Easy grind fix IMO

This post is just gonna be short and sweet. On the newest stream they said " don't expect anything in the next 6-9 months". Easy solution, just give more points in game. Raise the cap from 32,000 (this is just standard with no bonus at the end obviously) to 48,000 or something. Keep the bloodweb the same obviously. This will help people get stuff quicker and make playing less grindy. I get the devs are busy but this isn't a hard fix.

Side note- Make it so survivors can actually gain a decent amount of blood points in games. Killers average pretty decent amounts even on bad games. Survivors rarely get more than the killer. I've been in games where the killer got close to 30,000 and the closest survivor literally had only 22,000. Not always but that's a big gap for a close game.
