Trapper idea

this is just the results of a fun idea session me and my friends had regarding the trapper and how we would change him.

base stats changes:

trapper starts the trail with 2 traps in hand and can carry up to 3 traps at base

traps escape chances are no longer 20% per attempt instead survivors have to do a 10 second escape interaction at base.

everytime a survivor steps into a trap they gain a stack of the trapper exclusive "fracture" status effect.

fracture increases the time it takes for a survivor to escape a trap by 25% per stack. it also increases the time it takes to escape the trappers grasp by 5%, fracture stacks up to 4 times.

addon changes:


  • trapper sack. increases trap carry capacity by 1
  • trapper gloves. unchanged
  • strong coil spring. unchanged
  • padded jaws. removed
  • new addon Bone leg brace. moderately reduces the stun time of stepping in own traps


  • trapper bag. increases trap carry capacity by 1, start the trail with 1 extera bear trap
  • trap setters. unchanged
  • serrated jaws. removed
  • logwood dye. unchanged
  • 4-coil spring. unchanged
  • new addon scrap-metal leg brace. considerably reduces the stun time of stepping in own traps.


  • wax brick. removed
  • tar bottle. unchanged
  • setting tool. unchanged
  • secondary coil. unchanged
  • rusted jaws. now also applies hemorrhage status effect on top of mangled for 120 seconds
  • stitched bag. increases trap carry capacity by 1, start the trail with 2 extra bare traps

very rare

  • stitched bag. rarity lowered
  • oily coil. unchanged
  • honing stone. unchanged
  • fastening tools. moderately increases base time to escape traps (12.5 seconds). Tremendously increases Bear Trap Setting speed, Moderately decreases Bear Trap Rescue speed
  • new addon reinforced leg brace. moderately reduces the stun time of stepping in own traps, grants immunity to traps when carrying a survivor.

ultra rare

  • iridescent stone. unchanged
  • bloody coil. unchanged

i know most of these ideas are not that great but it was fun coming up with them with friends.


  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199

    Good idea. I think they should rework trapper as well. But no one knows, we will wait.

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    I like it. Been playing trapper lately and having to run around to grab traps is a pain

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    That actually sounds like a pretty good idea, people have been asking to carry more traps for what seems like years now.

    Plus that fracture debuff sounds like an awesome addition.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    "trapper sack"

    That's all I needed to read! lmao

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    This will likely be moved to the feedback section.

    Anyways, I don't step in my own traps often enough to want that addon getting in my way of decent add ons. So I dunno about that.

    Other than that though....lot of good ideas here for sure. The biggest problem I have with trapper, is that traps are the most fun thing with him, and not only do you not get to carry enough, but sometimes there are like none on the map!

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2020

    I made sure that the Addons that the bone/scrap braces replace are the padded/serrated jaws. None uses the padded jaws and the serrated jaws effects were added to the rusted jaw addon I'm not saying the idea of an addon that reduces self trap time is great it's just that we could not think of any other effects for common/uncommon addons that weren't already in the game.

    As for the reinforced brace which grants trap immunity when carrying a survivor has allot of applications especially on indoor maps with allot of trappable doorways

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    The latter one is definitely good; but I am just saying I would probably prefer a more useful addon in it's place.

    I would happily take an addon I don't like for everything else here though anyways. Unfortunately the problem isn't coming up with changes, it's getting BHVR to actually take an action... it took SO long just do be allowed to set traps that were already on the ground.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Dont forget you need to explain why a change is needed and how your change will help remedy that.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I didn't like the stun reduction idea on traps, it will be useless imo. I like ste stack idea, but the very rare addon that grands immunity whilst carrying a survivor is really really overpowered for basement trapper. He won't need to make space to get in, but survivors will need to.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    Trapper has 2 main issues

    • Set up time
    • RNG

    The change to make him start with two traps in hand and allow him to carry 3 at base makes him less awkward to play by reduceing the amount of time setting up and to allow you to use addons other than the bags whilst make the early game feel much better (I mean how many times have you started a match standing ontop of a trap but have to first set the one you are carrying and then go back to pick up the one you stated right next to wasting allot of time)

    The second change to remove trap RNG by makeing it a fixed time would allow trapper to make informed decisions and remove those times where the trap holds survivors for 4 seconds or 40 this way when a survivor steps in a trap the trapper can judge if they would make it to them in time instead of making a blind dash in hopes that they don't escape before he get there and even if he doesn't he still gets something out of it with the fracture status effect now if that survivor steps in a trap again he has more time to reach them meaning the longer the match goes on the harder it becomes to escape the trapper

    The addon changes were ether to reflect the base power changes or were just for fun

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    That's true but all defensive killers are really strong when the basement is involved if you ever go to the basement against a trapper/hag/bubba you are basically dead but don't forget trapper could only walk over a trap when carrying a survivor and his biggest counter is dead hard which is a meta perk so if he walks over a trap to basement a survivor they could still escape by dead Harding over a trap and the trapper will have no choice but to pick up the trap to chase after you so there is still counter play. Besides most people want him to be able to walk over his traps all the time which would truly be bullshit makeing it an addon that only works when carrying a survivor was the only way I could see it being added to the game

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Correct, but no one can deny total access to the basement except trapper. If you disarm, he'll know. I still don't quite enjoy the idea since I like the design of trapper "place a trap wherever you like, but you'll be restricted of passing by that trap", so planning ahead is a no brainer. Not having to worry about trap placements could also create some op scenarios that couldn't work otherwise (for example placing a trap directly in front of a hook and then hooking the survivor, that survivor or the rescuer will 100% step on that trap and there's nothing they can do about it since the "desarm" option won't appear since unhooking takes priority. See what I mean?

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I love this.. It actually would make me more scared of Trapper

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    I thought you could not place traps directly infront of hooks anymore regardless if someone is on the hook or not. Also most people don't straight run up to hooks against a trapper especially if there is tall grass most will crouch walk in to avoid traps.