Killer Idea: The Betrayed

Don't you think that if your friends betrayed you again and again, leaving you suffer and die so they can run away and escape without any consideration for you that you would begin to hate them? Wouldn't you begin to develop a deep seated resentment towards them and a desire to crush their goals? That was the painful, unfortunate story of Jake Park. He would risk everything for his allies, attempting to sabotage the killer right in front of their face to save his dying allies, he would expose himself to the killer to take the heat off his injured friends... and what did he get in return for all his sacrifices? Death... again and again and again as he was abandoned and forsaken, his allies leaving him behind to suffer and be consumed by the Entity. No more, he would take it no more...

It didn't take long for the Entity to realize what Jake was becoming. He had begun to intentionally stay hidden when he could have an out to save one of his allies, he was leaving them to die like they had done so many times to him, letting them experience a fraction of all the torment he was so accustomed to. He was becoming something dangerous, something cynical, something more resembling of the vicious killers than his own survivor friends. In time the Entity had seen Jake's fall from a selfless and sacrificing ally to a devious and backstabbing cynic and decided to act on it.

One day as Jake was sitting around the all to familiar campfire, the Fog rolled in. A thick and cloudy mist surrounded him and seeped deep into his flesh. When the Fog rolled back Jake was nowhere to be found, for now he had been transformed into the very monster he once fought so hard to destroy. He had been betrayed, and now was his chance to reap revenge.

Killer Attributes:

  • 4.6 m/s
  • 32 m
  • Tall

Killer Power: Traitor's Vengeance

Power Description: The Betrayed starts the trial with 0 tokens. For every hook action Traitor's Vengeance gains 1 token. At 4 tokens the auras of all survivors further than 64 meters away are revealed. At 8 tokens all survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect.

Press the power button to interact with a nearby generator or exit gate lever. This action starts a short animation and consumes 1 token. For each token consumed generators instantly lose 10% progress and exit gates instantly lose 20% progress. Holding the power button while interacting with a generator or exit gate lever will increase the amount of tokens consumed upon release. Using Traitor's Vengeance to damage generators does not apply regression.

Teachable Perks:

Unseen Eye

  • You are extremely familiar with how survivors react to danger, almost as if you were watching them through an unseen eye. Anytime a survivor lowers health states you see their aura for 2/3/4 seconds.


  • You have an intricate knowledge of the available resources and you know how to hit where it hurts. Once every 120/110/100 seconds you can interact with an upright pallet and pull it down.

The Last Laugh

  • They may have left you to die, but now you will have the last laugh. You see the aura of the hatch from 16/24/32 meters away.

That was my idea for a new killer, I hope you thought it was intriguing. I've always thought it would be very unique and interesting lore-wise to have one of the survivors become a killer, especially one of the original four since they've been through the Entity's game so many times now that one of them is bound to snap.

I do think that this killer's ability could use some tweaking and proper playtesting to determine how it would actually work in practice but in general I think it would be quite good and also fairly balanced. This killer would have built-in game stall, however they must choose between delaying generators or building up the ability to instant down. It is not possible to choose both without incredible compromises that really wouldn't pay off in the end. Furthermore there are only so many times a survivor can be hooked. There are 12 hooks maximum across all four survivors and by the time 10 hooks have taken place the game is already effectively over, meaning the ability one-shot down only comes into play very late into the game, not to mention if someone hits stage two on their first hook that instantly denies him of the stack that might have allowed him to instant-down. His power relies heavily on getting multiple hooks early and so a bad start for the killer would also end poorly as he has no inbuilt chase enhancer, meaning he will struggle to get enough downs and hooks mid to late game to compensate.

With that, I've said everything I want to. I'm always open for discussion, feedback and constructive criticism so feel free to comment what you think.