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Changes for spirit?

GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

Ok, I'm going to get this off my chest, but the amount of hate spirit gets is overwhelming. I am a dedicated spirit main because I have a lot of fun playing her and she's overall my favorite character in not just DBD but in really any video game. I love her lore and her design. She is kind of cute as well ngl. I don't really have much of a problem facing spirit when I play survivor because maining her definitely helps. However, I do see where people are coming from when they say they hate going against her, because she can turn into a guessing game at times. This can make for a boring experience for survivors. When I'm playing DBD, I want to have fun playing the game and I also want the players I'm playing with to also have fun. So if the devs can do something with spirit that'll make her more fun to go against, that would be awesome. Killers like hillbilly, blight, and huntress are all strong killers as well but they are more interactive experiences when going against, which is why people don't complain about them. I absolutely love spirit and won't stop maining her any time soon, but I want everyone else to have just as much fun playing the game as I do. What changes would you consider for spirit to make her more fun to go against without making her completely useless? Like seriously, Rin is awesome and doesn't deserve hate so devs, please give her the proper change she needs.


  • Yeah with the whole hate towards spirit thing I feel you there, because I main legion which is another hated killer that could use a bit of a rework

  • But to stay on topic, an idea on how to make spirit more interactive and less of a guessing game, you could take the sound that she makes when phasing and make it directional, so survivors can somewhat get a sense of where she’s coming from and formulate a plan to avoid her or risk getting attacked and killed.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    I'm pretty sure about a month ago, there was a bug where the survivor heard where spirit was while she was in phase. Of course the devs fixed that bug faster than bugs that were actually a problem like the hill bug. It made spirit more balanced but still didn't affect good spirits in any way. Wish the devs kept that bug.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2020

    After being FORCED into crossplay I understand why PC players hate her.

    People literally just give up when they see I'm a Spirit and it ruins the entire game. They vault a window the entire game or follow the killer in hopes to get hooked so they can die faster. It's so hard to find a groups of survivors that are actually willing to even play against you.

    PC players have a very defeatist attitude and are way more self centered than Xbox players. I would sometimes get this type of player on Xbox with crossplay off. One in maybe 10 games. But with crossplay on I get tons of PC players, and it's literally like every other game. Most Xbox players would at least TRY, and some actually try enough to learn how to play against her. I swear I don't think I've met a single PC player that can run a Spirit. They all just run in straight predictable lines, or do some massively janky ######### that would never work unless I'm completely stupid. Not to say that Xbox players are all gods, a lot of them play this way too, but at the very least SOME could run from me for over a minute. Almost as if I'm being streamsniped but I'm not streaming. It's a bit crazy.

    PC players need to get their heads out of their own asses and actually try to find creative ways to run from Spirit. My group and I have faced a ton of red rank PC Spirits and they ain't that scary honestly. Most aren't even that good at the end of the day. The few that are still can't compete with a 4 man SWF on comms. It's sad how they all say she has no counterplay then just don't actually play the game so they can never be proven wrong. God forbid one of them does something to run from a Spirit for more than 30 seconds, then they might have to admit they are doing something to extend the chase.