Victor shape shifts on ps4
During the mori Victor changes in shape and size. See video (first mori is without Victor, final 3 have him and are all bugged). I'll report it in feedback as well anybody else see this?
What in this patch isn't bugged?
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Seen a lot of players wearing the new Elodie reindeer onesie, that seems to work fine. 👍️👍️👍️👍️
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Right. I'm actually kinda 😡. 1 out of 3 times you send out victor he's stuck in place for no reason... 90 seconds without a power. #########! I thought there's be a "way to call him back after 45 sec"? Not to my knowledge and if you switch to him by accident while he's stuck your 90 seconds starts over!
Devs? Any chance on this getting fixed since you sold him unfinished? I figured other than the "upcoming locker fix" he'd be ok. He's stuck right where you drop him at least 2x every game!