So, how is looping victor going for you all ?

Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

I personally was mainly playing twins for the few days since they've released and for all that time I hardly find anyone who can reliably loop victor as long as I'm positioning and aiming properly.

The counterplay of using small obstacles to loop around so victor doesn't have enough time to pounce or crouch after pallet throw to not get hit ect, nobody does those or sucks at them as I get them anyway, everyone just loops like with basic M1 killers so it's really hard to learn anything new or proplerly discover limits of victor's chase.

Right now it feels to me very similar to deathslinger or spirit (not that I'm complaining or wanting nerfs as I consider those killers more or less fine chase wise) as almost all the power is in hands of the killer and survivor mainly waits for killer to make a mistake while making it harder for them with random movement. I personally don't mind such gameplay but it's weird to me that nobody is really complaining about victor's chase at all, the same way as when slinger was release, everyone called him bad but later a wave of "no counterplay needs rework" rose up.

My guess is it's due to the horrible state this patch came out so all the bugs, lacking features etc take all the spotlight so nobody really notices or care about how strong is victor in chase.

What I'm getting at is that I'd like to know if someone who faced enough twins can reliably tell if they're managing to loop victor and utilise any of those strategies againt him or if they just don't work vs good victor player.

Even better would be if someone good at looping twins could show me how they do it in custom game as I'm really giving up on finding anyone good at it in normal matches. It's really hard to improve when nobody knows what they're doing, maybe I'll just need to wait a month or two before people figure them out.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,323

    I've been playing Twins almost exclusively since release. I'm finding it almost impossible to miss with Victor's charge time and speed add ons. Pallets worked at first, but I figured out the right distance to jump over those.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited December 2020

    Victor is a difficult killer to loop, however you really can just run around a moderate obstacle and he's screwed unless he gets a solid mindgame. Somehow. With no red stain and a huge noise presence.

    Edit: to loop NORMALLY.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Same, basically nobody has managed to loop me for any decent time yet nobody is complaing twins OP or boring.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I have yet to meet someone who can do it properly, either it's really hard to do, unreliable or it just doesn't work. I hope I'll meet someone who can do it well soon.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,323

    Give it a week. This killer can be busted with the right build. One person on the hook or slugged, another with Victor on their back, another in chase with Charlotte, and Ruin/Undying up. Whew.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,207

    I have been able to loop reliably assuming some pallets, super similar to a huntress pallet 50/50 except your trying to get a stun. Plus the reason you are getting short chases is due to positioning meaning a lot, he basically has a built in stealth mechanic with a bunch of free hits.

    Other than that he really has very little to no counters assuming the victor player is good.

    They're the kinda killer to make you say "Yea, (Insert name here) is gonna complain about this killer being annoying in a few months"

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 825
    edited December 2020

    Usually no matter what I do, he just teleports to my head. I'm sure there are some big brain juking tactics, but to me it is not very intuitive. Easily the least fun killer to play against since Legion (or maybe Derpslinger).

    Which is a shame since Blight was great.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    I've played against the twins once since release, I was the only one who wasn't grappled by Victor, however that means nothing because the killer had one perk, brown addons, and missed every other pounce.

    It's not a testament to my own skill but a lack of skill from the other side due to how hard it is to play the twins, with or without bugs.

  • Iceyrawr
    Iceyrawr Member Posts: 122

    Wait you can play as victor?

    mine just get stuck in the ground

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    Its been going okay. I have the feeling that if the loop is small with allot of corners its easier to dodge the pounce. Corners really mess with him I feel. But in the open I have been having a rough time dodging his pounce.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,703

    Honestly I haven't played against enough of them to get a good feel for how to play against it. Lot of the ones I've played against were obviously still learning the killer too so I'm not super sure . I've had some success running around small objects, it seems to at least make it harder for the killer but they do still sometimes manage to get me, maybe I just haven't learned the strat though.