I know how to rework ds

It's very simple. If they want a anti tunneling perk then here.
When you've been hooked ds activates, the next time the killer picks you up trigger a difficult skill check to get off. Ds will remain active until you hit/miss the check or someone else is hooked. Ds can be activated 2 times for both hooked states. Ds does not have timer and will remain active until someone else is hooked. The level up may be that once someone else has been hooked a timer of 10/20/30 seconds counts down until you can't use it wasting even more of the killers time.
I think this works only one person can have it active and it can be activated twice for both hooks. What do you think.
So kill is camping and two hits down my rescuer and then hits me down. In your world killer just haves to hooker my saviour first then i no longer have ds. I wish they reverted the perk to how it used to be so all you new baby killers can see how much the perk has already been gutted
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I could make a 10/20/30 sec timer after it's been disabled for the level up.
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Preferably in this scenario with no timer DS is active forever and can constantly be used over and over on the killer until they go for someone else. Every time they pick you up without going for someone else that's another 5 second stun.
Or we leave it as is which I'm also fine with.
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Down Vote.
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DS was already heavily nerfed and reworked. I'd rather see a rework to always used killer perks that have never been touched, namely BBQ. Now Undying and a few others.
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DS is designed as an anti-momentum, not an anti-tunnel perk iirc
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Hide in a locker every time. The overpower killer perks can be disabled so it's not fair. None of the survivor perks can be disabled by doing something for 7 seconds.
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Lockers are not always nearby.
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It should deactivate when you the player does anything to progress the game like touching gens or unhooking. It also deactivates when fully healed or breaking a totem (only when the totem breaks). Being slugged stops the timer. Jumping in a locker it deactivates after 12s this enables enough time to get head on or inner strength heal.
This makes it an actual anti tunnel perk as it means both sides have choices to make. It's no longer a simple 60s of immunity as it is now.
It shouldn't be down to the actions of other players like the hook mechanic you speak of is. Both killer and survivors can negate the perks use by playing in set ways.
That is of course if the devs want it to be an anti tunnel perk since that phrase was coined by the community not them.
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That's a good point but you could also use the gens aura as a hiding place because they are the same red glow. Or just get within 40 meters of the hook.
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I get this. But to me ds looks like an anti tunneling perk just based on what it can do. after you've been unhooked you get a second chance for 60 seconds. That seems like they want you go after someone else just based on what it does.
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Sorry if this doesn't seem right. I've played killer and survivor and used both so to me this is how i think it should be.
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Nothin' wrong with that as far as BBQ.