Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Poor Legion...



  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
    edited December 2020

    Oh, no, no, no... Old Legion was much worse than that. Old Legion didn't just stab you. He would proxy chase you. Moonwalk or stare at the ground, tracking scratch marks or blood. Back then, the DW timer only went down in a chase. So if you were getting proxy chased, your timer was constantly ticking.

    Mend? M1. Don't mend? Proxy chase, stab, repeat until you drop. you wouldn't even last 20 secs with that.

    Side note: Don't forget, Legion only needed 25% of his gauge back then and his recovery was 15 secs. You could be in Frenzy again in literally 3-4 secs, so pallets were a complete non-issue. There was 0 defense back then.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    I actually proposed similar ideas.

    Basekit change: Legion's 4 sec fatigue is reduced by 0.5 secs for every successful stab to a max of 2 secs.

    Frank's Mixtape: Increase Frenzy speed by 5% for every successful stab to a max of 20% (meaning, you can be moving at 150% potentially)

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,932

    I would definitely like to see the fatigue reduced, I don't really understand why it's longer than Nurse's when she's infinitely more of a threat.

    I do think Legion needs some love, but I know obviously there's time constraints on things and I am sure they will get looked into at some point - I'm not a fan of Deep Wound personally, especially as it affects other things like Borrowed Time, so I can see why things are more complicated with Legion. I absolutely love the idea of the design with Legion - and they have some of the best cosmetics as well, but I do think QoL changes would be great for them.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521


    I've never understood this. Every time I get to play against a Legion, I get excited. Then I get sad because no one knows how to play her. I'm sad I'm not able to play against good Legions, cuz they actually take a brain to defeat (when to heal, when to slam gens, etc.), and it's why I love Spirit: it's not just slam gens and run around a pallet for 9 years. You actually have to think, and your choices have consequences. Only difference is that Legion gives that but also you can run him around a pallet for 9 years like everyone wants all killers to be.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Yeah I don't understand the "Legion is boring arguement". There are more fun killers to go against in my opinion but they are far from being annoying.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    You're actually the only mod here that is not afraid to express your own opinion. Respect.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,086

    Mend Mend Mend

    First free hit and then uninteresting m1 killer.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    I haven't verified it either, but it's funny because I also assumed they were a small indie company of 20-30 people. Then I asked the forums and I got told they have hundreds of employees and they haven't been a small indie company in a long time... It makes the quality of their work and how slowly they work pretty unacceptable. They're bloated.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Oh, boo hoo, you suffer from a worthless status effect that inconveniences you for a whole 12 seconds. Oh the humanity!

    Seriously, never understood why people hate mending so much.

    From the survivor side, yeah, it can seem like free hit than uninteresting killer, but the playstyle the Legion invokes is just full of depth and decision making. As well, it makes the survivor question what their next move should be, instead of "GENS GENS GENS"

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    "first hits have no counterplay"

    have you tried getting out of Killer Instinct range? or stunning him? or 360ing him? Legion doesn't get free hits unless you let him get those hits

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2020

    Sorry for the aggressive approach, but I had think I would write with one of the lying and toxic people that have rush the forums in the past, because their lords (sorry streamers) told them to do so.

    A stagnation I can't neither denie, nor verify. The only thing that I have saw was a negative spike in the steam stats a few days, or weeks after the rework.

    The survivors I had talk with to that time in the endgame chat and 1 I had also as a friend to that time (he does not play dbd anymore), were happy to had a distraction from the usual killers. I mean besides nurse were aside from that no real reason for them to play differently.

    So that they have to behave differently to their usual behavior, if they face the usual m1 killer. They were happy to do other counterplay and also to do it fast, because to face the Legion to that time has force the killer, like the survivors to a faster gameplay.

    Of course everyone was against the exploiting people. That is also why I am ok with the banwave towards Legionmains. With what I am not ok is, that the devs have indirectly support the dcing people (because they have done what they wanted) and not ban people that have exploited and were no Legionmains (like the survivor-perk exploiters shortly afterwards the rework).

    For me the Legion and also dbd had die on the day were I was not anymore able to be fast and to stab people multiple times. I have seen this as a scam, even to this day because on this way the Legion was advertised to new players - that I was to this time and I know for certain, that I don't be alone with those feelings.

