there are still killers who dont use Corrupt intervention..

Raz_ Member Posts: 296

Dudes why are you doing that? this perk is one of the strongest perks in the game.

"but dude its just 2 minutes" yes it is, and 2 minutes is a long time for a killer. you can get 2-3 hooks in that time if you're a good killer.

here is what happens when i play surv and killer has corrupt = i spawn next to a gen with corrupt, im looking for a gen.. while doing so i find a totem/chest etc etc.. i wasted already around 60 seconds what is half a gen and time of 1-2 chases.

without corrupt: i spawn on a gen, start repairing it immiedately and other survivors do the same. 1 chase = 2-3 gens done (IF the survivors arent dumb and scared of gens)

Killer perspective ; Game starts, i go towards the corrupted area, find 1 survivor.. down him.. infectious is popping, downing the next one and i got already 2 hooks in around 60 seconds. hooking = BBQ gives me information, go to the next one. one gen done = Bitter murmur gives me information. and as mainly huntress player i down survivors in 20 seconds MAX and if not i dont chase him anymore and go for the next target. but dont expect corrupt intervention to carry you when you chase a single survivor for 60 seconds.

what is ruin doing? nothing.. you need to pressure survivors of gens to get something out of it, well good luck when you play killer and every survivor spawns in a different gen.

yeah meta ruin - undying blablabla but still that also wont help you when you cant down survivors quick, hook and go to the gen to pressure it.

my advice use corrupt intervention.

the worst szenario is when survivors play sneaky and that is barely the case for me atleast.


  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Yah I don't use Corrupt :)

    I mostly play Legion and II don't like it on him because it encourages survivors to split up and conquer at the beginning of the trial possibly robbing me of 2-4 frenzy stabs at the start. There are also many ways to reduce Corrupt Intervention's effectiveness by just moving towards an unblocked generator at the start of the trial or just wait it out.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    they nerf it again or are you referring to the previous nerf? I haven't played as much lately, and as a result I don't often see ruin because of the ranks except on ps5 where I played enough to get to purple again very recently (on pc still 14 iirc). I started noticing ruin/undying once I got to purple on ps5 and I decided to knock out the 20 bones rift challenge lol.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Why would I use Corrupt Intervention when I could use Make Your Choice?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    Personally, I wouldn't use it with the undying/ruin combo myself to save the perk slot unless I was playing the trapper or hag, which I don't use and I prefer avoiding killer much myself to begin with to be honest. I feel corruption just nudges people towards looking for bones rather than taking them as they find them, which can hurt the ruin/undying wombo combo and take a perk slot thatc ould be used for something like sloppy butcher for better slows.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited December 2020

    *laughs maniacally in Territorial Imperative, Franklin's Demise, Deerstalker, and Hangman's Trick*

    You'll never separate me from my precious garbage perks! Neverrrrr!

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Corrupt is only better than any other gen perk on killers that need a long time to set up, so trapper, myers and to an extent hag. In any other case ruin, pop, even surge or oppression give more utility as long as you can pressure gens enough to get the worth out of them.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I don’t and I’m doing fine.

    I just dominated in my last 2 matches as Clown running two different builds.

    1) Coulrophobia, Distressing, Forced Penance, Sloppy Butcher.

    2) Franklins, Hoarder, Blood Echo, Mindbreaker.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I use Corrupt on killers that need it but not every killer does. I also always want points so every build I run uses BBQ.

    So here's an example of a killer who doesn't have room for it, Demogorgan. He needs STBFL and probably Ruin and Undying. He really doesn't have the room to have Corrupt imo.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Why would I run Ruin/Undying when I could run Sloppy/Nurses?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    I haven't really used him more than a few times so I never tried the two perks together, but would pop and blight's gen kick perks go decently together? if you kick the gen you know they're gonna go right backt o anyways. I wonder if overload could go with them too, but that would need to be on a really active and mobile killer since that's three perk slots already. I thought about looking at those perks and trying it out, but I avoid killer like the plague.

