PS4 Cross-progression when...?

so iv just bought a gaming laptop for work and for games on the pc, which i used to suffer in fps with on dead by daylight and..well pretty much dead by daylight AND pc exclusives LoL, Gwent and the like...
reading this discussion most are wondering "well if you're here to tell us that you're in the pc world now and you're gonna suffer with PC nurses and you'll end up a toxic **** " uh no im not the type to take a game too seriously to be toxic about it also i used to no-life dbd on ps4... both survivor and killer... anyway back to the topic i have alot of cosmetics, perks, killers ,survivors, blood points, iri shards ,and i think 55 auric ones..on ps4.. and itd be cool if ex-console players could regain them? with the account linking? like sure crossplay is on but how long before a word on cross-progression? and when can we expect it to be implemented?
- thanks c:
- sincerely,
- -Zike (if u meet me in dbd dont go easy on me xd)