Killer Concept: The Biker REDUX

TotesRider Member Posts: 21

So awhile ago I had an idea for a killer called The Biker who used a spiked chain to drag survivors to him... well now that the Deathslinger is a thing I thought it would be fun to rework the Biker a bit.

The Biker

Real Name: Eddie Casey

Bio: Originally a timid boy, Eddie kept to himself… living in fear of being beaten up before returning home to receive his daily beatings from his drug addicted parents. The only thing giving him solace was rummaging around the local junk yard and tinkering with scrap. One day at the junkyard he found an old tattered book, one that gave instructions on how to make molotov cocktails, drugs and more importantly, explosives.

On July 13th, Eddie's father and mother left in their car to get their 'fix'. However on the way, their Car exploded in furious blaze whilst on the highway. After a teacher found the old tattered book, Eddie was immediately suspected and soon put in prison.

After managing to escape prison, a now adult Eddie found himself under the employ of an infamous biker gang who took a keen interest in his talents. And soon Eddie was the Go To guy whenever they needed a little extra 'bang' in their operations.

However, it wasn't long until the gang decided they had no more use of Eddie and planned a raid of one of his 'factories'. Eddie however had learned of their betrayal and rigged the entire facility with explosives while he hid in the security room with weapons in hand as he watched his former comrades being blown to meaty chunks.

Soon a strange smoke... no... fog began to fill the room. Eddie felt a strange compulsion to walk into it...

By the time the old leader of the biker gang made it to the safe room, Eddie had been long gone... and all he heard was the faint beep of one last bomb that was about to go off.

Weapon of choice: Machete and spiked brass knuckle


Scrap Bombs: A resourceful killer, Biker can find Scraps scattered around the map. Upon collecting 3 Scraps, The Biker can craft a bomb.

Upon setting the bomb on the ground or on an interactable object, it will become ‘Active’.

When a survivor trips an active bomb, it will cause an explosion. Alerting The Biker and damaging the survivor.

When a bomb explodes, it will drop a piece of Scrap for the Biker to collect.

Survivors can attempt to disarm a bomb by completing a series of Skill checks. However if the Survivor fails, the bomb will go off

The Biker can only store two Scrap Bombs on him and only 4 bombs can be set.

Recycle: The Biker can pick up a dropped item and tear it down, creating a piece of Scrap and removing the item from the Trial.

A Mean Left Hook: Over time The Biker will gain energy. Once filled, he can perform a powerful Left Hook. When it connects with a Survivor, they’ll suffer the broken status effect. When it connects with a dropped pallet or breakable wall, it will instantly destroy it and cause chunks of wood to fly out to inflicting Deep Wound on a survivor infront of it.

However if the Biker misses the punch or hits a wall, he will be briefly stunned and the meter will be frozen for a period before regaining energy again.

Add On Ideas

Rusted Shrapnel: Survivors hit by a Scrap Bomb will be inflicted with the Mangled Status Effect

Makeshift Pepper Spray: When a Scrap Bomb goes off, it will leave a dust of pepper spray, temporarily blurring a survivor’s vision.

Sound Bomb: Scrap Bombs will inflict ‘Deafness’ on all survivors caught in the blast radius

‘Extra Boom’: Increases the blast radius of a Scrap Bomb.

Adrenaline Syringe: Breaking pallets and injuring survivors will cause Mean Left Hook to charge faster.

Explosive Belt: Allows The Biker to carry up to four Scrap Bombs

Purple Add-ons

Remote Trigger: Can remotely detonate a bomb when nearby.

Fluorescent Liquid: Survivors hit by an explosion will have their auras revealed

Tool Belt: Considerably decreases crafting time

Ultra Rare

The Big Boy: Creates one massive bomb that has a larger blast radius and will instantly down any survivors caught in the explosion. However 6 Scraps are required to construct the bomb and it takes longer to craft. The Biker can only carry one bomb.

Iridescent Knuckles: Hitting a survivor with Mean Left Hook will allow The Biker to perform a second Mean Left Hook within a brief window. Mean Left Hook takes considerably longer to charge.


Disable: Break down their defenses. When the killer lands a basic attack on a survivor, a random survivor perk will be disabled for 20/40/60 seconds. This perk has a cool down of 110 seconds.

“Aaaw did I break your arm?”

Taunt: Words can hurt more than a knife. At the start of the trial, this perk has three tokens. By pressing the E button will consume a token, the next survivor you hit will become your obsession.


Hex: Savagery: Their progress brings about a terrible beast. When a Generator is completed, the Killer gains a significant movement speed boost and all survivors suffer the Exposed Status Effect for 15 seconds.

“Oh you little shits…”