    In my opinion dbd would have had more win with letting the Legion in the game as it was, but fixing the exploits and op addons, towards the situation today.

    Because on this way they would have stay open to new players that would have liked to play something different as always the same (usual m1 killers), or to play against.

    Instead they decided to cater the small toxic minority of 1-2 streamers, close the door for those potentially new players and gave those dc'ers what they wanted.

    The outcome of this trade of playerbases plagues dbd to this day and I assume it has cost dbd more players as the Legion ever could have.

    But as said before. Dbd totally deserves it. Who ever does what dcing people want, deserves to drown into dcing matches. That is just my opinion.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,086

    Do you think Mending 28 times in a match is a fun experience? Yea, it's only 12 seconds, but those 12 seconds could also be 2 minutes doing nothing, It doesn't even have Skill Checks...

    Well, if the Legion finds you healthy, it's 100% free hit without a question (If of course autoaim doesn't screw you over), there isn't much decision making there, I understand that with Legion you need to decide if you want to chase the same guy, or chain hits to get some value out of your power tho, and after some hits, Legion becomes M1 Killer with no power.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Rat liver, rat tail are his two best add-ons. His recovery add-ons are always nice to have so eleven's soda and unknown egg are great if you're having to teleport a bunch. Leprose lichen is a great add-on, it's not super impactful but it's a nice addition to Demo's base abilities. It's always nice to have more portals, mew's guts and the rotten pumpkin are great for that. And a lot of his add-ons are 2 add-ons of a lower rarity combined together.

    See the trend? Demo absolutely doesn't need add-ons to be good, and all of his add-ons with the exception of red moss are good additions to his power with the exception of rat liver which is a significant buff. Oni's add-ons are the same. He doesn't need add-ons either, all the add-ons do for him is buff his already great power in small ways, which is what every killer power should be like tbh.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I would kill to see a rework for the Legion. Something to do with them actually feeling like a Legion in game? I would say give them a telport between lockers (since they are school kids basically) that leaves behind a member of the legion that can attack out like a head on survivor. Make it so there is some kind of tell on the locker so survivors have a chance to avoid it. I think that would be fun.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334
    edited December 2020

    I saw somebody else say "Twins have what Legion's power should have been." and I think that's right.

    I think it was a huge disappointment and failure on BHVR's part to advertise a killer as a "gang" and then introduce them with the most generic power ever: Run fast and go stabby stabby. No gang, you work alone. It sucks! Legion deserves a rework for that alone. 100% failure.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Yeah, and they are such a cool idea that could have been so much more, and they have an especially awesome metal remix of the main DBD theme...but are so disappointing otherwise.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Hear was my idea for a Legion rework.

    Special Ability: Corrupted From Within

    At any time The Legion may remove their mask. Upon doing so The Legion’s base speed will be decreased to that of a survivor and they will gain the undetectable status effect. Additionally The Legion will gain the posture and footsteps of survivors. When getting into grab range The Legion may instantly down the survivor. The Legion may exit Corrupted From Within at any time. Corrupted From Within goes on cooldown after exiting or downing a survivor.  

    Special Attack: Feral Frenzy 

    Upon activating Feral Frenzy The Legion will sprint forward at a higher speed. The Legion gains the ability to vault over pallets and through windows. Missing an attack will decrease The Legions Feral Frenzy power gauge. Hitting a survivor while in Feral Frenzy will refill the power gauge and reveal other survivors nearby in killer instinct. 

    Hitting a second survivor will apply the deep wound status effect. 

    Hitting a third survivor will apply the deep wound status effect and apply the broken status effect. 

    Hitting a fourth survivor will instantly down them and remove The Legion from Feral Frenzy.  

    While The Legion is not currently chasing a survivor, Feral Frenzy’s speed, dutration, and stun after leaving the power is increased.  

    Applying the deep wound status effect will critically injure the survivor. They must mend themselves or they will be put in the dying state, additionally their movements become rushed and clumsier and they suffer from the hindered status effect.  

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    I Mean wasnt even the first legion (the one who could moonwalk) considered "meh" i forget how it went back then.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Yeah, thats what I said. Even the first Legion-version was not a good Killer.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    this ^^^^^^^^ legion's just so good at slowing the pace of the match use that to your advantage with even more slowdown perks such as thana, ruin, pop or even forced penance (forced penance is good on legion pls try it)

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2020

    The problem with all the "Gang" ideas for the Legion are: Swf.

