example on haddonsfield there is a pallet between a car and a tree.

    When that pallet is dropped and the survivor decide to stay there, you will get him without bloodlust.

    Just run around the tree and you'll catch up and the survivor has to make a decision which will never be in his favour.

    As I said you need to identify what loops you can brute force and which you need to leave untill later.

    Also as killer identity which survivor is the weakest and capitalise on that.

    Get rid of him/her and make it harder for the rest.

    Or leave him on the ground and you have 2 survivors not doing gens.

    Chase another one and only 1 survivor is doing gens.

    Best way to play this game is to play both sides and you will get better as you see both perspectives.

    As survivor you will get better at looping and as killer you will understand which loops are strong and which weak.

    Meaning you get to know what to do at each loop and how to counter it.

    Like I said before, I play both sides and yes, survivor side is a walk in the park.

    But as killer play smart and you'll see you won't need bloodlust that badly.

    Beside, right now it is just a test.

    Are there bigger problems than removing bloodlust?

    Yes definitely.

    For example, they should find a way to implement a good mmr system so people of the same skill level are matched with eachother.

  • Member Posts: 184

    What you are actually not thinking is that there are several other options to what you are mentioning.

    First thing you should think is that not everything you imagine happen and second is that the fact that bloodlust is there, one way or the other, force the survivor to think in more than a simple decision. In the current system, without BL, if you find a safe loop there is no decision, you just stay on it forever and keep roling over the pallet at the right time. Fake going over and keep going around. With BL you are forced to use other loops and use loops as a set and to force killer to break pallets otherwise they will catch up.

    Another thing is that bc killers will be forced to break more pallets the game will be overwhelmingly easier on safer zones bc they will be forced to break chase multiple times more than usual if they hope to win the game. So a chase that otherwise they would continue you will start, reach a 2,3 set of pallets and bye bye killer. That will always happen, without BL will happen much more.

    If you recognize survivor as a walk in the park it doesnt make sense to make it easier, on the contrary. I dont think it's a walk in the park particularly, but it still has a much lower skill ceiling than killer and it's fairly easier than killer.

  • Member Posts: 184

    What you do on those short loops? You throw them trying to stun. Even if you can't you don't stay on them, you use them to connect to other loops, being windows or other pallets. The fact he didnt break that simple loop will be a problem for him when you go around that other loop and use the downed pallet again to go around. Some of them can be used that way.

    One way or the other, survivors can't expect to simply put down all the pallets of the game straight away and win the game by simply doing that. Without BL that is a straight win. It's not a simple matter of reaching a safe area, many areas become safe areas so long as the survivor has a barely minimum of experience looping. There will be some loops that people will say: "just mindgame behind walls", etc. (1) That's not all loops, (2) against experienced survivors that can be ridiculously bad for you, while you moonwalk as a mastermind he is already in another part of the map frolicking 200m away from your moonwalk, simple.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Well imo if you get bloodlust at a pallet loop than that is a safe loop for survivors and you should have broken the pallet.

    And since you get bloodlust there, you spent way to much time trying to force the survivor making a mistake or miss read your intentions.

    As I said in the vid I posted here, there is a loop where a claudette is healing.

    She knows as well as I do that that is a safe loop for her.

    When she drops the pallet and i decide not to break it, it will create an infinite loop no matter if you have bloodlust 1 or 3 you will never get her there without breaking the pallet.

    You see me even walk away from it and only go for it once I had sacrificed 1 or 2 of her friends.

    If you leave to many pallets down than that is a mistake on you as killer.

    Remember what pallets are thrown down and as soon as you hooked the survivor, break it.

    Leaving safe pallet down in the map is a stupid thing to do.

    Sure during a chase, if a survivor runs away from aa safe pallet then don't break it and go for the down.

    But after you hooked that one, go and break it.

    As for playing survivor, yes for me it is very easy.

    I played survivor after the old rank reset and the new one with no perks or a no mither build without iron will and reached rank 1 every time.

