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Announcement of freddy changes has been made..and yet I think its a terrible decision to be making..despite his kill rating nobody worth their salt as a killer views him as top of the pyramid, the issue we find ourselves in a situation i worried was coming..the severe lack of competent matchmaking has created a mix of players at all levels , this hereby resulting in teams of random survivors being handicapped by less experience players, combine that with the killers emblem system requiring more effort to keep up, so even when the matches are all red ranks there are many that don't belong there seeping into them on the survibor end..last time we had stats the difference between ranks 2 and one was over 10 percent difference in kill rate even with this bad system
This all pools into creating unreliable stats and in game experience which is only going to inflate the bad experiences of higher tier killer players beyond what they already can be Because the game isn't properly equipped to handle teams with intimate game knowledge and skill..I forsee this freddy change heading to disaster and when they finally get real numbers for higher levels of play it'll result in a bigger backlog if they overlap freddy as im very worried they will..I think they need to wait and focus on the games low points rather than shoot themselves in the foot
If Freddy's killrate is high it's likely because people just suicide on hook against him. Even in my rank 1 games people suicide against him because they find him boring to play against. His current power is good but imo it needs some refining to be more engaging. Everything is there it just needs to be made more fun to play around. I still feel like the Dream Pallets are the more fun game mechanic to play against. That's why I kept saying the snares and pallets should be available at all times and share the current charges he has now. Would require Freddy to manage resources more but that's just me.
66 -
Freddy's stats are incredibly skewed, and it's dissapointing to see a dev team make this bad of a judgement
32 -
Personally, I hate playing against Freddy. I don't think he's SUPER HIGH TIER, though. For me, his issue is how strong he is at a baseline. His baseline stats are pretty strong, but his skill ceiling is pretty low. I personally wouldn't mind seeing him LOSE some of his baseline power, but give the remaining abilities a small boost so that he becomes more focused. Excels at some things, stumbles on others. Right now, he's almost a jack of all trades, master of none. An amazing Freddy won't compete with an amazing Nurse, but a bad Freddy will dominate over a bad Nurse.
19 -
What could possibly go wrong?
*looks at Nurse vanishing from the game*
*looks at Billy vanishing from the game*
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I suppose I see your point..I just worry because the devs are rarely subtle
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I think it has more to do with how accessible he is at lower tiers compared to say spirit or nurse or blight
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Precisely..these devs are not delicate with killer changes..and I'm not standing by and waiting quietly this tired of it
17 -
Well, DS is getting changed, so we kind got even?
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not at all..a perk that is constantly creating problems especially with other far different from a killer that is being targeted due to stats that can't be trusted for too many reasons
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i agree with everything but the resource management.
Resource management as a killer mechanic it simply doesn't work with the way the game is set up:
Killers already have to micromanage a lot in the game anymore will be overwhelming.
Resource management by design meant to be detrimental to the fun of the game by stopping you from doing things so unless its designed around which all forced resource management in the game haven't been it won't be fun nor interesting.
8 -
That is the dumbest comparison I ever heard.
17 -
Hey, I agree, i know that good survivors don't have problem versing Freddy, but 90% of community are noobs who don't want to play differently, they want every killer to be looped the same way.. I'm just hoping they won't totally destroy him and add something in return..
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Read the comment above
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As a Nurse main I agree with this. Mind you there are two things I would change about Freddy currently.
I would outright remove the addons that slow down the game. Freddy doesn't need them because he has such high map mobility. They're also boring to play against and this is why survivors suicide on hook. To clarify - No addons that slow gens and only one purple addon that slows down waking up by other players. If that was done it would be less of a slog to play against Freddy stacking slowdowns.
I would enable both Pallets and Snares for Freddy forcing him to manage resources better. I would rework the addons that change Snares to Pallets to just increase the capacity of his ability. Thus he would be forced to choose between capacity addons or other annoying effects. Low skill Freddy players would choose the capacity every time. In my view 8 would be a good starting value.
That's my bias of course. I'd probably give a new debuff effect for being asleep that isn't currently in game but that's it at most.
9 -
It's kind of funny to hear them say that just because the killer is strong. He's not op but he's doing well - lets nerf him meanwhile there is no killer besides him, spirit and nurse that can stand up to a team of well coordinated swf, deal with genrush. And half the killers in the game are a laughing stock especially on bigger maps
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That's why I'm here..after loath to trust blindly
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Let's hope for something similar they did to PH..
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This is why I feel this is important..they're not looking at this as they should
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Perhaps..depending on what they are targeting
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I think Freddy should be nerfed, as someone who played him a lot, old and new, and who plays against him a lot. All the most engaging strong killers have drawbacks to their power. Hag is strong, huntress is strong, but they have weaknesses to them. Even spirit who is more insane I feel tense when in a chase with her. With Freddy I just want him to finish me off asap so I can have an interesting game.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
His killrate is way too high compared to other killers and he is too easy to play for how much he offers. I will be looking forwards to his nerf, hopefully clown gets a considerable buff too.
7 -
Freddy has some of the easiest counterplay in game, I think your issues lie more with how he plays rather than his strength
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Then your not thinking objectively, your looking at the numbers but not asking why..when you ask see those numbers are useless currently
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I think freddy needs some nerfs.
I think we can all agree on the fact that red paint is completely op and needs nerfs at least.
