DBD Forecast

Things are happening in the game currently, so I find myself trying to predict what we all may see in the coming weeks/months.
Changes to BL, I believe given feedback about this we will see the removal of T2 and T3 BL and possibly a nerf to BL T1.
The Twins release will not hit marks due to its laughable ammount of counterplay and the fact that the devs just seem so inherintly blind to the fact that every single second counts as killer. You cant afford having no power for 45 sec to not even secure a down. One sided counterplay is the real killer here. Reason being is when your income comes from 4/5 of the community, making or releasing something that may irritate them is detrimental to your wallet.
In light of this BHVR may try to recoop some of this loss by releasing a whole slew of cosmetics in the coming weeks. More than normal that is. Hotfixes and Balance updates will probably take longer to roll out, especially on Killer side.
More than likely will see a new Chapter teaser well before the issues with Chapter 18 is resolved.
Now heres where the doom and gloom stops. Its all just subjective, BHVR please prove me wrong. I would be so happy if I would have to eat my words. BL changes need to happen but I just dont think now was the time, but what do I know I just play the game. The more time goes by it just feels more and more the Devs are very disconnected.
Again I hope Im wrong and they have this wonderful plan they are carrying out. I only say these things because I care about the game, the devs, and the players as a whole.
I think they will also fo the following:
- Hex: Undying will be nerfed to only proc once
- Clown will get a nerf due to how powerful he apparently is
- Deathslinger will get a nerf on his ability to fake his power
- MMR will be cancelled
- Winter event will be cancelled
- "Start Game Uncollapse" will be cancelled
- The twins will have all the toy addons changed to not be baby related and Victor will be given a really long beard
- The next patch will introduce something that wasn't in the PTB which will be a completely random buff/nerf to something balanced that upsets either all the killers or all the survivors.
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Victor will have a long beard, a walking stick to hit survivors with, his toy add-ons will be replaced with werther's originals, minion memes and tramadol, and whenever a survivor stomps him he'll say "f*cking millennials" before he dies