

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Yes. This is a game; more to the point, it is a PVP game. The Survivors have the objective of getting out alive. The Killer has the objective of killing them all. Boiled down to the core, that is the game. If you don't like this game, why are you playing it? Why are you trying to pass your personal failures at the game on to others? Take ownership. When the Killer earns a 4K it is because YOU (and the other Survivors in that match) failed to stop him/her. The person you should be giving scrutiny to is yourself FIRST, and your teammates second.

    And as a follow up, yes, it is important for the Killer to earn as many BP as he/she can, and as much advancement in Emblems as possible.

  • DerFan
    DerFan Member Posts: 42

    My experience is this:

    If the killer doesnt get a kill or even a hook, you will always get a "swaety" or "toxic" call in end game chat. even if u didnt have any DS or UB in your team. The killer is most of the times just frustrated by his own poor performance without noticing it.

    If the survivors dont get the 4 man escape, they will in most cases insult you in the endgame chat as beeing toxic, swaety or a tunnler. even if you played extremly fair the whole game.

    In the end, just play the game! Learn from your mistakes and improve. Or be a Trump and live in your own reality.

  • Phoenixrebirth1
    Phoenixrebirth1 Member Posts: 21

    They need to rework the hit system I know they make it so killers can get easier hits

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    I like how playing with purpose, focus, or the intent to apply yourself is looked negatively in this game. It's frowned upon all of a sudden because the their experience is not "having a good time", so they lash out and try to make the other side of the field feel guilty? Where's the logic in that? It's like making someone feel bad that their mom packed them cookies for lunch, and you got carrots and celery. Don't be jealous. "hey you best me that game with your *insert strategy*, you played the game effectively, capitalized on my mistakes (or teams), good for you, now go f*ck yourself and take my verbal assault you bad person you!" - lol

    Ask yourself this: "what's the point in playing a PvP game, with no purpose of getting better and applying yourself fully?" This isn't checkers son, this is DbD, welcome to the Killer Dome.

    This is, in an essence, a competitive game- regardless of your thoughts or subjective feelings on the matter, objectively this game is competitive in nature. Escape or die. kill or forever be tbagged at the gates. "Try-harding" in a PvP game to win lol. Everyone complaining about that needs to grow up. Did you expect a "casual, left click and space bar experience"? With low stress? If you wanted that, go play afk arena/chess.

    Both sides needs to stop complaining, crying, and trying to shame the other side of completing their objective in the game and stop throwing a fit when a game doesn't go their way. If you suffer from a game that you consider as a "loss", then learn to adapt and make self improvements. Don't just start blasting the other side. It's not going to help the community as a whole and looking for excuses is just so pathetic. (Not talking about bugs, cheats, and other nonsense we have seen from time to time)

    Every PvP game is going to have a meta, every PvP game is going to have toxic players, every PvP game is going to make you feel great when you win, and sh*tty when you lose. That is the nature of PvP games. You know what you are playing when you log on and que for match.

    Develop thick skin, or get your self-entitled ass out of my game :)

    Have a great day.

  • Gore_Nargai
    Gore_Nargai Member Posts: 77

    Alright, so you are basically saying all killers should play like you think is fun...?

    "No one could enjoy slugging the third person and searching for two minutes to find the 4th"

    When i slug the last kill cause i want to prevent the last guy to find the hatch, i'm not sweating, i'm just playing regular. I see the game as a full strategy, for me that's fun. The game punish u for making wrong decisions, that's how in my opinion you can describe DBD in a few words.

    The way i manage the game when playing as a killer, depends completely on what types of survivors i get. If i get jerks that love to teabag o spam flashlights, just because they think they are good, i'll aim my strategy completely towards getting the 4k. If i got a chill game, with challenging survivors that have a good sense of sportsmanship, i'll leave the last one scape trough hatch or i'll just leave them myself at the door, even maybe i get completely surpass and they win...

