A discussion about DS

It's nice to have a anti tunnel perk and i love the ideia, the problem is when survivors abuse the DS power by forcing a chase even after a hook or something, and with the DS+unbreakable combo this have almost no counterplay in certain cases.
So I have some ideas to "Ballance" the perk to be used only as a anti tunnel tool and like to hear other suggestions too.
1° ideia: After been hooked you became the obsession, only obsession can use the DS. I like this ideia but I don't know how to improve in a 2 hooked survivors scenario so I thinks it's not that good.
2° ideia: After been unhooked, the DS enter on a pre-activation phase that last something around 15-20 seg. If you go down in that time, the perk remain active until you are pick up, either by the killer or another survivor/unbreakable/soul guard.
I was think about the pre activation timer pauses while in chase but it seems too strong.
3° ideia (the lazy one): reduce the timer to 45 seg like pop. But I don't like this ideia cause I don't think the time is the problem.
So what you guys think about this?