need to hold back the killer sledgehammer

immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Announcement of freddy changes has been made..and yet I think its a terrible decision to be making..despite his kill rating nobody worth their salt as a killer views him as top of the pyramid, the issue we find ourselves in a situation i worried was coming..the severe lack of competent matchmaking has created a mix of players at all levels , this hereby resulting in teams of random survivors being handicapped by less experience players, combine that with the killers emblem system requiring more effort to keep up, so even when the matches are all red ranks there are many that don't belong there seeping into them on the survibor end..last time we had stats the difference between ranks 2 and one was over 10 percent difference in kill rate even with this bad system

This all pools into creating unreliable stats and in game experience which is only going to inflate the bad experiences of higher tier killer players beyond what they already can be Because the game isn't properly equipped to handle teams with intimate game knowledge and skill..I forsee this freddy change heading to disaster and when they finally get real numbers for higher levels of play it'll result in a bigger backlog if they overlap freddy as im very worried they will..I think they need to wait and focus on the games low points rather than shoot themselves in the foot

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