My Idea to Rework Decisive

I know, there's probably literally a thousand or more posts on this, but hear me out. I've got 2k hours in the game, and I feel like I know what'd make the perk more fair for both sides. The duration will still be 60 seconds, but with some stipulations

  1. While healing another survivor, doing a generator, cleansing a totem, or sabotaging a hook, the timer will go down twice as quickly (if you stick a gen the entire time, it's 30 seconds).
  2. Unhooking another survivor instantly removes 15 seconds from the timer.
  3. While being chased by the killer or in the dying state, the timer goes down 33% slower (if you get instantly downed off of the hook or run the killer the whole time, it's 90 seconds).

Enacting these changes will both punish those who use decisive as a way to be immune to the killer while working on a generator or otherwise helping the team, while at the same time honing in on the anti-tunnel purpose of the perk.