Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Stop using DS!

We got to stop using DS before they nerf it. So let’s hold off for a while and the DS pick rate can go down. Switch DS with “For the people” so the killer still thinks DS is in the lobby.



  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    What makes you think DS is strictly anti-tunnel?

    For the record, they are invincible if you choose to tunnel. If survivors are magically disabled for doing actions, then so should killer perks. It is amazing killers think Tinkerer is fine as it is, a perk that literally PUNISHES the other side for doing the objective. No counterplay.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Sorry sluzzbucket but you were posting about playing twins at rank 1 the other day, which makes you a killer too.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    I run Save the best for Last.

    I actively will try to eat ds in order to switch obsession.

    Keeping them stacks on basic attacks will win me the game.

    Bring ds, and use it, it helps me.

    - the killer

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    They have said they're aware of the issues, but it doesn't even seem they're planning to put it on the to-do list.

    If you want to know why they're in no rush, just look at when DS was bugged on some killers in September, or back when they had to tinker with the stun duration multiple times until they settled for 5s. We all know how those games were going and don't fool yourself into thinking they don't have plenty of stats on that period.

    DS is currently abusable, but it's also a band-aid fix for underlying game design issues. If those issues aren't addressed concomitantly, if you make DS too weak then DbD would go down the same path as Deathgarden with instantenous executions.

  • TheKnowlesFam
    TheKnowlesFam Member Posts: 63

    TBH every time i use DS i get tunneled HARDER. it's supposed to be anti-tunnel but almost encourages it. i've done away with it in my perk builds. the only chance is to combine with poised and hope a gen gets done while in mid tunnel from ds. its NEVER really helped with tunneling. BT has helped far more than DS. I don't care if they nerf it or get rid of it because it doesn't help as much as it promotes tunneling.

    Because lets be honest, if you get stabbed in the face for trying to put someone in time out it KINDA hurts your Ego a lil bit. But when others can grab the killers attention mid chase, that's when DS works and I can get away from them safely but it requires people actually working together and when i'm paired with 3 rando default characters... DS does NOT work as well.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It is only strong if the killer allows it. A small protection against tunneling is why it is used. Because someone abuses DS by committing suicide doesn't mean it should be nerfed. Every killer is guilty at abusing their perks to gain an advantage. There's nothing different here with DS.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,592
    edited December 2020

    I honestly tunnel to burn ds early since getting dsd at the exit gates is dumb. I dont like tunnel to death but if i get the chance to down the same survivor and pick them up to burn it i will.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I don't think it would kill the game but it certainly would experience a drop in player basis. SOOOOOOO many people would suddenly suck if their 2nd chance perks were taken away from them. It's like when you remove aim assist from CoD and those players can't hit the broad side of a barn.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    What if it a stealth killer hiding waiting for you to touch a gen and then tunnel? Why should a perk be disabled for doing the objective? Very counter-intuitive. Killer perks are awarded for doing their objective, failing to do their objective, the survivor doing the objective...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited December 2020

    It's unhealthy that so many people depend on this one perk to play the game. When they reworked ruin I was upset but I wasn't as affected because I was using Intervention. It sucked for awhile but once they nerfed tool boxes and killer's adapted. There is not 1 single perk in the killer's arsenal that is as praised as DS is too survivor's. Any killer perk that gets gutted we can supplement it with something else. If they truly balance DS the majority of survivors won't adapt. They'll just quit and the devs know that. Hence why they won't touch it.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,770

    The groups usually just take a break, I don't even know any killers that threatened to quit when ruin nerfs were announced or anyone who actually did leave. And if they needed that perk strength just to play the game normally maybe they just weren't good players and won't really be missed and the survivors who still play get the faster queue times they would deserve

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Because killer perks work like that as well. Ruin does nothing unless you put pressure on survivors. Old school ruin was more like current DS, it slowed down game without killer doing anything special. You mentioned tinkerer earlier, which is nothing like DS, because often times you are already in chase, so you need to make choice if you keep chasing that survivor (your objective) OR go try to prevent that generator from being repaired. DS literally have no conditions other than (here you got hooked, get free 60 second immunity, oh and you can also go repair gen in killers face). DS will get nerfed like it or not, it's in the end a crutch.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited December 2020

    Nope. :)

    Maybe I'll run it even more now.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Relax, even if every single survivor used DS every single match, the devs would make no meaningful nerfs to it.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    They're not going to touch the perk. They have no plans for it.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    That’s a no from me, Chief. I don’t feel like getting tunnelled today.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,452
    edited December 2020

    I just think it's hilarious people are inconvenienced still by this perk. If you think there's not a single perk killer side that doesn't match DS in strength, then you are not only being disingenuous to us, but to yourself. If anything they should make it activate more than once per trial because at least it'd be a perk worthy of all the fuss it gets even after its nerf.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You mean like... DS?

    Also no counterplay... I mean, the killer doesn´t turn invisible or something.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Don't tell me what to do.

  • Mendax
    Mendax Member Posts: 130

    No. I'll continue to bring DS. This is the only perk I hope to NEVER use in a match. But sometimes I have teammates who unhook me without BT near the killer. Then DS can save me.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Seriously DS is fine. And no I’m not a survivor main. I do play a lot of survivor but nowhere near as much as I play Killer.