    And yes I agree, it makes no sense to make it even easier.

    But, as I said before, you can check out all of my vids and you will see I rarely get bloodlust.

    And even if I did than it was for about a sec or so, maybe 2.

    Also the loops get shorter and unsafer after reworks, tho i must admit that there are still some strong loops, but not as many as there were.

  • Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    Well imo... sorry. I don't think the same way you do. It's not always a mistake to leave a pallet as a killer, specially if you had Blood lust, without BL as I mentioned before, you will be forced to break more pallets.

    First, you dont break pallets that are unsafe and you can mindgame. I know you know that, but you said "it's a mistake" in a broad stroak maybe bc of the heat of the argument or bc you didnt remember it.

    Sometimes is much more benefitial to break a pallet, sometimes it's not. Sometimes you can fake breaking a pallet and move on to catch the person using BL or even without. The time you waste breaking they will be further away from you. As such, is not always benefitial to break a pallet, period.

    That is what I was talking about. Sure, you can break it afterwards, but that was what I meant by not breaking them. I was talking about the chase, not afterwards.

    Edit: It seems like you mistook what I said of not breaking pallets, for leaving them forever in the map. I dont understand how you got to that conclusion, but saying you dont leave pallets behind without breaking because it's a mistake it's much more confusing. Specially when you acknowledge there are times you aren't supposed to break them.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Another M1ing Trapper who needs to learn to get kills without Bloodlust 3.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Well that is your opinion which I respect.

    But you focus to much on bloodlust that you start relying on it.

    Which was a plaster fix to make up for an imbalance and many strong loops there were.

    Yes there is still an unbalance between survivor and killer.

    But the loops are shorter and unsafe, again not all there are still strong ones.

    About being beneficial of breaking pallets.

    That is exactly what I said, does a survivor move away from a safe pallet?

    You don't break it.

    Does he stay at a safe pallet?

    Break it.

    If there is bloodlust and as killer you have it?

    I throw a pallet down especially if it is a safe pallet, and I will force you to break it.

    Cause i won't move away from it untill I see you starting the animation.

    So you can have bloodlust 3 and i make sure there is little chance I take a hit.

    You managed to hit?

    I get a sprint burst to a next loop an you lose your bloodlust.

    But doing so, relying heavily on bloodlust, means you are allready in a losing situation and spend way to much time on 1 survivor.

    And remember it is a 1v4 game, unless you camp and rely on over altruistic survivors or noed.

    Some killers do that and that is their choice.

    Again, I play both sides as rank 1 and whenever I play killer I seriously only hit bloodlust very rarely.

    Even when I hit bloodlust it is very very short, whether I down or hit the survivor or because I break the pallet.

    I never rely on bloodlust to get a survivor, but trying to force them in mistakes which they often do.

    Now I really don't blame you if you do rely heavily on bloodlust, but you must remember that it was only a forced option because of the amount of safe loops and the huge amount of pallets on the map.

    Which has all been tumbed down in size and amount.

    That is on reworked maps ofcourse, but pallets are less than there were even on none reworked maps.

    Again this is my opinion about bloodlust as I might have a different playstyle, maybe more optimal who knows, than you have.

    And there is nothing wrong with that.

    Whether or not you agree with me i respect your opinion, but i think it has more to do with your playstyle than actually having bloodlust or not

  • Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    Yes. I understand what you are saying. I'm just disagreeing because people seem to be assuming too much with BL3 in mind and with 2 hits as well. If you think about a killer like wraith or Legion that are M1 killers and supposedly more affected by lost of BL and look at the best loops in the game you will notice you will be forced to break chase when if you had BL 1 you could get them. Even if it's not much faster a little difference is difference enough (think when you got the person next to the gen and got 1 hit, then he went to a safe zone, now if you down them, 15 more is good enough).

