RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

Is it really that important to win? I mean I get it, it feels good to get that 4K or have a flawless 4 man escape but c'mon, winning isn't that important. Like what, if you don't get that 4K are the Devs gonna shoot your mom or something? Otherwise I don't understand why you care THAT much about winning. Was it really necessary to slug that baby dweet until he bled out so that you could get your 4K? Probably not, lol. I mean there comes a point where trying to win becomes a chore. No one could enjoy slugging the third person and searching for two minutes to find the 4th and meanwhile as survivor, doing all the gens in three minutes and escaping without even so much as seeing the killer couldn't possibly be fun right? Prioritizing winning over fun makes every loss sting that bit more and every win feeling kind of shallow if the majority of the match was boring. Am I missing some secret thrill to sweating or something? It sounds more stressful then fun to me.



  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    it depends. once im rank 1, i stop caring so much about the 4k because there’s no point.

    but at the start of the month when im going back to rank 1. anything is fair game

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    But some people like constantly testing the other side's skill level and ability to plan.

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    Purposefully holding back is annoying and boring. Playing well and challenging myself is fun. That doesn't mean running OP tryhard builds all the time is fun though.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited November 2020

    Eh. I'd be lying if I said the majority of my killer matches didn't end in a 4K/3K hatch escape but 9/10 times thats just because the team wasn't very good, or had one major weak link that let them all down. I really don't enjoy one sided matches no matter what side I'm playing.

    My favorite matches are the close ones against a good team (read "good" not sweat squad SWF) where I maybe get my second kill as the last gen is being done. Those are the most satisfying and really get my adrenaline going.

    I dislike getting stomped into the ground by an obvious 3/4 man SWF that are mysteriously organised with their altruism plays or hiding out the duration of certian powers/perks. Getting stomped by a god looper squad feels terrible when you decided to bite the bullet and play a Low tier or just about mid tier killer. It's a shame that so many killers power can be outright negated by an organised SWF as it really does make you feel impotent as killer.

    That said, I try not to get too tilted because.... its not like I paid into the match at all? Losing sucks sure, but its not like I'm actually losing anything. Rank means nothing to a degree, and unless you used BPS or something (which means I'm using good add ons) its not the end of the world. I will admit, I got so tilted by a SWF today that I DCed for the first time as killer (barring DCs to hawkins because ######### that map) out of frustration this weekend.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    It has to do with psychological urge to win, this is for every multiplayer game out there, COD, Fortnite, League of Legends, and so on. It feels satisfying to win, I mean do you feel good when you win? Well that's kinda the case here, and it adds a lot pressure to the players due to the fact this game isn't properly balanced also plays a factor into this game sadly, it can even hurt people psychologically which creates that man child form of toxicity. Now I could be wrong because people act toxic, because they find it fun, but not all of the toxic players are like that, they probably are doing it for other reasons. Don't let it get to you though, just try do your best I would count that as a win in my book.

  • DoctorIdiot
    DoctorIdiot Member Posts: 56

    You realize try-hards are all across the spectrum, right? If anything, I see more sweaty survivors than killers.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Because people find winning... fun? Crazy concept, I know. I don't think Solo Queue survivors go into a match to purposefully lose. And if they are, it's based on a ritual/challenge they are required to complete. And I can't really name a person who enjoys losing.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    If I ever reach rank 1. I doubt it because I'm not that amazing at the game, once I reached it and got the achievement for it I wouldn't care anymore. I don't need to sit at a rank to prove anything. getting back there shouldn't matter.

  • getuy45u4iu
    getuy45u4iu Member Posts: 93

    Yes, I think for many people it is important to win. If someone dedicates much time to the game, then it's not surprise that they want to win consistently.

    Since the original post refers to sweating by killlers, it also needs to be noted that survivors are not less sweaty. And a survivor letting killer sacrifice him (out of pity, because killer is having a bad game) is much less common than killers giving hatches. And giving hatch and then seeing that this survivor had meta perks such as DS or DH may be a little disappointing as it is an indication that is this survivor might be really sweaty himself.

  • justalilbit123
    justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190

    If winning isn't important, there shouldn't be ranks. But, there are ranks. So winning is important.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited November 2020

    I mean, I'm not going to bring an Ebony Mori on Nurse, Spirit, or Freddy and tunnel someone out of the game ASAP for the preeeeeecioussssss 4k. *Gollum!* *Gollum!*

    But I'm also going to play how I want to play.

    If I can see all 3 other Survivors waiting to save and I feel like breaking out some s'mores, I will.

    If I want to run Ruin and Undying, I will.

    If I want to bring an Ebony Mori, I will.

    If I want to slug for the 4k, I hella will.

    Generally I don't do any of the above; I tend to let the last person go, avoid killing anyone if there is an early DC(s), avoid tunnelling even if I can see there's no Obsession, play in a goofy way or with a goofy strategy for giggles, and run stupid memey perks that Survivors have probably forgotten exist because they're so used to Corrupt, Pop, Ruin, Undying, and BBQ.