    To the guy above me, the type of perks you used are often used by the clowns that have given me the hardest time, they seem good choices for that killer to use just based on my own survivor experiences against them on him.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I personally hate the perk and I get much more value out of other things.

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    Yeah that was last year ago(IIRC) when Ruin finally got nerfed to how it is.

    It's just a story I found hilarious that still applies on topic. Not everyone has this perk or that perk for reasons that they probably don't have said characters unlocked.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    not to mentiont hat it can take millions of bp to finally unlock the basic tier of the perk you want per character depending on how many teachables you already have. That's why I mainly have only ash and kate with every perk at tier 3 on my pc account, and on my ps5 account mostly just use laurie since she has ds and wglf at purple already. Once I get BT from bill, between those three and spine chill or swapping spine chill for small game sometimes is about allt he teachables I'm gonna bother withon ps5 unless we finally get a progression merge with our pc accounts some day lol.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    depends if you get people that only mend and do gens with iron will, dead hard, resilience etc. I use those often myself on pc and if I suspect nurses I am fine going injured the whole game, and even better for it sometimes. I don't like playing killer though, so when I do use akiller I guess I am thinking more based on how I play as a survivor sometimes. When people use corrupt, I get all the bones, and often their hexes with it before the corrupt comes down. I didn't want people doing that to me basically.

    During one of the last no DC penalty phases, once I'd given up on finishing a real match while everybody was DC left and right, I played around with many builds and after a couple of days of goofing around I wound up doing fairly well after working out a no mither build too. If people wanna geta little better at the game that's probably one way to do it, it would have been pure hell working that out if I hadn't been goofing around.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I have spawned as a survivor, walked 5 seconds to a gen and saw in the distance other gens being blocked. Still 2 gens done after the first chase

    This happens quite frequently and that's why i stopped using it.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    you should probably check the nearest gens when you spawn as killers to see if somebody happened to spawn near one and is on it, before checking for people traveling from blocked gens looking for unblocked gens or trying to hide near one and ride the corruption out. What I do often is look for bones and hexes when I notice corruption. But very carefully, especially when I see a hex and nobody is being chased (I look at their names and health state highlights to know that along with listening for cues) just in case they're checking out the hex or will get notified while not preoccupied.

    It'ss till a great perk, especially being only one slot for the effect, just not on every killer in my opinion. If you're using somebody like freddy or legion you'd get way more out of using sloppy or nurses like the one guy mentioned, since you could stack M1 punishments and get around to the gens faster. To be straight up though, in those extremely slow, boring, tedious attrition matches where they're slowing everything down to a crawl (legion I hate especially for that) I honestly just suicide ont he first hook and requeue since I don't have the patience and attention span for it lol. I've finished a few matches like that (finish meaning escape), but, if it's gonna be ten minutes of that tedious nonsense and I happen to get caught often I'm out unless the killer was easy to make miss swings and bad at the loops.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    As a Plague main, I feel that corrupt isn't tat good on her. You need to find survivors to infect ASAP and Corrupt will just make them crouch in the corner of the map for two minutes. Can be okay but it's a perk slot I couldve used for another perk that's better on her

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    as plague you should be spitting on gens so when you see an infected status come up you know they were just on one you spat on, like a silent alarm system. if they wait for it to clear it keeps them off it too for a bit.

  • NurseYourWounds
    NurseYourWounds Member Posts: 29

    I think it depends on the killer, as a Nurse main for example, it's simply not needed.

    Bitter Murmer literally shows me where you are when you pop that gen. You wanna pop it? Be my guest.

    I find aura reading abilities far far far more useful, combine it with BBQ and Nurses, you pretty much know where everybody is most the time.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    I've noticed Hex totems get cleansed much faster if killer is running corrupt. Less likely to have NOED at end too because my teammates actually do totems if corrupt is being used.

