Idea for a New chapter: vengeance through time

ZXo_Pixel Member Posts: 14

The story:

Edward parsons (more commonly in referred to as eddy) in late june 1943 was a humble and polite noble who would often spar with his brother in his spare time, though his father strict on his younger brother who is falling behind on his duties, that time to spar was getting more and more distant and two years later contact with his brother had all but stopped, at first not concerned as he didn't think anything of it or notice it as he could just hang out with his other friends and contact. There was a day where he came home from a friendly sparring match and he noticed a door that he'd never noticed before, curious he opened it to see stairs leading down into a basement, for which he didn't know he had, he proceeds down and what he sees appauls him. His younger brother lying on the floor motionless and almost like a skeleton next him you see a bloodied shattered plate and blood across the floor. Consumed with the fires of his rage he takes off to find his father, he approaches him with a smile on his face cutlass at the was done, upon returning home he returns to those stairs and as he goes further down the air gets colder and is enveloped by a dark fog...

Brother, I'm's done

This chapter would feature:

New killer: the traveller

New survivor: Jessie renold

New map: mansion

The traveller

Name: eddy parsons

Weapon: cutlass


-(common) rusty case: increases time piece charging by 10%

-(common) dirty lense: slightly increase the duration of time piece

-(common) worn chain: slightly increase the speed of travelling back in time

-(common) broken gear: slightly reduces the cooldown of a missed attack shortly after using time piece

-(un-common) clean case: increases time piece charging by 20%

-(un-common) clean lens: moderately increases the duration of time piece

-(un-common) clean chain: moderately increases the speed of travelling back in time

-(un-common) worn gear: moderately reduces the cooldown of a missed attack shortly after using time piece but slightly reduces the maximum charge of time piece

-(rare) new case: increases time piece charging by 35% but adds a 10% increase to recovery time on missed attacks

-(rare) new lense: drastically increases the duration of time piece with a 10% reduction to travel back speed

-(rare) new chain: removes the trail you leave behind

-(ultra-rare) cursed gear: after using time piece the charge will no longer fully deplete, instead it will charge from where you stopped additionally you no longer need to wait for time piece to fully charge before using it again

-(ultra rare) irredescent lense: you become obsessed with one survivor

instead of rewindIng time for yourself you can now rewind time for the obsession, however you will be afflicted a cooldown for your attack

Power: time piece

At the start of the game the time piece will start charging, when the time piece is fully charged the traveller can then activate it to go back in time.

Going back in time starts depleting the charge on the time piece, the traveller can stop travelling back in time at any time as long as there is still charge in the time piece, furthermore if the time piece's charge is depleted you will stop travelling backwards, when you stop using the time piece at any point you will not be able to use it again untill it is back to being fully charged. (I think ill make it where if you stop using the time piece before it runs out of charge,the charge will fully deplete)

While using time piece you leave a trail indicating where your going


-Comeback: after tasting defeat multiple times he was able to achieve a better focus on finding a way to comeback

Recovery time after being pallet stunned is reduced by 15/30/50 and the survivor who dropped the pallet will become exposed for 10 seconds

- hex: first strike: the first strike always sets the tempo of a duel

Once per trial the first successful hit on a healthy survivor will immediately put them dying state

-hex: trump card: it's always a good idea to keep an ACE up your sleeve

This hex will be applied to available dull totem once the gates are powered

once an exit gate is opened you can kill 1 survivor

Jessie Renold: (I don't have a backstory for him)


-Final push: on the brink of defeat you find a way to succeed

successfully repairing a gen gives you a token, when the exit gates are powered final push activates, whenever you are picked up you may consume 1 token to immediately break free of the killers grasp. Furthermore each token increases the speed of opening a gate by 5%

-gen rush: the thought of achievement feuls you

When working on a gen you gain a 10/20/30% movement speed increase, if the gen is completed you get a 20/30/40% increase if the gen is affected by a hex you get a 5/10/15% increase

-Hero: gaining praise gives you confidence

When you are in a chase nearby another survivor hero activates. While hero is active the following applies

Gain a 5/10/15% speed increase

And once per trial where you'd normally be put in dying state after getting hit twice you will instead have the deep wound status affect

(Side note: for hero I'm split between the idea above or I was thinking of it being

Hero: once per trial if you go into dying state giving a protection hit you will be able to break free from the killers grasp immediately)