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Are people spoiled when it comes to games now?

Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

I was talking with some people about the new Spider-Man game and they said something about it being $50 and it's ONLY 20 hrs long. So they thought it should be cheaper. I got the version that comes with the Spider-Man remaster so I could play both games. Are people looking for a 70 hr game for $50 or what?

that's pretty good for a action adventure game.


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,927

    I think prices of games will always be a bit contentious, I tend to think around $50 seems pretty standard for a game these days - Cyberpunk is coming out at around that price as well.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    true. Since I live in Canada I have to pay like $10 or more extra for games as it is.

    Stupid exchange rates.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    Its not being spoiled, its keeping the market in check. I'm not paying $60 dollars for your LIDL game disguised as a triple A title just because it has some big brand on the cover. I could go on steam and buy 6 quality indie games that'll last me twice as long for the same amount.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I mostly just wait for the games i want to become cheaper.

    Not many games today are worth the full price imo.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,927

    We don't even get the exchange rate most of the time - they just change the $ to a £ here so we end up paying more 😫

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited November 2020

    I don't think so, no. If I buy a game for 60 euros (which is not 60 USD, despite what Steam/Valve might believe), I expect to get at least 60 hours out of it, or an otherwise amazing experience for less time. It's simply a requirement that I have as a consumer; game companies are not obliged to appeal to me, just like I'm not obliged to buy their underwhelming and overpriced games.

    Here are some examples of single-player games (or at least games that I primarily play/played in single-player) I paid for and how much play time I got out of them:

    Death Stranding, 60 €, ~130h

    The Witcher 3, 60 €, ~300h

    Dark Souls 3, 60 €, ~200h

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, 60 €, ~400h

    Divinity: Original Sin 2, 45 €, ~600h

    Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, 30 €, ~200h

    Prey, 30 €, ~70h

    I don't think people are spoiled. I think people see that gaming is suffering from a "profit before all else" mentality and they want more bang for their buck.

    Video game publishers report record profits pretty much every year, yet games have less play time and are just of a lower overall quality, often focusing on ways to maximize profits (microtransactions, selling a game in pieces at launch, purposefully addictive components) or just putting shiny graphics in front of players, to the detriment of enjoyable/quality gameplay.

    To take an example that really annoys me, look at Harry Potter games. Fans want an RPG where you can play as a student. Instead, they made an FPS with wands, because making a good RPG is too time-consuming and more expensive than just making a standard FPS with wands and shiny effects instead of guns and bullets. These games failed miserably, obviously.

    Instead of learning from their mistakes and giving the fans what they want, they went with a mobile game with an energy system (for microtransactions). The games still suck, but now they're making money thanks to people who have more money than sense.

    The saying "the customer is always right" didn't initially refer to disputes between a customer and staff. It's about the fact that if your product doesn't sell, it's because the customer does not want your product and the fault lies with you. Therefore, you should adapt. Instead, video game companies focused on addiction rather than enjoyment/quality, because it's more profitable for them. Not all of them did this, thankfully, but enough that people are sick and tired of it.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I understand that. I've had games that were not worth the full price of admission. like I said I got the version that comes with the Spiderman Remaster to get more game for my money. And those prices you mention do not reflect what they were when the games first came out.

    I hate the fact that games care more about making more money then quality product. The fact that the focus has become how can we squeeze more money out of players from a product. rather then make the product good.

    it hurts. I'm really hoping that these legal cases against Lootboxes and in game gambling work out and punch some of the industry in the face.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Most of the prices I listed were the prices of the games at release. Hell, I bought some of them at release.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I live in Canada so the prices may differ.

    Perfect example of a game that was overpriced.

    Full price game The Order 1886. Length 5 hrs.