Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Is it ever acceptable?

admittedly my friends where going too far with insults because of a toxic killer (mostly just curse words)

we planned to leave it at that and move on but then the killer decides we should (and I quote) "Plz uninstall and kill yourselves"

I get smack talk and toxicity is part of the game, did my friends need to shut up? yes and I told them as much, but is it acceptable to at any point tell someone to kill themselves? I believe thats too far no matter the situation but I do want to know if

  • its a reportable offense
  • will action be taken
  • will action be taken against my friends for cursing and such

I also want to know what Im eating for lunch today but Ill worry about that part myself :)

Best Answer

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,685
    Answer ✓

    It is a reportable offense and it should always be reported.

    Smack talk is something common in multiplayer games, but it should never cross the line.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    It’s definitely a reportable offense. You need to make an in game report for harassment though.

    action will be taken, but you won’t get informed about it and it’s not known when they do take action, all we know is they ban in waves.

    depending on the insults your mates were making and if they got reported they might get a penalty as well.

  • Nastyy_Ninja
    Nastyy_Ninja Member Posts: 5

    Yep 100% reportable offence, I’ve done it multiple times and I did get an answer from xbox saying action has been taken, so do it definitely no one should ever send a message like that