I feel like my Trapper rights are being taken away...

VenomousHawk86 Member Posts: 50
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

This update is appalling as a shipped product but I've been noticing a trend since the map reworks started happening. I only have enough time to play to learn and master one killer and I chose trapper out of the pool available, I love the guy and know I'm playing a significantly less optimal killer then other choices. What guts me is is the game I had last night, the new Wretched Shop map, I got a basement hook and went for a cheeky trap just next to him in the usual spot for it and found I couldn't place a trap, I walked all the way up the stairs and I couldn't place one until I got to the top of the stairs. So what, I'm not allowed to do basement traps anymore? I'm assuming this at least applies to any reworked maps if not all basements on all maps in the game and for hag too the same way that exit gates on the reworked maps can't be trapped near either. I just feel a little like behaviour is going a bit scorched earth on survivor complaints about trapping the gates, for hag I get it, she is an oppressive killer when played atleast ok, but it was one of the few tools I had as trapper especially when I had no game slowdown perks and an aversion to running NOED so trapping exit gates especially 99'd ones was the difference between No sacrifices to atleast 1 if not 2 or 3.

How many more things are going to be canned before trapper gets a health update? I can't place traps within 16 meters of a hooked survivor? ones that are already there get disarmed or else it's "too oppressive"? At least let trapper have a base carry capacity of 2, so I can build something other then a bag and setting speed. Remove dead harding through traps, or make traps do a damage state so the injured guy who steps in my trap across the map doesn't just get a free disarm accidentally on a trap he didn't spot first consequence free unless an ally comes and rescues him (rescues prevent the damage state in this idea so if they were healthy and rescued they'd still be healthy). It's just frustrating seeing the start of what could be such a trend affecting the one killer I put time into.