But his slows are just wayyyyy to annoying to go against because its just put mid loop and if your asleep you always get hit no matter your reaction time or skill.
I think he definetly needs to lose the garunteed hits because thats what pisses off survivors the most. The amount of times i see freddies respect pallets and just wait for me to fall alseep to win a chase is just insane. Survivor hate comes from no interaction not strength of the killer.
for the fact that he might be nerfed too much, im not really worried because i think recently the only nerf that went too far was billy but hes still fine but not were he should be imo.
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I'd agree with this too but I'd say it's two different problems.
- Too easy to play as in lower skilled brackets.
- Too boring to play against in higher skilled brackets.
And then there lies the problem with Freddy.
2 -
I do think Freddy needs some small changes and hopefully that’s all they’ll give him, minor tweaks. His slow down add ons are a bit overkill and could easily go, his ability to just spam snares with no drawback is a little too much, and the fact that he can ignore BT is silly. I’d be happy if they removed the Oblivious status effect from his power altogether so that he doesn’t get to ignore BT, but also isn’t so heavily countered by Object.
I don’t think Freddy is as bad as a lot of survivors say, he’s not busted or anything. He just needs a couple of things reining in IMO.
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Red paint brush is..ok , its an Irish do go figure its good. The slow addons..its whatever..though tbh they're weaker than you think..nearly useless actually
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it's just an endless cycle of killer nerfs.. it's quite obvious, once they finish gutting one killer, they move on to the next that whiny survivor mains cry about
Nurse -> Spirit -> Doc (backfired) -> Freddy -> Blight (compound21) -> Billy -> PH -> Freddy
and after that it'll be DS or Spirit or maybe 3 people will complain about Myers and he'll get an "addon sweep"
game's a joke
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not the slow addons but the slow itself just removes all skill from a chase
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My issue with bt is the stigma that it needs to be foolproof..not a fan really, the slowdown add-ons i could care less in their current shabby state and it would remove another excuse for survivors..still to this day people straw man the old forever freddy builds that are frankly dead
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Not seeing your point, it's still a dumb comparison. You don't compare the most balanced Killer in the game to the most broken perk lol
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Freddy does need changes.
Not nerfs, but changes.
Make his snares stronger, but require actual planning to use.
Make his pallets usable baseline alongside Snares.
Make his teleport something he can integrate into chases more often.
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I agree that he is balanced, but many people call him op, the ones not good at the game. But atleast they will change the perk, let's hope for treatment PH got..
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If his slowdown perks were changed or removed, Freddy would be more fun to play against, but without them he would suffer dramatically.
Honestly it would be hard to take away the things that survivors dislike about him and still keep him, y'know, playable without wanting to tear out your nails in frustration
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All I am seeing is a brain dead killer with godly map pressure and slow down and better anti loop potential than clown.
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Its literally just the same as clowns but can't be improved and has no penalty just like Freddy...yet clown is bottom tier..the slow isn't the issue
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How is it better when its the same as clown but can't be upgraded or that makes little sense to me
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The slow down add ons by themselves are very mediocre. The problem is when they’re stacked together and with other slowdowns like Thana, Pop, Ruin, etc. Calling it “forever Freddy” is hyperbole but it is cheesy. That’s why I think they should go, survivors hate them and they’re not good enough that anyone who actually plays Freddy often would miss them.
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It can be used far easier than clowns bottles, you dont even need to calculate where they are going to land, you just put them down while looping and call it a day.
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I have no issues with him or any killer being strong -although I'd prefer licenced killers/perks aren't on the stronger side because the whole ptw thing- but I prefer the stronger killers require a higher level of skill, practice, or strategy than what Freddy takes. That's just how I feel about it though.
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I have no issues with him or any killer being strong -although I'd prefer licenced killers/perks aren't on the stronger side because the whole ptw thing- but I prefer the stronger killers require a higher level of skill, practice, or strategy than what Freddy takes. That's just how I feel about it though.
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Thats not true..if you place them too close to the pallet it'll be the same as a clown bottle and then..pallet down, power useless
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Honestly I agree with that..may give him something more interesting
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Neither of the Killers on your list were gutted, lol.
@Topic: It would be nice if Freddy would require more than 2 Braincells to be played. He is far too easy given how strong he is. Not saying that he is the strongest Killer, but A-Tier for sure and by far the easiest to play.
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While I understand it i can't say its a fair standpoint
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Thats not necessarily a bad thing considering the countrrplay to killers is rarely difficult
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I’m going to be playing as him as much as I can (he’s already my secondary Killer). They screwed up Nurse and Billy and didn’t fix the main problem Killers had with PH (POTD only being useful at animation locks).
Also didn’t the devs say not to use the stats for balancing purposes? Were there just too many complaints from bad/low rank Survivors? He isn’t even OP, just a very strong Killer.
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Uhh,all of those killers are still very strong though?
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Freddy is disgustingly easy for how strong he is. It doesn't really take any skill to slap down a snare and hit someone, it doesn't take any skill to have a secondary power that could pretty much be renamed "free map pressure," it doesn't take any skill to do anything Freddy does. That's why people are sick of him. That's why people want him nerfed. He's like Spirit, using denial as a weapon, but even easier because you can just slap on some music and not really pay attention and still 4k the majority of your trials. Trust me, I've done it. And I am not a good killer.
That's not to say I hate easy killers, I just don't think they should be extremely strong killers as well.