Let's talk about this weekend's state of the game

JHondo Member Posts: 1,174
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

This is gonna be a bit of a rant so I apologise in advance.

Tonight in "playing" for 2 hours I have gotten to play 1 killer match to fulfill a daily and 2 Survivor matches. The remaining time in game has been spent playing lobby simulator, getting a match then a dc throws me right back into lobby simulator.

Of the two actual Survivor matches I have played I have been the only purple rank on a team of yellow and brown ranks with killers that are green or above. Normally this wouldn't tilt me but I've spent more time in lobby tonight than any other time I've played this game!

Something needs to be done because showing how one side feeling wronged leads to the worst match making and queue times I have experienced in this game (and yes this includes the mmr debacle from earlier this year)

Anyone else incredibly frustrated and about to just give up on DbD at least for the remainder of the weekend?


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Yea... I'm in the middle of burnout so

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    My queue times have been fine. I played alone, with a duo, with a trio, and with a 4 stack & they weren't that bad.

    The thing that was bad was that 3 killers in a row quit in the middle of a match. 1 because we popped gens too quickly, 1 because they got hit with a pallet, 1 because we played a shroud of union.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Update, got my 3rd Survivor match after another 20 minutes in the lobby. Went well but the 2nd Deathslinger in a row, also we were all rank 5 and the killer was a rank 15....

    MM is so absolutely screwed today that I think I'm done for the weekend and hopefully come Monday evening it's not still total garbage.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah it's taking a minimum of 10 minutes to get a game. Finally got into a game, got and got a camping, tunneling, slugging, and teabagging Ghostface so I DCed. I'm just playing another game now. I'm already having more fun and I'm still in the loading screen.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Hasn’t been that awesome. Cheers!

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    Matches as Killer are lame, and matches as Survivor take 5+ minutes to queue only to be found by the Killer 15 seconds in. Get hooked with no teammates nearby, so I die. Yippee.

    Oh. And face camping too.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    i wont play till its on again been playing silent hill 2 highly recommend

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    If I was a billionaire and could just buy out BHVR or become their new chinese overlord or whatever, I would do the following:

    • Have an entire new matchmaking/ranking system created, tested, and implemented. Not just use the current broken rank system and make a good matchmaker either, I mean actually learn from the mistakes and create a functioning system- that also takes into consideration your skill with each individual killer (Keeping in mind most skills are still universal though).
    • Create an incentive system that increased rewards for survivor or killer; based on how much demand there is for that role in the matchmaking queue. If queues are long from lack of killers, than killers would have a boost to BP gains or other bonuses for playing during those periods, and vice versa.
    • Remove Mori's from the game, however killer's would be able to mori the last survivor in a match if they down them fully. (Yeah, I know you might get that rare DS or such escape, but let's be real here, if you had to give up that ONE SMALL THING, to not deal with ebony mori's again, you would happily take it, the folks saying otherwise are mostly people who just actually want to keep Mori's. If a killer has basically won the game, they should be able to just Mori, the cool animation is the reward they can have)

    There are other problems too of course, from things with detection and whatever else; but I mean those are the things that are easily fixable if things are actually put into motion to make them happen.

    That's just me though, sure everyone has their own imaginary wishlist.

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    Suvivor wait times for me feel like 10 to 15 minutes. Killer wait times are about 10 to 15 seconds.