    Even the locker thing mentioned aboved could easy be told to other survivors via coms. Like also where one has seen some other Legion member staying and so on.

    While I admit that it is an interesting idea, I don't know how that could be balanced against swfs.

    Also the Legion had always 2 advertising videos. The second and longer video had shown the pre rewok Legion and even if this killer was far away from being op - how also the killrates stats of that time have prove - he was what some people miss.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    But this just illustrates what problem SWF is, not problems with killers.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I wouldn't call 1-2 streamers + their audiences + a handful of mindless guys who have follow them "the community", but go on :). I had in my endgamechat more people as they people, that have actively watch their streams and I was nothing special -_-.

    You are right, but you can't do anything against swf in a multiplayer game. Everyone expects to be able, to play with his/her friends a multiplayer game.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Behavior really needs to do something about the food chain in this game swf>killer>solo. Though this is something hard to tackle so I can't fault them too hard.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Why is vaulting bad?

    It just needs to be fine tuned so that survivors can’t easily avoid Legion still by just sharply turning and vaulting again.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    A lot of Survivor players don't like the idea that a Killer can vault windows and pallets as fast as they can. It removes some of their defensive options. Of course, they could just camp a pallet and make Legion play chicken with a bonk to the head, but that would be "wasting" a pallet.

    Thana is a fairly solid choice on Legion and is often viewed as one of the two Killers that benefits most from it, the other being Plague. This is because both Killers are built around the premise of keeping Survivors injured as much as possible. That said, it DID recently get nerfed so that is no longer slows healing speed. While yes, this works counter to the normal strategy of "don't heal against Legion", that strat is really just for solo queues that can't otherwise declare strategies to each other. Healing against Legion is, in fact, fine. While it technically gives Legion a reason to use their power, it's a power that CANNOT kill you, only injure. Making Legion use their power makes them show up more often, but is also safer than running around as a one shot Survivor. Healing against Legion actually forces them to DROP their lethality option in order to maintain pressure, which is something almost no other Killer has to deal with. It's also something you can abuse to kingdom come and make the match VERY hard on the Legion player. If they need to maintain Injured on everyone just to get value out of their power while not using said power, that means you essentially have control of which phase the Legion player is in unless they give up on their power entirely and only use it for cruisin' cross the USA. Even at that point, you're still up against an M1 Killer that very clearly informs you they are moving fast and getting closer. You can prepare for their visit by camping a pallet and seeing how willing they are to headbutt a wooden plank. On top of that, when they drop their power, Legion basically Decisive Strikes themself. You have 4 seconds to run towards a loop and treat them like the underwhelming M1 Killer they are.

    As for Ruin, it's Ruin. It benefits Legion the same as any other Killer and is not special on them. Forced Penance is okay, but only if everyone is grouped up, which is normally the OPPOSITE of what happens when Survivors know they are against Legion. Pop is alright because Legion can use their power to run across the map to make a special delivery of BOOT to a preferable generator, though this is also a huge waste of time for the Legion.

    Legion has a cool concept. Their ability, while underwhelming in practice, certainly has an allure to it. That said, Legion is almost outclassed categorically in everything they do by other Killers save for their ability to Injure every Survivor the first time they see even one of them. After that, the Survivors adjust, and Legion becomes a M1 Killer with occasional speed boosts. The odd hit chain here and there if the Survivor team bunches up. Maybe more towards the late match if the Legion is trying a 3 gen strat, though by that point, Legion is generally more hurt by their power than helped.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Demo, an actually balanced mid-tier killer is getting an update next after the clown, while the Legion are literally dying from looping. AMAZING GAME DESIGNER!

  • slayer565745
    slayer565745 Member Posts: 31

    I personally enjoying both playing as and against legion. I think when I play as legion the way I use my power can completely win or lose a game for me. Then, when I play against legion I don't spend 5 minutes holding m1 waiting for a chase, because legion is constantly changing targets.

  • Asqueado
    Asqueado Member Posts: 64

    SWF is a problem for 90% of killers, not for a specific one and also the 90% of all the game problems in general.

  • Every killer is bad every perk is broken and op and just fine at the same time. Oh and survivors and killers are both op as hell and at the same time, at a disadvantage.