Chapter Idea: Resident Evil

Tayte Member Posts: 65

Just an idea for a licensed chapter.

Killer: The Bioweapon or The Tyrant

Name: Nemesis

Gender: Male

Hair colour: Unknown

Eye colour: White

Power: Flamethrower

Weapon: Hand

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 m.


An experimental bio-weapon created by Umbrella Corps. With its only purpose to turn the tides in war. That was what the T-Type was for, but only one would be known to be tested in combat. More commonly known as the nemesis. Designed to stop the remaining STAR members, who had been witness to the horrible crimes Umbrella Corps had committed.

Despite going head to toe against Jill Valentine in several fights. Getting destroyed over and over again and mutating to a more grotesque creature with each destruction. Nothing seemed to stop this tyrant from getting to its goal.

But then it happened. Jill had turned the tide with the railgun, piercing through the tyrant. Meeting its demise then and there. Or did it? As the tyrant stood up again in a new realm. This time with new orders in mind. Kill... everything!



Abiltity: Flamethrower

-The Tyrant comes equipped with a flamethrower. Using the flamethrower, he can create walls of fire. Blocking off areas for 20 seconds, before it fades out. If close enough to a survivor, he can also use the flamethrower directly on the survivor for impact. Any survivor who would walk into the fire will begin screaming, and reveal their location for 5 seconds, putting them in the injured state.

-Whenever a generator gets finished, the tyrant gets ammo for his RPG. Giving him the ability to shoot one round of explosives at survivors. Any survivors caught in the blast will immediately be put in the dying state.

Mori: Grabs the head of the survivor, and impales the survivor with the blob tentacle inside his hand. Then proceeds to squeeze the head and throw the corpse away.


Killer Perks 

1. Recipe For Disaster:

After downing 4/3/2 survivors prior, will cause the next basic attack to down a survivor instantly

2. Hex: Sharp edges:

one totem with sharp edges. When broken will give the survivor the broken effect status until downed.

3. No time for breaks:

After being hit by a pallet, the killer is filled with rage. The next hit you do on a survivor will cause the killer to skip the clean/staring at his weapon animation, to keep the pressure going. (Only works once per pallet)


Survivor: Jill Valentine.

Age: 28

Gender: Female.

Hair colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Blue/gray


A high rank operative, in the forces of stopping bio terrorism performed by Umbrella. Leading her to a wanted list and to be pursued by the mutated forces of their labs. Having witnessed the cruelty performed at the mansion incident, umbrella would now be determined to stop her from sharing her findings with the rest of the world. Sending nemesis to exterminate the last remaining members of STARS. Jill is forced to attempt to flee the city, and to find a cure against the heavy mutations now developing all over the place. With no time to spare, she goes on countless encounters with zombies and mutants alike, to find the hidden underground lab. As the nemesis attempts to stop her in her path. Giving her a fight for her life. Now on a timer before a nuke blast develops the city to rumbles. She strives to her best effort in getting a cure. A cure destroyed by her antagonist Nikolai.

With no time to spare, she does the only thing left she can do. Fleeing into the helicopter as they watch the once great city behind them turn into ashes, as the blast wave fires towards the helicopter, making it spin, as Jill leans back into the seat, thinking its finally over, as she opens her eyes awoken in a new realm.

(Leon and Ada would also work as great survivors)


Survivor Perks 

1. Health checkup:

A survivor grants the ability to make one totem able to heal whoever stands near it. for one state before being automatically broken. A sabotaged totem will have greenfire when changed and can be broken by a hit from a killer.

Requires the survivor to plant said ability on to the totem. (cannot be broken by other survivors after being changed. Doesn’t replace hex: totems, but can be planted on it while sabotaging one. Also isn’t an instant heal. Takes 10 seconds before working, and is not visible to the other survivors.) Must be within 5 meters of the totem to work.

2. Kick it:

Speed up the process it takes to take down one totem, by 60% via kicking it, after finishing 2 generators

3. Knock it off:

sabotage a hook, to fall off immediately after a killer hangs a survivor on it

causing a stun to the killer for a few seconds, and gives the survivor endurance.

Still counts as a hook, and will not work if the survivor is on their last hook.

Respawns a new hook after 15 seconds. Once one sabotage hooked is used, it will turn all other sabotaged hooks into normal hooks again.


New map: 

Map: Raccoon City Police Department


  • Caeden11
    Caeden11 Member Posts: 20


  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    I like it.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    The power is very good, but I don't think it'd be overpowered since he lacks map pressure. The rocket should only down on direct hit, though, in my opinion.

    Recipe for Disaster is amazing, but it is probably too amazing. With the tweak of warning the Survivors and putting it on a timer of 20/30/40 seconds or something, it would be fine.

    Hex: Sharp Edges is a cool alternative to Haunted Ground, I like it!

    No Time for Breaks is... aaaa. I'd say it should decrease the clean time by 30/40/50%. Removing it entirely means Killers who are fast just instantly down Survivors every time they are stunned. Imagine this with Spirit Fury/Enduring.

    Health Checkup is really cool. I would make it so it has to be broken to heal, though, and should have an indicator to other Survivors when they enter a certain radius of a totem effected by it. I like that it doesn't override Hex totems though, so it supplies a really good benefit at a pretty big cost, but with the changes I listed here it would also effectively mark that Hex totem for death later on in the game. It'd also be insane with Inner Strength, which is cool.

    Kick it is pretty interesting. I have no problems with it, but it is reliant on the Killer's perk set. Ruin is such a common perk that that doesn't matter though.

    Knock it Off is perfect. Good cost, good reward. It should only be usable once per match, though, like Deliverance for another Survivor, and it should also not sabotage. Maybe rig instead? Then there could be a new add-on on Toolboxes that allows you to rig hooks as well, or something.