    But yeah, winning it's important, and yeah it can be also stressful. But really whatever game with even the slightly grade of competitivity, can be , in fact, stressful. But "fun" is subjective, so not everyone it's going to enjoy the game the same as you.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited November 2020

    we should just remove hatch tbh, worst idea in the game and when its down to two players it becomes hide an seek. it sucks as survivor and as killer. removing hatch and not punishing the killer s much because someone escaped would reduce slugging for 4k massively

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Yea I dont play that hide and seek unless the killer is slugging and camping the body.

    I work on gens til I die, or if I see the other survivor just hiding doing nothing. I just go to the killer and get myself killed.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I mean part of playing chill is understanding that in the end it does not matter if you win or lose. A month from now you're probably not going to remember that match where you effortlessly stomped the survivors but you might remember a match where you didn't do so hot but had a lot of fun. Toxic people will always be an issue, no matter the game. If you were feeling particularly calm you could try and ask them how they were doing. It's possible that they simply had a bad day and want to vent by pissing others off in a game. Wouldn't work if they're crossplay and it probably wouldn't do anything but showing compassion instead of anger is always the best move I think. Playing chill can help create a more care-free attitude to the game, yeah you'll win less but it's important to remember that winning isn't everything.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Fair enough, but playing chill as a killer really equates to letting survivors go. When I play killer, I want to kill. I want to 4k every game. If I decide to let some one go, it is usually because of something that happened during the game that really impressed me or I feel that they had some bad luck. Playing chill often leads to depips as well for killers.

    So if you don't care about kills or pips, then by all mean play as "nice" as you want. But I don't see the point in playing killer that way. I don't want to farm, I want to play the game I have readied up to play.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Personally I see a games main objective as being fun first with winning being a side objective. That's not to say that I'm going to hinder my team as survivor just searching cheats and doing dull totems. I more mean that I'm not going to actively hinder the enjoyment of others just so that I can get a win. In a MULTIPLAYER game there is a social responsibility to make sure the game was enjoyable for everyone. Thing is, people tend to be very selfish a lot of the time, especially thanks to the anonymity of the internet. They just do their thing and everyone else can go ######### themselves with a rusty spoon. That's not the right attitude to have I think, on the other end of that screen is a person who has feelings too y'know?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I think it because some people don't have anything go on in they life so winning in a video give them something.

    another thing some people hate life or people want to make other miserable.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    And I find more try hard killers. Our anecdotal evidence cancel each other.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    True that why I wait to be rank 20 killer to play for fun again.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Rank 20 would be too ez for me, I'm a rank 1 for over 2 plus years

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    Idk why people think playing the game as optimally as possible is considered sweating. So the killer won. Who cares? It's one match out of many and there are survivor perks to counter pretty much everything.

    I'm saying this as a survivor main, btw.

  • ssrjazz
    ssrjazz Member Posts: 71

    Statistics, man.....

    4 survivors for every killer - that's just going to happen.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    I prestige 3 pyramid head so I wanna be rank 20 to learn his basic.

  • AceInTheKate
    AceInTheKate Member Posts: 100

    With the current state if the game getting a 4k is kinda hard at lower ranks. So yea I dont blame them when they slug me. Survivor sided game.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited November 2020

    Well, he's right. Unless there's tome objectives to do, there's no real reason to do anything but the generators and wait for a killer chase. The reason killers win at all, in my solo queue experience, is due to two things - stupid save attempts/hook bombing and survivor refusal to do generators. I think it's safe to say that most people agree that holding M1 for a whole game is boring, and it is, but until an alternative objective is presented (that's actually fun, not just another flavor of hold M1), most people will troll and throw games, which skews statistics and causes killers to look more powerful than they are.

    I've said this in another thread of mine that I created a while back, but the tldr of it is: survivors create most bad habits in killers that they despise with the exception of tunneling. If you sit on the objective, refuse to buy into a camping killer's painfully predictable trap, and can hold W after getting hit once (without including proper tile play) then you should be escaping 80% of your matches.