    Same thing happens for "play with your food" and similar effects. Time is of the essense for killer, thus, everything that shaves away time from killers affects them whether people want to recognize it or dont, claiming they never use BL. As an example, everyone can watch the tutorial from Scott Jund "Running tiles as a killer" (I watched many times before) and at the end, after breaking 2 pallets he enters BL 1 to catch up in one of the best loops of the game, one that never changed in the so called ballances of breakable walls.

    Other than that I dont think some of those ballances are good as well. The ones with clear always opened doors, sure. Still think they are not good because some of them destroyed the loop altogether, but ok... others add a second layer of pallet as to say: "if you want to run this loop properly you are forced to break this", so it's more time shaved away and possibly one lost chase. It's better than not having them, but they don't seem like the best idea around.

    One way or the other it will be more time shaved from killers. Could be simply to the players with lower skills? Sure, it could be. I don't think it is, but even assuming it is, it still affect them and that's a valid reason to oppose the change so far as I see it.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    It's funny you mantioned wraith as the video I posted here was with wraith.

    And you can clearly see I still get a 4k with him, and that was with bloodlust removed.

    I played wraith a lot and never have I relied on bloodlust, not bloodlust 1, 2 or 3.

    If you rely on bloodlust with wraith, than you're not using his powers properly.

    Hell if they took away bloodlust without saying it, i wouldn't ever notice it.

    I only know judd from name and never watched anything from him, but by the sounds of it, he spends to much time chasing 1 survivor.

    Now I'm not saying he's terrible or anything or that I'm better than him.

    But again it sounds as he relies on bloodlust to catch survivor.

    Again I might be wrong here, I never seen any gameplay from him so I don't know his playstyle or skill level.

    Yes some breakable walls should never be there, I don't understand why the devs ever put in these things at certain points.

    Cause yeah i agree time is important for the killer and yes killers get imo more nerfs than buffs.

    Btw the only best breakable walls are the 2 closed doors on badham in the school.

    I'm very pleased they closed these 2 doors cause that makes it stronger for the killer, so you need to keep them closed at all times.

    Also breaking chases at strong loops is something I allready said.

    Identify them and leave them untill you are certain you're gonna catch them and have a bit more time to spend.

    You can see it in my vid where I leave claudette till near the end, she knows it is an infinite loop if the pallet goes down and I don't break it.

    At that point she's very confident untill I break the pallet and you can she that she runs into nothing.

    Like I said before and there is a lot of proof in my vids, I don't rely on bloodlust with any killer.

    And i play ever single killer, no matter how difficult they are on console

  • Member Posts: 1

    The comment section of this proves houw elitist this game is... Everyone's saying how the Killer is not playing optimally, yet not everyone wants to play the game super sweaty and competitive. The killer shouldn't HAVE to be frame perfect, cutting every single millimeter from the loops, just to compete their objective. Sure, it should give them an advantage over inexperienced surviviors, but it shouldn't be a necessity in order to beat the survivors. I agree that bloodlust is a bandaid fix, but this experiment outlines the major issues in the core balance of the game. Survivors should be weaker individually, but make up for it in their numbers.

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    If they get the stun and get away because of that, this is fine. If they decide to play that unsafe Pallet, it comes down to who is the better player - either they outplay you (e.g. faking the Pallet Vault) and gain distance, or you can outplay them. If they can distance by an outplay, nothing wrong with that, the Survivor was better. And really better, it is not mindless Looping and grinding through safe Tiles if they do that.

    If two unsafe Tiles are linked together, they become quite safe. One example would be on Saloon the two Pallets between Saloon and Shack. Those are unsafe on their own but when they are both dropped, they are a decent place to loop. However, the Killer can do something about that by breaking the Pallet. The Survivor might get distance because of that but it is way better than looping there (if the Survivor is competent of course) and it removes this as a potential Looping area for the future.

    I dont have any problems with being outplayed because the other side played a Tile well. But being looped around a bunch of safe Tiles while the Survivor drops the Pallet early (which is a really safe way of playing, but can backfire a lot when done early) is as frustrating as outplaying a Killer and they get a Speedboost for being not good enough to get a Hit.

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