Bad killers will do anything for a hook....

I don't care who you are weather survivor or killer if you body block me on purpose to block pallet use you are getting a report, it's skewed enough towards the killer as it is without them resorting to underhand tactics like that.
What do you guys think?
I think you are wasting our time. Of course a Killer is going to move to intercept you and prevent you from hitting him/her with the pallet. That is commonsense and part of the game. If another Survivor gets in you way, chances are they did it by accident intending to do the same thing you were doing. If they are actively working against the other Survivors, however, report it and provide video evidence (record every game). Stop wasting our time.
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I hope it's a 20 page report complete with footnotes and a bibliography.
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Them being in the way of the pallet drop prompt isn't reportable. If survivors do it sure it's a dick move but you can't do much. And if the killer swings through and blocks it just do another loop or go to a different one.
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If a survivor does it, sure - total dick move. Probably on accident though.
If a killer does that, it's a completely fair tactic. Why wouldn't they try to stop the pallet from being thrown? It's not scummy at all.
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This is a genuine strategy, I wouldn't even consider it remotely unfair or toxic (unless your teammate is sandbagging). I don't even really know what the complaint is meant to be, I'm interpreting it as: "The killer should not be allowed to get in my way", to which I would respond that it's the killer's goal to catch you, and unless there is an exploit/cheat being used to do this, it's not reportable.
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Killer can block pallets but survivors are consider sandbagging you. I blocked the hatch against survivors by standing on it. I body blocked as hag and the twin. It not reportable unless I block you in a corner with no mean of escape. Sandbagging are people tryna to be a douche to you or just tryna to help the killer.
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My favorite thing as a killer is body blocking a survivor into the corner they tried to hide in and then throwing up on them until they get hurt as Plague because it doesn't let them phase through me when they get hurt by that (unlike if I were to smack them normally, in which then they can escape because they phase through me). Then I can just smack'em! Basically a free down when a survivor puts themselves in a corner :D
Sorry if you think that's "cheating" or whatever because it's not. You put yourself in a bad situation that the killer could take advantage of by standing in the way and you pay the price for it. If the survivors are body blocking you, that I can understand being mad about but as a killer, you bet your ass I'm going to do what I can to knock you out as efficiently as possible!
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Nasty killers in your area will do anything for a hook, and we do mean anything
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Right so running to a pallet to use on the wraith while he is invis and he purposely gets in my way to block it is not toxic? Body blocking is reportable and what's acceptable to you doesn't mean it's not acceptable in general. He ignored a hit to block me then hit me, it's a scummy tactic.
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There is a report option for body blocking so it's definitely considered unfair practice, he wouldn't of had the hit so early if he didn't do that and ignored me to get a head to purposely block.
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No, it's not toxic to counter your move. Body blocking is reportable under certain circumstances, like survivors sandbagging you or the killer blocking you in a corner to hold the game hostage. It is not reportable when the killer literally just predicted and countered your move.
To put this in another way, you are complaining that someone overtook you in a racing game by blocking your intended route.
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Bodyblocking is an intended mechanic for both roles. Survivors can block hooks, doorways, and so on to protect their teammates. Killers can block windows and pallets to get themselves a hit. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it and so you’re wasting everybody’s time by reporting it.
If someone bodyblocks you into an inescapable corner so you can’t play the game then you have a valid reason to report because that’s against the rules. Regular bodyblocking that occurs for a few seconds is totally legal and allowed.
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You say that but it's a reportable offence, he ignored me initially to block the pallet and being wraith was faster then me by miles while invis.
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Bodyblocking is reportable? Good news, I'll report every survivor trying to get protection hits at the exit gate lol
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Survivors have the same tactic of body blocking, not sure how this is bannable or an offense. It is using whatever resources you have at your disposal, if using your girth is an option you can bet I am going to use it.
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It's not toxic. Stopping a survivor from getting to a pallet by bodyblocking with wraith (while invisible) is what makes him good.
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That's... One of the few things Wraith can do. He's not that great in general, and using his speed to get to places first is one of the very few things Wraith can do during a chase. Body blocking isn't a reportable offense, otherwise Survivor's taking hits to make a survivor wiggle out would be reportable. What's the difference? Both cases have one side body blocking the other from their goal.
A survivor bodyblocking another survivor on purpose may be a reportable offense - it's called sandbagging, and that is a truly scummy thing. Another reportable case would be a killer blocking a survivor in a corner all game. Not a Wraith bodyblocking a pallet.
Whoever told you that bodyblocking is a reportable thing was wrong. It even says in the game that bodyblocking isn't a bannable offense.
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That's not stopping you from moving and taking a hit isn't body blocking, now if they were to block a choke point while you were in a chase on purpose that's body blocking because you have no other option to go round or hit them and lose your intended target. I would support you on that if it happened because it's scummy.
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If you go to the report option at the summery of a game and look under the trolling option it's there in writing, taking a hit is receiving a penalty for the action not a one way negative for one player.
