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I played RE (Finally)

Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

So I had a buddy of mine who gave me RE 7, Re remakes 1,2,3. And I have to say.. HOW THE ######### HAVE I NOT PLAYED THIS SERIES ALREADY!? I mean just WOW, its great, I love it. I played the remake of the First game which overall was cool, I loved that encounter with the snake and kinda set up the lore quite well. RE 2 was just... Oh my god, it was great, at this point, I wish they made more games as great as that, also Mr. X, I loved his encounters, good god he was creepy as #########, and he stomps so damn hard! WIlliam Birkin was great, although I was kinda eh at first because I thought it was just another zombies game, nothing new, well I take back what I've said This game was amazing

As for 3 it was quite lackluster compared to the other 3 titles, but still was decent, Nemesis was by far the best villain out of bunch for some people, but since the game wasn't as good as the others, its just IDK he' sorta eh when trying to say he's the best but that's just me. However He was still BA overall. I liked his encounters but the game just sucked so I couldn't really like it that much, Mr X is better.

Now 7/Biohazard was magnificent, sure it might not have the big scary monsters of the previous titles but that's ok, I prefer that. I tend to like some of the more simple and not house sized monsters that make me go, 'really this again'? My favorite villain, was arguably Jack Baker, mostly because he reminds me quite of someone I personally know and the fact that the character is so realistic compared to the others is just ######### unsettling. Lucas Baker another great villain that almost gave Jigsaw a run for his money. The setting and the characters feels like something out of Outlast, and I love that, I did have some issues but nothing to major. Plus the theme for RE 'Go tell Aunt Rhody' is so good catchy and I would love to make my own interpretation of the song some time, plus I loved the Texas Chainsaw vibe the game had

Now I have rated them on my Personal opinion

1: Resident Evil 2 remake

2: Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

3: Resident Evil 1 remake

4: Resident Evil 3 remake

The only villain I want to see come into DBD from RE is Mr. X, I get people want Nemesis, but I'd just cringe and hate the fact that he can now be stunned by a pallet or fail to get a 4k.

Anyway I hope this encourages you to play RE


  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah and I got that but I heard some people prefer the new camera angles over the old camera angles, RE 2 probably wouldn't have been as scary if it kept that camera angle style

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I'll look into that but what did you think of RE 7? You didn't mention that

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789
    edited November 2020

    The RE 2 Remake is one of the best, most polished PC games I've played. I really enjoyed 7 and the 1 remaster too! I've been waiting for the 3 remake to go on sale because I've heard it's really short, but I'm really looking forward to playing it at some point.

    I've also played 0 (decent game - a lot like 1 but not quite as well done - but I never finished it due an absurd difficulty spike that left me with no way to advance), 5 (beat it, thought it was okay) and 4 (played like 45 minutes, gave up due to motion sickness, clunky controls on the PC port, and general lack of fun).

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    So far I've only played the two latest remakes, and I liked RE3 more than RE2 because it didn't attempt to increase the horror factor by sacrificing fun, had a scarier pursuer (both were badass though), and had less weird design choices.

    I'm typing up a longer version of my reasons, but the shorter version is:

    1. RE2's zombies were bullet sponges. They took SO many bullets before going down, which it made frustrating as more Lickers and Mr. X showed up in RPD. Just downing or stunning one and running past it would mean that I might have to deal with that zombie plus a Licker or Mr. X. RE3's zombies weren't sponges and it couldn't surprise you with additional enemies if you backtracked.
    2. My reaction to dealing with Mr. X was "Oh crap, I hear big footsteps. Not a big deal actually, he's slower than me and has a long recovery. If he hits me I'll just run past him. Just hope there's no zombies or Lickers around." I was actually taunting him in RPD. My reaction to Nemesis was "Oh crap, it's Neme-PUNCH. Damn, he hit me. PUNCH. Again?! Ugh, I'll just run from him. *gets dragged back by tentacle* WHAT THE ######### GET UP JILL HE'S COMING!! Oh crap there's zombies please don't grab me. *footsteps get louder* Wait is he running?! OH ######### ######### GET INSIDE JILL! Ok, I'm inside, he's lost me. I can make it to my objective now. *Nemesis jumps in front of me* OH YOU'VE GOT BE ######### KIDDING ME NOT THIS AGAIN!!" It gets worse when he has the rocket launcher. I dreaded hearing his footsteps because I knew what was coming next. Dodging only did so much because of how fast he is.
    3. Leon and Claire have more than enough training to do things like dodging attacks and jumping across short gaps. RE3 let Jill and Carlos have a counter (dodge and shoulder charge respectively) and still managed to be scary.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I just can't forgive Capcom for making a shitshow the RE3 Remake was, it cut out a lot of content/story that the original game had, or so I've heard

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I've only played RE7 but that game was amazing! I definitely need to try the others, even if they're quite different from what I've heard. Anyway, here's a fun moment from RE7:

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    The graveyard worm and instant decisions sound pretty cool but wouldn't be dealbreakers. The clock tower fight was different, you just never went inside it and instead of having stage 1 Nemesis chase an infected Jill with the rocket launcher, he went straight to this game's stage 2 and fought Jill outside the tower. Honestly I loved the design for Nemesis's new forms, I thought they were so cool and didn't mind that he transformed so early. Also I think Nemesis from the original and Mr. X from the remake are also scripted, they just do a better job at hiding it.