    What pisses off people like me (who aren't even hyper competitive in this game anymore since realizing it's a joke) is when your team makes stupid decision after stupid decision, causing bad or average killers to win games they otherwise shouldn't have.

    EDIT: I'm also of the opinion that tomes exist to cause survivors to play less optimally, encouraging them to chase stupid achievements, thereby inflating the kill rates and making the game look "fine" from a statistical point of view. We all know how much BVHR seems to love their numbers >.>

  • SoraMimi
    SoraMimi Member Posts: 1

    I completely agree, this happens too me so often it just annoys the heck out of me because as a killer I never do this I hook 3rd person and give the last person a chance as it should be, and I literally made this account to reach out to you because im sick of just hearing people say relevant issues and just be insulted by these unlikable people who just insult with thier stupid replies and add nothing of substance

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    You are greatly underestimating the power of killers. I highly doubt survivors are simply throwing matches for the fun of it. Maybe some but it is not the norm. When killers are loaded down with aura and slowgen perks, good killers pressure gens well enough that it is impossible to complete the objective unless you are in a coordinated SWF genrushing.

    The game has become SWF Genrush vs. Killrush killer. Killers are overpowered.

  • eclair
    eclair Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2020

    Personally, losing isn't much of a bother. I get more exasperated by smugness and salt than anything.

  • Luckyluce
    Luckyluce Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2020

    I see dead by daylight as a mostly casual game. I'm not good as either killer or survivor, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw every game or suicide. I know some killers go mega tryhard cuz they don't wanna be teabagged, but at the same time I don't really see what's so aggravating about it. I generally laugh and maybe toss a hatchet before hitting the wall to say "well played" and maybe chasing them off if they keep going. I'm pretty new to the game, and I've only played 4 actual ranked matches, 1 as survivor and 3 as killer, so I'm not great, but I guess that also would mean I don't see the issue with some things older players find extremely aggravating. I try not to camp or tunnel, I don't particularly search if survivors aren't right next to the generator unless I see scratch marks, and if I see them run I'll usually go back, smack the gen, then go back to patrolling. Overall I'd say I'm a pretty chill killer, though I guess some people would say "oh you're just [bad word]" or "you're not trying to win".

    Honestly, at the end of the day I just want the BPs.

    This was more rambly than I expected it to be

  • FaceCampBubbaMain
    FaceCampBubbaMain Member Posts: 19

    Better to win a million times and feel victorious than lose once and being belittled to feeling having lost a million times

  • awsome_predator
    awsome_predator Member Posts: 35

    Any games that pit a person against another is all about a side winning should I be bored in a game to make it fun for the others? Play a game how u want to play it so if u want to play in a way that all have fun then do that but if I want to win the game by playing fun for me but others don't find it fun then that's not my problem is it as at the end of the day if all having fun except u why should they change. If the game was set in a fun way at all times for you what is to say it is for the rest of the players people who don't like it won't play and people who like it will play I honestly couldn't care less if u give me a full sweat squad at rank 1 and they having fun by tbagging and doing gens in that game and I don't get a hook basically I have just had a crap game and need to get better or change my play style to beat them or maybe it was the map I don't care I have been annoyed about the match by getting wooped but when I get that same sweat squad and they dont escape I will have had the fun but sadly they won't. but should they have in the game when they won ez not done what there objective is to escape and made it more enjoyable by letting me 2 hook them all then they escape? No that is naff as how can u improve or try new things and get better I don't see the point in not going for the win as long as it ain't cheating then anything is fair game even exploiting isn't there fault it's game design so if a killer wants to 1 hook and camp n tunnel let him I don't care next time I'll try harder to loop him and not get caught or at least give my team enough time to escape

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Survivor's are competitive and toxic. They have ruined the game for casual Killer players, and thus all survivors should be punished in every game. Plain and simple. For the longest time I was friendly. Kept trying to be friendly, but it just comes to a point that no matter now nice you are to the other players of this community they still walk over you. So I understand why killers have stopped caring if you have a good game or not.