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Go ahead and report him, waste your time doing something that will do nothing.
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Hahaha, he is body blocking you to gain time to get out of stealth so he can hit you in the face and preventing you from hitting him with the pallet. He did not ignore you, he is literally unable to hit you while invisible. There is nothing reportable about it... there is a reason he is still solid while invisible.
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It's still not ok though it's in the report options in the after game summery, the wraith is pretty strong imo and doesn't need to block like that and shouldn't, no one should.
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Yeah he's still solid because you graphically can't remove a intended solid object it's just the coding changes his intended look, it's scummy to do.
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Nope, not "toxic" not "sweaty" not any of the idiotic terms people throw around. It is just a game tactic and totally valid.
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If the Wraith had blocked you in a corner, and never hit you - yes, that would be reportable. But simply using his invis to block you from getting to a pallet to get a hit is not toxic in the first place - and it's also very risky because Survivor's can still slip by if the Wraith didn't block enough, and if he's stunned in Invis it is a very lengthy stun. You can keep reporting, but it won't do anything. The dev's don't view tactical bodyblocking as toxic or bannable, and neither does most of the community.
"Wraith is pretty strong imo" I'm not gonna get in an argument about the killer that is arguably the most add-on dependent in the entire game.
Just... Don't report people for doing things that are a legitimate tactic, no matter how much you dislike the tactic. That's toxic in of itself.
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Yall fallin for some super basic bait.. dont feed the troll please.
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Why is it reportable then if it's a legal tactic? You might say taking the game hostage or sandbagging but it changed the narrative of the game completely simply because he body blocked, if it was an intended strategy you would get points for doing it.
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Lol troll, I'm legit serious right now. You can tell most of these comments are coming from killer mains, I don't body block as a general rule because I know how toxic it is.
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No because that's an intended mechanic, you get points for doing that so a bit of a pointless comparison. If you got points for doing it fair enough but it's a reportable action and you don't get points for it.
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How is this reportable in anyway? Is he taking the game hostage? No. Are you teammates body blocking to make you go down? No. So what's the problem? The wraith is just predicting your next move by blocking a pallet. There is literally nothing wrong with that at all. Plus, he's already relatively weak compared to a lot of the killers.
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Killers have threatened to report survivors who block hooks in the past and been told the same thing.
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A screenshot from the official DbD site. All it took me was a quick google search.
I'm just gonna leave this there, then never touch this topic again.
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i was gonna say something totally different when i read the title that nothing has to do with what you said, being that said only 2 words can be said, git gud. if u are having problems with wraith you are the problem not the second/third worst killer in the game.
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Wait, streamsniping isn't bannable? That's literally cheating...
As for this post: imagine being mad a killer was able to bodyblock you from a pallet...??? Take better pathing, bro.
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Better ask them to remove body blocking off their repot options then because until they do I'm reporting it each time.
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Look, some people can't be taught because they choose, willfully to be ignorant of certain facts. Report away if you think it will do anything. Hint: It won't.
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No because that player is completing an intended objective to win and regardless as to who doesn't it that will not change the result. Body blocking does.
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I think it's because any streamer can get salty and say "sTrEaMsNiPeR". Maybe if they had actual proof, it'd be bannable.
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I'm a red rank survivor so that's the least of my worries, killers need to "git gud" as you say and play properly.
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I get that, but it's usually obvious from the stream of the game itself. Seems a bit odd to rule it out as completely unbannable, even in cases where its obvious or the person admits it in postgame chat.
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Go ahead. Won't do a thing. Judging by your logic, BM should be bannable. It doesn't help them win, it doesn't get them points. Your logic is flawed and biased. Bye.
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It very much helps them win especially in the case I just had so my proof is in the experience, he done it both times and it got me downed much quicker then if he didn't. It's desperate gameplay at best and virtually cheating at worst.
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Again, I don't really know. I definitely agree that actual cases should be bannable. Maybe it has to do with it being a different entity than DbD, like Twitch (or any other steaming site)? They listed they can't do anything about Discord and Twitch, so maybe that's why.
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Protection hits aren't body blocking because you are trading time for an injury, not one person is solely gaining from it like body blocking.
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Here, let's ask a mod. Hey, @MandyTalk @Rizzo90 is this bannable? I know it isn't, but this person can't seem to realize that, and they shouldn't be reporting non-reportable things.
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"C'mon bro, why are you not letting me pallet stun you? Im entitled to run to a pallet and stun you without you trying to intercept me." I love the forums sometimes
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Ranks mean nothing, everyone can be a rank 1 survivor sadly, even terrible survivors.
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Its not a challenge. You cant win against a dumb person. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Not at all you just avoid it, it's called "going round" or "leaving distance" between you and the survivor and most Normal killers do that. If you get hit everytime as a killer I feel bad for you.
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That's not possible because you have to do the relevant actions to do so, admittedly you get red ranks who make bad decisions but can't be terrible by principal of doing what's needed to rank up.