Question about rifts to players who only play one side.

Basically have you ever completed a rift? I play both sides so idk how bad it is to lose half of the possible challenge xp and im just curious
I play killer usually only for challenges and dailies, and with those it's usually Myers unless the challenge says otherwise. So far I've been able to complete them easy enough. I get what I need and let everyone go unless I have to kill them. That's the hardest part because I don't have the heart to kill them.
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I wonder this too. From experience with the past rift, even with completely every challenge it was still well over 100 hours of gameplay to finish it. I'd assume they just play more as their role.
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My friends who play survivor usually don't. But if they do it's pretty easy since most of them are in the lower ranks since they don't play killer
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I only play killer for dailies or when queues take 20+ minutes. I did complete the first rift but stopped playing the game after that, and only just now came back. I guess that speaks for itself. I think the rift is genuinely horrible for survivors. As a solo survivor, I frequently have all three of teammates not playing to win, just working on challenges. If you factor in the wait time survivors have, it's just an absolutely miserable experience.
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I'm a survivor main, I sometimes complete killer challenges but very rarely. I've completed every single rift because the XP you earn from a game gives you rift fragments. One rift fragment is 800xp so that's around 2 games and then 10 rift fragments is 1 tier, so 1 tier is 20 games. I play the game a lot so I normally complete the pass about a month before it ends
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A friend of mine only did the Survivor Challenges and only played Survivor, and still completed the Rift. We played like 2 hours each day during the week and 4 hours on Friday/Saturday. He completed it like 2 days before it ended.