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    Corrupt is god tier for Trapper and Hag, and ######### tier for killers with mobility that that use Ruin/Undying. With Ruin/Undying you want survivors to jump on the first gen they see so they don't find your totems. With Corrupt they can't do that. Billy, Nurse and Blight do not want Corrupt.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    why would i waste a perk slot for that?

    i just go over to the furthest gens and force them off of them myself, then pop their progress down.

    the only killer i can see this perk working on is Trapper, maybe Hag - because they are setup killers who cant just walk over there and interrupt it themselves.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited December 2020

    You don't need corrupt these days. The game is far more balanced and running multiple gen regression perks is sometimes even too much, especially on stronger killers.

    I use 1 maybe 2 regression perks at most. Often it's simply just surge, pop or opression.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Thanks for the suggestion, i simply don't like using a Perk that's gone after 2 minutes.

    And if the argument is: "It's such a good Perk because of A & B.", then mine is: "I'm not looking for the best of the best."

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    I have never used this Perk, I dont need it.

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't like Corrupt Intervention. I'd only use it on someone like Trapper or Hag.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    I'm with Boss on this one. My Killers only run perks that I find can be strong and consistent throughout the entirety of the match.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Honestly, yea - with how good slugging is as Victor plus Charlotte needing to try and search for them later, it's probably really good on them.

    I use it though because I hate the silent slug bug with a passion.

  • Katana314
    Katana314 Member Posts: 9

    I am actually surprised that more people don't locker against CI. When I use it on Oni (I don't have many gen slowing perks) I can usually catch someone wandering out in the open looking for a different generator. I used to think the good principle would be to only check the available generators, but I do find myself being rewarded checking the disabled area. Maybe that will change if more people become strategic about reacting to it.

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    I don't like the perk and usually apply enough pressure that I don't need it.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's good on other killers also. Myers for example who is slow in tier 1 and survivors will run to him with Corrupt. It's a perfect perk for him.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Yeah, that is fair. Myers could probably leverage Corrupt to a decent degree.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I use Corrupt all the time... on most killers... the others haven't gotten lucky enough... Don't need it

    Pig, Huntress, Clown, Spirit, Deathslinger, Hag

    Pig: Sloppy, Corrupt, BBQ, Whispers

    Huntress: same^^

    Clown: Corrupt, Pop, BBQ, Whispers

    Spirit: STBFL, Corrupt, BBQ, Whispers

    Deathslinger: Gearhead, Corrupt, HL, Retribution

    Hag: STBFL, Corrupt, BBQ, Whispers

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Exactly, not everyone has the money/time to unlock every killer AND get the BP to unlock every perk on all of them. I'm in that situation, just got the last of the killers but need to grind to unlock the teachables

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    I don't run it.

    I fully expect 2 gens to pop before I really start my snowball effect.

    That snowball turns into an avalanche quickly enough that I don't see end game.

    I can see the benefit, but sometimes as survivor it'll spawn me closer to killer, they run off toward blocked gens, and I do a gen early without even knowing the killer had corrupt.

    The new twins perk Oppression is doing very well for me.

    It slows game and helps me find survivors that missed the skill check.

    Corrupt is 1 and done, I don't use ANY 1 and done perks. (Ds, unbreakable, hex totems)

    I only use perks that give me advantage all game. (Brutal strength, inner strength, bbq, STBFL is my favorite. )

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's a boring perk. I don't like it. So I don't use it.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I do just fine without it, and without most slowdown perks in fact. Most I run for slowdown is PGTW. I like to run tracking stuff like Nurses Calling or BBQ, or chase perks like Brutal Strength and Devour Hope cause I find them more fun.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Hey clown I noticed you mentioned you ran hoarder in another post I thought this perk was bugged. Could have sworn they said it does not notify you if they open the basement chest also I experimented with it in a custom match and it gave me no notifications. I'm assuming since you're using it that it's working fine for you? To me this perk is her best perk but I haven't used it because I was told and experienced bugs

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I don't use corrupt. I don't use any slowdown* perks, in fact.

    My games are very stressful.

    *but when I use Devour Hope, it sure feels like a slowdown perk