    BUT I do that because I want to do that; not because I want to be told "gee willikers, you're such a nice killer" or "thanks bro, like gg my dude".

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all too pleased if the other 4 people playing get to have fun too - and I try not to do anything to another player that I'd hate to have a Killer do to me.

    But in my experience people are as like to call me a stupid little [BAD WORD] as they are to say thanks when I give them Hatch or do whatever.

    So there's no point sabotaging my own fun trying to please people I don't know and can't control.


    If that means I'm a monarch of sweat, I'm cool with that.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    First off everyone has a different definition of "fun".

    Some purposefully try to piss people off and hide behind "it's just a game" as an excuse for cruddy behavior.

    Some want total domination.

    Some want a close game where both sides try their best.

    Some are just out for themselves.

    But no one enjoys losing everytime despite trying their best. Winning is (usually) fun because it means you beat the opponent and it makes you feel good.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    That's why I don't go for the win, usually, so it's fun for me and everyone else. I normally don't chase anyone longer than 30 seconds, I don't bother searching if I don't immediately see the survivor at the gen, and I go for a break at 2 gens left rather than stress myself out with trying to slow down the inevitable. Keeps things chill.

    If I'm trying to do a challenge or achievement, though, especially a killer adept, then yeah, the claws might come out and I'll slug for the 4k if I need to.

    As survivor, I'm just not good enough at it to be sweaty. Or maybe it's more correct to say I'm terrible at survivor. If I do well against a killer, besting them in a chase, then I feel bad because they must be new. Winning as survivor is a mixed bag of emotions: "yay! I escaped" but also "I'm sad because I feel like I bullied that rank 20."

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    As killer noone wanna lose because of the butt dance at exit gates.

    As survivor u get less points so ofc u wanna escape/camp hatch just to get a decent amount of points

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,192

    This is possibly bait, but meh.

    I'm not fully understanding what a "Sweatlord" or "Sweatlady" is. From your description, it seems to be someone who either a) gets the 4k or b) slugs before searching for the final survivor. Alternatively, as you said, for survivor it's doing the gens quickly.

    It feels like there's a lot missing out from both descriptions. For example: A killer 4ks, but only used 1 perk; or a survivor gets an easy escape using Slippery Meat. Basically, is a "Sweatlord" someone who just wins? Because the description seems to just allude to that.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    Watch one of the many Toxic survivor steamers that are popular (especially at night) These people will crush the killers 6 to 8 hours a night and the one game the killer does well in 7 hours they will excuse them of being 'try hard". Their audience Loves this. They get more viewers because of this.

    I can't imagine getting so good at this game and play with the some group of friends for 6 hours a day just crushing killers and being as toxic as possible and NOT getting bored at some point. These people love being try hard toxic survivors so much, they build a cult following, and half the streamers gimmick is to ban/pile on anyone in chat that ask they why they are so toxic

    so to answer you question, because some people love to crush others and for some reason never get bored of easy mode (which SWF survivor with over 1,000 hours of experience)

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    The answer is simple.

    Survivors need to be punished for NOT playing killer.

    While mmr is off/broken, killers are getting way more matches against higher skilled survivors.

    Nobody wants to play killer, nobody wants to solo q as survivor, every game is unfair so the killer assumes your whole team is connected and red ranks.

    So they make it their goal to punish all of you, even tho it's BHVR fault.

    FIX MMR!

    y'all deserve long wait times and sweaty matches until devs remove head from bum.

  • jpanda7
    jpanda7 Member Posts: 9
  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Yes because this game thrives off of its competitive esports nature.

    There's no way you could separate and organize players in such an undefinable manner.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Winning means nothing in this game with how unbalanced everything is. If a 4-man SWF brings in an Ormond offerings, 4 DS, 2 Unbreakable, 2 BT, 4 Dead Hards, 4 Adrenaline, and a 4th random perk, and a key, and you just so happen to not be playing Freddy, Spirit, or Nurse, you WILL lose. If you are in solo queue with bad teammates and the killer just so happens to bring a mori and kill everyone off of first hook, well, good luck. The other players didn't even perform well, they just used broken mechanics and combos. They aren't even winning at that point, they just aren't losing.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Its called be competitive while trying to keep a sportsmanship like attitude.

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    Imagine if ranks actually matter. I can play like ######### and still end up in rank 1

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    I want to win just as much as anyone, but I refuse to play in a way that makes the match miserable. Here recently, I have been allowing survivors to do challenges and getting mine done at the same time. When I want to kill, I kill. When I don't, I don't.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    Actually killer are very smug about winning tbh when I was playing camping was a big problem and they get smug about it don't generalize. If u wanna play chill play chill if you are going against toxic survivors be toxic back to them it's that simple.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I don't think survivor mains see all four people escaping as the only win. It definitely seems to be most killer mains who think the only way to win and therefore have fun is getting a 4k. I don't understand it myself. Some of the most popular games in the world right now are battle royales and people still manage to have fun without a clear cut win in every game. But not the DBD crowd. This community is insane and toxic.

