Should they keep Bloodlust tier 1 but remove 2 and 3?

I am asking because it seems like the results are very mixed from what I've been hearing from people now that Bloodlust is disabled. Maybe keeping tier 1 but removing 2 and 3 would be a better idea than removing the whole mechanic?


  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    Yeah keeping Bloodlust tier 1 would maybe be the best option for all ranks.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    Honestly I don't see a problem with Blood lust ... the thing is some PC players "Mostly" are modifying these game files to give themselves an upper hand right off the bat . (in short words Cheating) so after Cross-play this became more noticeable to the community and that's why this became an issue IMO .

    I play both roles but survivor more than killer and as mentioned above it's an important mechanic that helps in strong loops for weak killers or as a reward to the player for keeping on the chase for so long . and I would rather them not remove it completely but perhaps removing a tier or two if they must or only doing some tweaks to it to make fair .

    but my point is even with this mechanic fully removed that's even gonna entice more PC players to go on and edit or crack game files to give themselves a boost . I think that's where the problem relies actually because lately i've been seeing more players with Legendary skin so it's all suspicious and if it's something minor like a slight speed boost you can never tell .

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    Exactly, as I said previously, 2 and 3 are mostly activated by rank 10+ killers. I think removing 2 and 3 would also benefit low rank killers as it will teach them that they cannot just rely on Bloodlust every time they're in chase.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    Yeah I feel this would be the correct way to go for now.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    I mostly agree. The only circumstance where I feel Bloodlusdt 2 and 3 are useful is during Endgame, where youre trying to prevent a survivor to get to the exit or to the Hatch, and so you cannot break pallets and give them that distance, however there's nothing stopping that survivor from just predropping every pallet. So BL 3 balances the survivor playing it that safe and extending chases without thinking about it.

    Otherwise, during normal gameplay BL 1 is the only one needed.

    It could actually be pretty cool if we make it BL 1 is available throughout the game, BL 2 unlocks after all gens are done and BL 3 unlocks after hatch opens or after the gates open.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    I like this idea, there's nothing really wrong with bloodlust level 1 and killers like pig, trapper and myers seriously need bloodlust at some loops. It's actually painful seeing basic M1 killers getting looped constantly.

  • Lowell
    Lowell Member Posts: 15

    I would like more a more balanced titles to not need the bloodlust and maybe a kind of bloodlust when you spend some time travelling the map without chase someone, but if they make to only activate one level of bloodlust is fine

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    I think it could get difficult reworking every tile so it won't need Bloodlust. You can see when people play now without Bloodlust that they don't get a hit that they otherwise would if they had Bloodlust tier 1.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Why does this feel like it's been ripped straight out of a scottjund video?

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Remove BL 2 and 3 and Leave BL1.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    There are some loops you can use indefinitely now vs the huntress. It is hilarious.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Scott recommended this. It would easily be the healthiest choice for the mechanic. Killer's can no longer bloodlust Autohaven's car loops, but they still have a method of catch-up should they fall behind.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Yeah this sounds good to me, BL 1 is usually the only one I ever activate unless I got extremely unlucky with a tile chain.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    Well, I got the idea from him, you could say I "copied" him, I personally don't care. I just thought to myself what a brilliant solution to the Bloodlust situation it would be. I've also seen some streamers playing without Bloodlust and it looks a little problematic imo.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640
    edited November 2020

    Ditch bloodlust entirely and have them work on fixing maps and loops so we shouldn't EVER need something like bloodlust again.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    But it would be pretty much the same, wouldn't it? I mean if they would fix maps and loops so we wouldn't need Bloodlust tier 1 then it would be like playing WITH Bloodlust. It would take too much work I think for them to do so, why not just ditch tier 2 and 3 and keep 1? I mean almost everyone in this thread agrees with me on this idea.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    So what if it takes too much work? They should be encouraged to do a better job. Bloodlust was added because of how unbalanced it was to use god tier loops and they should keep working to get rid of those aspects of the game rather than keep holding things together with band-aids and duct tape.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    Pretty much sums up how I feel about survivors trying to decide what parts of killer are skilled or not.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    Why should they work on something that would be the same as keeping Bloodlust tier 1? If they reworked loops to be so you don't need Bloodlust at all anymore then that would technically mean that the experience would be the same if they didn't rework loops and kept Bloodlust tier 1.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm only trolling mate lol sorry if it looks like I'm being a dick. Just was joking about the fact that you said basically the same thing as him without actually mentioning him.

    I think only having bloodlust 1 would be fine. Could have Beast Of Prey be the only way you reach bloodlust 2 and 3.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    No problem haha. So that would also mean that Beast of Prey will finally be meta in low ranks? 😂

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It would actually give Beat Of Prey a proper purpose lol

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I personally saw nothing wrong with the mechanic and even as a red rank killer, I've hit tier 3 BL a few times...

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Why should a killer be rewarded for being outplayed in loops and jungle gyms? Break the pallet.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the results are not in what so ever. what you have seen is the vocal very much minority of people talking about it. i haven't seen over 30K-70K users weighing in on the forums and that's only the people on steam not the people on PS4 and Xbox being included in the numbers. there are ps4 and xbox users logging in here and weighing in but still not a huge number. they will reactivate blood lust on monday at 11am eastern without removing anything. they will go in and look at the data THEN to make more concrete ideas.

    it's a very few "SOME" pc players that will hack the code. and if the coding is able to be activated that way then it's on behavior. this is not what people were changing before.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    Wdym? Bloodlust tier 1 is the only one that doesn't reward bad playstyle by killer. Tier 2 and 3 are the ones that are called Bloodlust farming or whatever. Most of the killers that farm Bloodlust are in low ranks and not skilled.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited November 2020

    Bloodlust also rewards high skill killers who achieve extremely good pressure. If your going to 2 or 3 every chase forever your obviously not that good, but having a mechanic that forces survivors to either clean end the chase or lose a hit if their team can't pressure the killer back isn't the worst thing.

    I guess the best way to put it is 'If the killer is investing 45+ seconds into you, and your not popping 2 gens, is the killer REALLY bad for doing so, or did they just notice that no one is repairing?'

    That said I wouldn't shed a tear for Tier 3, which actually IS a 'loops forcibly over' mechanic. Tier 2 has its moments for endgame/high pressure scenarios but you should be able to clear basically any loop with it very quickly unless its a safe and that is a super niche thing to need.

    Tier 1 is just unambiguously good for the game IMO. Survivors shouldn't feel super comfortable sitting in the killer's LOS without a lot of stuff between them and Tier 1 helps prevent that. Looping is sorta an unintended feature of DBD overall and sadly is now the only real way to survive because survivors mover slower overall, but at least requiring survivors to try to run the killer through the map rather than on one really good building is an ideal outcome in this post-juke world.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,057

    I guess the Sacrificial Ward would be good in that case lol.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    Yes I agree with you.

    I think bloodlust level 2 and 3 are not necessary but for now it cannot be completely removed.