Maybe the devs should delay updates at least 1 week...

The amount of bugs in just my first 6 matches is laughable
- Deadzones where Victor gets pushed back when using his pounce (like nurse but 10 times worse)
- Deadzones where Victor gets stuck and cant move
- Victor gets pushed backed to his original pounce location after landing a hit in some ocassions
- The animation for kicking victor plays but nothing happens
- Hoarder does nothing (I literally saw people opening chests in front of me and nothing played)
- Legion for whatever reason is way slower when he frenzies
- Deathslingers reeling sound plays forever (at least from survivor POV, havent tested it myself with him)
and as a personal pet peeve
- The twins' chase music is so quiet, it really got demoralizing after a while, music is my favorite aspect from this game and I really dislike how quiet it currently is.
This patch is a mess, I am accustomed to ######### day 1 releases as always but never have they released a NEW killer this broken. The hotfix cant come soon enough.
On a positive note Coup de Grace is still pretty fun despite the nerf
I was super excited for this update, saved up my shards to get this killer because I thought they'd actually address the issues with the PTB... Boy was I wrong! Now Victor randomly gets stuck on stuff and will sometimes merge into the ground, all whilst survivors can still abuse lockers and kick Victor after a successful down. This killer has almost nothing going for her, the only thing her power does well is camp. I'm very disappointed that they decided to release an unfinished chapter.