  • Codeguy
    Codeguy Member Posts: 2

    which is why I don't visit the exit gates when there are survivors there :/

    gg and all, but I'd rather not give them the satisfaction of t-bagging me before leaving

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    It's not the hatch escape that they're complaining about--it's that killers will slug and leave someone on the ground for 3 minutes to bleed out while they search for the other survivor. That's not fun. Just hook the survivor and race to the hatch.

  • Killbutton
    Killbutton Member Posts: 87

    It's not about winning- it's about not losing.

  • ComaDarkvale
    ComaDarkvale Member Posts: 20

    I love the game. I have fun winning and losing. Me and my people actually have more fun losing do to funny ways it goes down. I don't get all the crying. No fun don't play. It's that simple

  • PrimeSkooma
    PrimeSkooma Member Posts: 5


  • awsome_predator
    awsome_predator Member Posts: 35

    Only reason to play anything is to win. otherwise every game should just be a draw then I'm sure no1 would play. Does any1 truly go out buy a game and go I don't want to win I'm just buying it because it will be fun to never win sadly that is what losers always say it's about having fun and taking part pfff there only saying that as they have a win rate of 1% winners have best fun when they win simple enough. So what if a guy camps slugs or tunnels or survivor do gens in no time or loop for days that's how they have fun that's how they have fun just because u don't enjoy the match doesn't mean they don't. that's problem with gamers these days always feel like there owed some free pass because they playing poor or that simply the opponent is better should be less moaning about getting wooped and try get better but thought u said it about having fun well sadly other players don't play for there opponents to have fun they play to enjoy it so if that's how someone plays that's what they enjoy even if they disagree with the tactic they use to win there enjoyment comes from the win

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Pro Tip: Not everyone you think is sweating is ACTUALLY sweating.

    I have a friend who is very good with flashlights and yet gets called a sweat lord all the time. All because he is somehow better than the average player.

    Some people are just playing the game.

  • DeltaPng
    DeltaPng Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    Speaking from a low ranker,

    I think it's fair to note that most killers will be upset if they get 0 kills and no close calls. That said, you can still make your own fun regardless of whether or not you get a kill or survive, without having to have to have a perfect team escape or the like.

    My fun recent moments is chasing a yellow shirted surv who hit me with too many pallets and took long, long loops through the center snow cabin. I was Pig. When I finally caught him, oh he wasn't going to get away! I hooked him and the other survs soon after completed the gens. I didn't care. I camped. In spite of it two other survs came by, I picked them up from the hook and just dropped them next to me. We all watched yellow perish on the hook together. Good times. Technically I only had beef with yellow, but the end game was too close to finishing so I couldn't pick up and let the surv shake free in time. Unfortunate, but that's ok, I got my mark.

    Another fun one was playing Legion for like the first or second time, against surv newbs. I frenzies like three of them but they kept looping me in a small house. They all downed themselves at the same time for not healing Deep Wound status. Good times. Good times.

    While some of these are rare situations, I find the fun times are when the killer is hunting me down and I manage a close escape, or when I finally down and hook like 1 surv at the end game. Bonus if it's in the basement. It's fun to camp then and dare the other survs to try to make a rescue. Thing like this bc the stakes are higher make for some more memorable moments. Sometimes they get away, or sometimes my 1 hook becomes 3. This may all be lower levels of play, how to being back the magic at high level, idk. I guess NOED brings the risk, but survs may just chicken out then. Maybe more incentive like double points at the end?

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Imagine playing a match-based PVP game and complaining about people trying to win.

    Everyone knows folks full of the competitive spirit gravitate towards animal crossing and paper Mario.

  • I found a good balance- killer or survivor I teeter between rank 14-10 and don't sweat hard enough to surpass that general play area- I keep my perks comfortable but not OP- even if it bites me in the ass I'll usually just slug the first survivor I down or on the flip side as a survivor I'll focus on gens OR helping teammates but won't sweat hard enough to be everywhere at once lol

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    When you were playing?

    Are you not still playing?

    What was so smug, btw also a generalization.

    If you play chill as killer, and lose, you will be tbagged, not a generalization but a highly probable occurrence.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Sweatlord/lady kinda lost it's meaning.

    I've been called out for sweating with my fire up/brutal strength/bamboozle Legion. Some people call anything that's not purpossally losing sweating nowadays

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Wow I was not expecting this many responses. Please allow me some time to respond to you all. I’m busy rn.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Yeah I get that. The community is super split on this. For example Otz recently made a survivor guide video and while I respect him immensely, his video basically boiled down to split up, do gens at all times. No fun allowed. I understand that’s the optimal play but a more casual player like me mightn’t understand this no nonsense attitude to something that’s supposed to be fun. I understand now that my language was a bit inflammatory but I made the post because I just couldn’t really understand the mindset where winning is prioritised over a fun match.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Oh I thought it was the other way around. Toxic killers are created by toxic survivors.

    It could be just a chicken and a egg thing though.

    We'll never get the answer