    I don't see how Mr. X is intimidating, at least by himself. He walks so slow and takes ages to recover from an attack (hit or miss). He needs zombies or Lickers, which he shouldn't. Something as powerful as a Tyrant shouldn't need the lesser creatures to back it up. The zombies and Lickers were the real threat. During the lab part, he doesn't completely block you after acquiring the keycard. I just ran while burning the Ivy zombies in my way. Again, he wasn't as scary as the Ivy zombies. When he jumps down in front of you and blocks the door during your escape from the lab, you can just loop him around the fence and be on your way.

    All of the boss fights in Resident Evil 2 were just "run around, don't get hit". G3 and Super Mr. X were tense because of their smaller areas and you had to shoot them or use grenades (G2's area was really small, but you had the crane to help you out), but I could still apply the same strategy. G4 was slow and was easy to avoid. Staying at a distance and shooting was enough to stop him. You could see his jump attack coming or he'd miss you with his first claw swipe and go into a frenzy on whatever he hit instead. I was trying to listen to his theme because of how easy the boss fight was (which is awesome BTW, reminds me of something from the God of War series). Super Mr. X is what he should've been like during the rest of the game. His attacks were actually fast and he recovered quicker. The strategy was still the same. Run around and shoot him.

    Flamethrower Nemesis was like them, but the fights changed when he transformed. Stage 2 Nemesis's attacks had more range to them, meaning that you had to hightail it out of there (especially during the NEST 2 battle, I'm still not sure how to dodge him when he swings his tentacle all over the arena). Each time I dodged his attacks, I considered myself lucky. The beginning of the fight with Jill running towards the camera after he jumped out of the water was fine. It's not like RE2 invented and copyrighted that. He was still fast in this form, so it wasn't like you could keep him away forever. He didn't need the zombies to back him up. When he reached his third stage, you have to fight him head on. For me this was Nemesis's coolest form and the best fight in the game. Dodging is the key to victory, not running. I remember my first time fighting him, it was intense and shoving that railgun down his throat was so satisfying.

    Honestly, I think a lot of the hate is coming from people being blinded by nostalgia and wanting this game to be exactly like the original. I really don't see a lot of people judging it as its own game and instead going straight to complaining about it having different sections from the original. I've always seen it as a reimagining instead of an exact remake. I'm also beginning to wonder if my tastes in horror are just different and that's why I'm drawn toward RE3 so much.

    Post edited by SnakeSound222 on
  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I feel like Nemesis was a bit overuesed, but from what I heard Og Nemesis greatly resembled Jason Voorhees. The one we got was kinda over scripted but that build up the fear

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Okay that's impressive you played that much. but the one villain that hits really hard for me was Jack Baker, the villian reminded me of my Dad, and seeing how psychotic Jack scares me with the idea of that being my Dad, now he is not like that, but it just scares me witht he fact that someone you deeply care about can become something that evil/dangerous.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Its just sad to think about, I hope RE Village lives up to what Re 7 was

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I honestly would love to play the first game, its almsot next to impossible nowadays, but to be able to play the original in new graphics will be amazing. But I'mm not fully forgiving Konami for what they did to P.T.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yep that was a ######### up. But if silent Hill remake is somehow a success, they will probably Remake Silent Hill 2 (which I played). I will be kinda scared if that happens and I hope they live up to the original and add more to the story if they wanted too like RE 2

  • Bruce_AV1
    Bruce_AV1 Member Posts: 28

    Silent hill is better.

    Me also:

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah Silent Hill has a lot more potential although we are still waiting for that new Silent hill game

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Dude every time I see someone supposedly leak a new silent hill game I cry inside, just because they are trying to give me hope

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Same, but Idk there is a lot of leaks for it happening

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Re 7 is my favorite horror game, so it's good to see some people talking about it. I would really love to see a chapter about in dbd. The 2 remake was also really good, I didn't like the 3 remake as much.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Agreed, Re 7 really did went back to what made Re scary in first place from what I've heard, its arguably one of the best RE games if not around the top 5 section. Re 2 remake was good, I liked the encounters I had with Mr. X or Birkin they were pretty fun, but Re 3... well you get the picture. Nemesis to me was scary but he was however more annoying than scary. Sure I get it he's supposed to be the ultimate hitman/hunter/Tyrant, but there is a time when the monsters you are chased by become scary and when they don't, Nemesis had a lot of abilities in which made him able to catch Jill a lot easier then Mr.X would've but that didn't make me feel the fear of this guy, rather the stress and me going "Aw come on this ######### again, really?". Mr. X though simple in design he still was able to induce great fear by the sound of his boots, the fact if he grabs you and you don't have a knife then GG, that I found terrifying. Now Re 7 brought a lot of great scares and is kinda my personal favorite, mostly because I don't tend to prefer the simple non giant as all hell monsters that the RE 2 and RE 3 gave, I tend to just sit there and ask " how is this scary", instead I like the more realistic, and more human like killers instead, for example like Outlast, Silent hill, and so on. I also absolutely love the hillbilly take that was done too, as someone who grew up around hillbillies this was great to see something as scary as all hell could be made around that area. I do hope they make more games like Re 7 or Outlast because those games set the bar for what horror should be, not the cheesy BS we tend to get.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Outlast is also my second favorite horror series and it used to be my favorite before i got into Re. I never really played much of silent hill but I enjoyed the gameplay I have seen of it. Mr. X was terrifying to me, one of the main reasons being; if he doesn't know where you are, his Ai will walk around and search each room until he finds you, even areas that aren't even loaded.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    YeAH BuT CaPCOm haS ReSIStance OuT sO thEY Don'T NeED DeAd By DaylIGht So ThEY wOn'T aDD Mr. X

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    And so far Resistance has been nothing but a ######### show, so who knows