Exhaustion Add-On rework

Will they be changing the exhaustion addons on the huntress and clown, or will they leave them.
Personally I feel they should leave them and just make them a higher rarity as they truly are very good for these killers.
P.S - can we stop making hemorrhage addons, please.
We need more exhaustion addons, not less.
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Yes, yes we do.
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Hopefully they will remove those outdated Add Ons.
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I don't think exhaustion addons are that necessary since exhaustion does not go down while running, but if exhaustion addons will stay their duration needs to be significantly reduced.
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I think they need to keep them as they are and add more, dead head being such a powerful perk, it's very helpful.
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I hope not. I’m tired of Survivors making a mistake and then using their Exhaustion perk as a safety net. If you made a mistake, then you should be punished for it. I would like it if every Killer had at least one add-on that inflicted Exhaustion to force these kinds of players to get good or get kicked out of red ranks.
I’m still upset Doctor lost his (I know he has a lot and doesn’t need it but just throw it back in as Iri King exclusive effect, that’s literally the only place it’ll fit because every other spot is taken and I really hate Survivors using Exhaustion as a crutch) and Demo’s is bad (buff the numbers to like 40 seconds). For the other Killers, an Exhaustion add-ons can replace the useless ones like the Hemorrhage add-ons. I’d love to see Z Block do something against good Survivors.