Why aren't we heard?


Why don't the devs listen to us? The people who play their game and enjoy it. We started to play there game because it was fun but over time it has not held up and I know that this is true for a lot of people. It seems that the devs are just after money and don't care for the game they created. This has only become more apparent with their worst dlc released. They nerfed one perk from ptb to live. They didn't fix any of the bugs or any complaints the community had. They should have delayed the release of the dlc to ensure it was finished an in a good state. I have loved BHVR for the last 2 years that I played this game, but this is the final straw. Though countless game breaking bugs and balance issues I have played. I'm sick of the way we are seen for only our wallets by them, they are only after money as I said earlier, and I just can't put up with it any more. And as for the recent censorship of this forum for people speaking out against BHVR and the mods. I will probably be banned and this post will be taken down, but to the few people who see this, please stand up please say you have had enough, I love this game and so do many other players, and I want it to get better but this is the only way it is going to happen. It's only going to happen if we make it happen, so lets make it happen.


  • jzizzle765
    jzizzle765 Member Posts: 14

    Yup as one streamer who shall named be named said, the next couple months are going to show if the devs actually give a ######### about us or if they're just still here for the money. I only started playing maybe 3 months ago and initially had fun, then started a couple bugs here and there. I looked into things and honestly I don't know why this player base has put up with their crap for so long.

    I think the last couple months is evidence of what they think of us and their game. Their sad excuse for a Halloween "event" and now releasing a dlc that broke/bugged over 100 things in game and people still paid money for it and B.S. skins. It's why they're gonna keep releasing broken content and not fix core issues that have been around for years.

    I hope the outrage from the patch gets them on the right path but as long as people keep throwing money at them, I don't see it happening.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    It's because this game's direction is almost entirely metric-driven, and all that matters is that it's profitable on its current trajectory. No developers or developer-adjacent staff members, aside from some perpetually beleaguered community managers, ever takes any initiative within the DBD community. The most we get is those Twitch streams, where they don't ever have any real answers to real questions.

    To be fair, it would be incredibly risky and inefficient to listen to every grievance a large game's community has. You cannot effectively develop a game that way. But the frequency and the degree to which Behaviour ignores major game issues is staggering, so, I dunno what the solution is.