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What's missing when you prestige

anothercomplainer_10 Member Posts: 7
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

I can't be the only one who feels that all the work it takes to prestige a character is rewarded a little weakly, some bloody clothes and a very small percentage of rarer items seems a little light. The answer in my opinion should be every time you prestige you are given another perk slot. So for all us mathematician's out there would give you a total of 7, Everyone that plays always wishes they could add that one more perk to balance there load out , and that could be the answer.

Post edited by anothercomplainer_10 on


  • Raz_
    Raz_ Member Posts: 296

    that sounds pretty unbalanced.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707

    Double the clicky clickys!

    i hope that will be the next experiment for one weekend!

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,925
    edited November 2020

    P0= 4 Perk Slots

    P1= 5 Slots

    P2= 6 Slots

    P3= 7 Slots

    Us Mathematician's need to learn how to count.

    But to be serious, having more Perk Slots would be overpowered as hell. Imagine going against a P3 Squadette with 4 Unbreakables, 4 DS's, 4 Soul Guards, 4 Borrowed's, 4 Dead Hards, 4 Adrenawin's, 2 Object's and 2 Deliverance maybe, combined with 2 Styptics, a Key and a Map or a Flashlight.

    Or a Killer with Ruin, Undying, BBQ, Tinkerer. And just in case Ruin/Und goes down instantly, let's add Pop, Noed and maybe Rancor into the Mix as well. Combined with Iridescent Belt Huntress with an Ebony Mori.

    I think that would be healthy for the Game and balanced.

    To be honest, instead of making more Perk Slots, giving cheaper prices for the Stuff inside the Blood Web would be a better idea. Prestiging shouldn't reward you to much since it's only an optional thing, but giving cheaper Prices would be better.

    Or maybe instead of 4 Perks, you can now get 1 extra Perk per Prestige.

    At the moment, you can get only 1 Perk from Lvl 1 to Lvl 39, then 2 Perks if you are lucky from Lvl 40 to Lvl 49 and 2 guaranteed Perks after Lvl 50.

    Prestiging should add to that. P1 should allow you 2 guranteed Perks from Lvl 40 to 49 and 3 guaranteed Perks from Lvl 50 and so on.

    P2 should give you 3 Perks from Lvl 40 to 49 and 4 Perks from Lvl 50 and so on.

    P3 should give you Tier 3 Perks instantly without the need to level up. So you don't waste as much time and BP when prestiging and it rewards you in some way without doing to much.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793
    edited November 2020

    Lemme just bust out my

    Ebony Mori

    Red Paintbrush/Nancy's Masterpiece




    Nurse's Calling

    Brutal Strength


    F r e d d y

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    they need to give back some bp for what's in your character's inventory not much but some so you can have a better start when prestiging

    also an actual reward or incentive is needed as it currently is only for self satisfaction. I came up with an idea on making prestiging more worth it along with a perk upgrade system here.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I agree there is definitely something missing when it comes to prestiging. I've been playing for hundreds of hours and have only ever bothered with it once because I don't want to spend hundreds of games clearing out their addons/items/offerings so when they prestige it wasn't wasted x3 and then x the entire cast.

    If we got to keep items or addons or something when it happened so you didn't waste so much or feel like you had to grind just to get value out of it.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,045

    Devs were talking about Prestige Rewards a few months ago, but no information about it yet. You can expect those to be minor things, because in the end, nobody should feel forced to be prestiged. E.g. it can only be a Charm with I, II or III to show that you are prestiged without using the bloody Cosmetics.

    It should 100% not be additional Perk Slots. Let alone that the game was designed around 4 Perks, giving more Perks to those who play more is as wrong as forcing players to prestige to remain somewhat competitive.

    On a side note, I hope that the rewards also benefit those who already prestiged. Like a discount or Perks carrying over while prestiging would be nice, but would not help those who already completed the grind.

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    this 7 - 8 perk idea would be fun for a KYF exclusive mode or once a year on april fools

  • Woodywool
    Woodywool Member Posts: 622

    Maybe, it will be great if for each prestige you can use 1 extra slot ONLY for the teachable perks (it can be slightly stronger perk version than lvl 3)

    For example: P3 Meg Thomas can choose 4 perks as usual and has Sprint Burst (SB), Quick & Quit and Adrenaline (of course you can not equip SB if you prefer DH (Dead Hard).

    What's bring to the game?

    • Now survivors are more unique with these 3 extra perk slots for their teachables (if they've P3)
    • allows to players to use more perks to improve game experience (for both roles)
    • players will start to use situational perks often than now
  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I’d love to be able to select 5 perks to keep so that my prestiged character isn’t entirely useless for the next 75 bloodwebs while trying to get what I’m looking for.