Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Why do people feel the need to BM sometimes?

I know, people like to teabag and camp and flashlight click and hit people on hooks; it's how lots of games go, be it DBD or some other game. And I definitely understand teabagging on hatch if the killer was camping the entire game, or tunneling the survivor with OoO. Sometimes they deserve it, but not 100% of the time.

So that's my question to a whole lot of you out there: Why do you feel the need to BM people who haven't done anything?

I'll see survivors teabag at exit gates against a killer who hasn't killed anybody, or even sandbagging their teammates for literally no reason.

I'll see killers camp right at the beginning of the match against the first person they come across, or tunnel someone who isn't even running meta perks.

Do people just get a sense of power when they're toxic? Have they just had a really bad day? Is it a sense of revenge for a specific survivor/killer they went up against earlier? What's going on?

(Context: I just played a game with a Freddy who 4K'd pretty fast, it was like a 6 minute round. We had a DC, which didn't help. Anyways, at the end of the round, the Freddy carried me around for a good while looking for hatch, and once he found it, he hooked me and closed the hatch in my face, then sat there hitting my body until the game ended. I hadn't even seen the Freddy that entire game, not until he downed me. I also hadn't done anything toxic the entire round.)

I'm aware the answer is probably just, "It's a game," and I'll probably get a lot of, "Stop being sensitive, let people play how they want." and that's fair. I'm not telling anyone to stop doing these things, I just want to know why, when the people they're toxic against haven't done a single thing wrong.

Best Answers

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685
    Answer ✓

    I've never thought of a killer hitting you on the hook as being toxic, they're just playing the character, they are an aggressive killer, after all.

    On the main topic, I'm not sure, I feel that DBD is a particularly frustrating game to lose on, and can at times feel unfair, even if you lost due to a lack of skill which is not clear at the time, so I think this leads to people being generally aggravated, and doing stuff like this when they lose (or win).

    It's pretty annoying though, I'd get post-game BM for camping when I first started playing, then for tunneling. Once I knew the "accepted" way to play, I remember I got my first 4K as the nurse, with 0 camping or tunneling, pretty intense game. I said "gg" and the post-game comment was "I let you get that kill", and another person criticised me for being on windows store. There's no escaping it sometimes, no matter how you play.

    I'm thinking perhaps due to this covid 19 lockdown, everyone is feeling particularly down, and choosing to take it out on others online, which then makes the cycle worse. Although I didn't play this game pre-covid so I have no idea.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245
    Answer ✓

    IDK. Certain games just seem to attract grieifers. Some times its because its a highly griefable game, but this kinda isn't as you don't have all that much control over other players. HOWEVER players of this game seem to be rather easily tilted by even non-greifing actions. THAT, my friend, will certainly attract griefers.

    The best thing you can do is not be mad, or if you are, don't show it. Try not to play differantly, don't be tilted in end game chat, make them wonder if you even noticed. Spread the word and if enough people do this they will move on.


  • greyscalearch
    greyscalearch Member Posts: 2

    The reason I find hitting on the hook to be somewhat toxic is just because they don't have to hit you to win or get an advantage. It's really just the killer kicking you when you're down; but that's just my opinion, and people can do it if they want.

    That's honestly fair. I consider myself a relatively chill player, I don't play DBD competitively and I often sacrifice myself for my teammates, but sometimes I get salty over matches I lose when I feel I should have pulled it off. It's usually not the killer's fault though, just my own lack of skill and mistakes. Thanks for the quick answer!

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    I guess don't always blame yourself either, a lot of times it is down to how we play, but in solo survivor, a lot of times it can be because your getting matched up with new players who don't know how to play.

    I find playing Killer more stressful, as usually the loss is down to you not putting enough pressure or making a misplay, unless you're against a particularly good SWF (or VERY good solo team), and maybe don't have an optimal build (perks/add ons).