If you want shorter survivor queue times, disable crossplay.

This may seem counterintuitive because there's less players, but console players almost exclusively play survivor (why survivor wait times are so long). PC players play more of a mix and I noticed that disabling crossplay actually makes finding a game as survivor significantly faster.
That being said, if you want to play killer leave crossplay on and you will find a game instantly.
I can't wait to go up against a competitive Spirit player.
Yeah, this works but you'll mostly be going up against Freddy, Spirit or Deathslinger.
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You're going to face the same killers you faced with crossplay. PC players are the ones playing killer in both setting modes.
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I believe most console killers have Crossplay turned off, many like me since it came out. So the other platforms would see few in their matches.
If anyone would like to know the reasons just ask.
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Ssssh don’t talk about enabling/disabling crossplay. Some people might think BHVR will force them to use/not use it because it affects queue times.
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I play on Xbox1, one of the smallest pools, and I won't have a Series X anytime soon. And neither can i just play with those who have gotten the Series X because Microsoft or the devs or both consider them separate platforms. So my tiny pool is slowly draining out, and after the holidays might be quite empty.
Would you feel forced into Crossplay as well?
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Your fault for being a console player. If you didn't want your system to become archaic you should have bought a PC.
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Feeling forced? Yeah maybe.
but as a rational thinking human being I would know it’s because of the playerbase and the console platforms and it is not BHVR forcing me.
i may even make a suggestion to change the crossplay settings but without any insults and demands.
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PC players make up most the player base. We shouldn't be negatively affected by console player kids because they made a poor system choice, yet the devs are choosing consoles over PC.
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can we please not start a PC master race against console plebs or vice versa war?
crossplay is one of the few things actually implemented very well from the devs.
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Nope, it's only negatively effected PC queue times to the extent that disabling it makes the queue faster as survivor.
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I use a computer all day long at work, and don't want to game on one. Gaming to me is a controller in my hand on a console, has been since my first Colecovision. And I doubt I'm alone in feeling that.
The root of it is the performance of this game, and just this game, on console. Almost two years have passed since the devs swore on a stack of tech manuals we all would get that steady 60 fps no matter the platform. Hasn't happened, and now it feels like "Yeah about that... well sorry but........ bye............."
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Consoles are slower and less powerful (and more restrictive).
Even if you wanted to use the excuse "bUt CoNtRoLleR gOoD" you can just get a controller for the PC.
PC can do everything a console can but better (and more).
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Nah bud you get the odd Ghostface too
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I got the opposite effect. Longer queues and facing the same people. Hence not bothering turning crossplay back on but lately choosing not to play at all.
You sound really dumb right now. This isn't a advanced game and has nothing to do with the platforms. The fact is that DBD has TERRIBLE optimization and even on PC that can be encountered. Stop defending this terrible coding.
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You get the opposite effect as killer, that's why you shouldn't okay killer with crossplay off.
I get over 100 fps on max settings on PC with no stuttering, so idk what you mean by poor optimization on both platforms.
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Last time I disabled crossplay, I waited 30 minutes for the game and we got dodged by 23 killers in a row. I don't think I want to experience this again.
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Must be your region or rank then. I get wait times of <1 min, rarely any dodges (at red ranks)
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I have crossplay off on ps4, my waits are only a minute or two for either side. Atleast for ps4 plenty on both sides have turned off crossplay to have waits not be bad and getting lobbies that match my rank (rarely do I get a rainbow lobby).
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Central/eastern europe, also red ranks
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You do realise that a good pc is about double the price of a console right? For a lot of people that's a no go. Plus there's also simply the simplicity of use. You just boot up the console and play. I can start up the game and be in a match in 5 minutes if the matchmaking is quick. I don't know if you're doing this intentionally but you're really coming off like that old rich person stereotype. 'Oh look at the little peasants with their consoles. Aw how quaint.' Lol.
Do you have any stats to back up the whole PC makes up for the majority of the playerbase statement? Or is that just a completely unsubstantiated claim
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It takes no time to start up a good PC either.
The devs have mentioned before that the PC playerbase was the majority.
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Sorry no one kisses up to you because you play on PC. Sucks to suck as they say
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I'm red ranks console pleb.
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Whenever i turn crossplay off i only play against Nurse,deathslinger and spirit
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You do realize it's PC players playing killer on crossplay as well. I go against the same killers with both setting options.
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Obviously,at some point you're going to encounter Nurse,spirit and deathslinger even when you have CROSSPLAY ON but personally I rarely ever see them
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When did they say that? A clip or screenshot would be nice so I know you aren't just talking out your ass. Especially since you're arguing that the PC players are somehow a higher priority.
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As a survivor on PS4 I have cross play turned off. Very short queue times and way less matches that are slugfests.
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That post was only with playing the killer role in mind on console. I play killer with Crossplay off for those very fps reasons you mention, which are made so much worse on indoor maps (especially Lery's). Then there are the sudden drops whenever BL would kick in, Exposed or Sloppy or whatever activates, a gen pops nearby, a chest is searched near me, DH, Lithe, or SB is used, even hooking a survivor gives a momentary pause.
I understand all killers not on top-notch PCs experience these issues but it is so much more pronounced on console even though in theory they can run DBD smoother but don't. Now throw in just not being able to turn fast enough, and flicks are darn near impossible. And of course no filters, awesome sound cards, video settings, and the other toys legit or otherwise.
I emplore all PC killers to borrow a friend's Xbox1 or PlayStation4 and give killer a go for a while, pretty please. Maybe then relate your own experiences, and understand a lil better why many feel it is no where near a level playing field.
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Except console playing survivors are generally worse than PC survivors.