    Remember, a survivor can only use it once. Once! So at MOST, a killer can only be hit with it 4 times.

    I make an intentional point of trying to FORCE survivors to use DS as early as possible, rather than when the survivors WANT to use their DS for plays that HURT the killer (usually late game).

    Someone unhooks in my face early? I see someone again I know was recently unhooked? Someone think they’re being clever jumping into a locker? Damn right I’ll down and pick them up again (or locker grab). If I get stunned, I let them run off happy that DS is wasted with still 3 or 4 gens to go. If they don’t have DS, well too bad for them, they’re going in the hook, BUT i’ll tend to go easy on them after that when on death hook by slugging them a few times if I see them again.

    Honestly, DS only has power at lategame or endgame when the survivors are given the freedom to use those 60 seconds the way THEY WANT to. Don’t let them. Take that option away from them early or mid game. You’ll find your matches so much LESS stressful when you treat DS this way, AND you’ll dominate way more matches.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    like this is comparable? well i can tell you it is not since i do play both sides and I recognize that DS needs a tuning to make it a more balanced and better perk while still being strong. but tinkerer is no where near the level of DS one bit.

    they did not say that ds was anti-tunneling but used that as allegory because most here say ds is anti-tunnel (which devs have refuted) and the comparison made was honestly very badly done. tinkerer has no where near the power that ds has. they are not invincible only if you choose to tunnel.... I've littereally hooked PERSON A, gone and downed b and c, hooked b and c while d unhooked A (with ds) then while b and c were hooked i went and found d, downed and hooked them now all that was left was person a as b and c were still on hooks. so I patrolled and found A a bit later, downed and suddenly blammo hit with DS.... I was punished for being to effecient, not because I tunneled but because I had 3 people on hooks at any one time, and while A had the 5 seconds, they unhooked b and c then as i was chasing them i ended up loosing d's hook and they opened the door and got out at that point because i was trying to get them the momentum was on their side (B had wakeup ironically and I was playing trapper) but anyways it's 60 seconds of invincibility and no timer over the head to keep track of how long they've been unhooked for so yea no it's not just something to prevent tunneling or momentum and what not but it can punish a killer for doing their job efficiently.

    the survivors have so many second chance perks it's not even funny about 3-4 times the amount the killers have. and thus the survivors can make bad plays and intentionally harass the killer. and when they do that and others do gens the killers can't do anything to counter this so yea it's crappy that killers have to work harder and more efficiently than survivors but it's how the game is made. oh want to know some fun facts? when I take a ds early in game hunt that one down, slug them and then go after the others, forcing the one down to use unbreakable EARLY in the game and thus later i will tunnel them for their 2nd and third hook just to show them how it feels. otherwise i don't tunnel but when someone's on a gen that i know was not even started and it's almost done and i grab them and they ds me that's bs because i wasn't just standing behind them and them on the gen it is me hunting and then found them again and blamo ds? what?

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I play both sides but I don't think you do. It is called Decisive Strike, notice the first part of the name. It should be decided by the survivor, not at the killers convenience. Killer already has way too much control when it is used. Imagine a movie where the survivor must ask the killer for permission to strike them. That is actually what you want with DS, an even weaker perk than what it already is.

    Ruin, Tinkerer wins killers games for them, DS hardly does.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    This. Right here.

    I run Dying Light and STBFL often, so passing around the Obsession Stick actively helps me a TON, especially when the cocky Survivor who realized in the earlygame that they had immunity, suddenly loses that immunity, and that I'm actually going to wreck their whole day.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Did you read the title and gasp like I did?

    Please don't stop running ds!

    Just last game I had to ACTUALLY save the obsession for last because nobody would ds me.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    It's a very small niche of people who can pull off the Obsession Stick Pass on a regular basis, but if you're running STBFL or Dying Light, it can be a lifesaver.

    Every stack counts, don't it?

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Ruin and tinkerer wins games?

    Why? Because survivors won't break totems or finish gens while killer is in chase?

    Survivors have roles to play, but everybody just focuses on gens. That's their mistake and rightfully punished for it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    First of all, if I pick you up and there is an obsession in the match it's more than likely because I want you to DS me. I want to get it out of the way. this means I control it, the survivor only controls it if they get picked up. so you see I do play both sides, I have DS and you down me I get to choose to use it or not, if you have DS and I down you, I can choose to pick you up and let you DS me or I can leave you down and let it run out. I guess I don't play both sides lol, with over 2500 hours in the game and over 2 years of playing I'm pretty sure I know what I do from both sides especially when I have a P3-50 trapper and a P3 huntress, several p1 killers, a P3 nurse and many P1 survivors, a p3-50 all perk (but the new ones) claudette and P3-50 nea that I'm still working all the perks there.... and I think @keygun actually hit the nail on the head, and though he/she and I have butted heads in the past I think they got it in one, if survivors don't do their secondary objectives as well as the primary ones they will loose. a killer has to do their secondary objectives (gen defense) more quickly and often than their primary because otherwise they loose.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,956

    I agree, it's not really effective at dealing with tunneling. One of the big issues with the perk is that it only works once meanwhile you can be tunneled twice. You still get tunneled after using DS, and then on your second unhook? It's free reign!! You're basically doomed even with BT. The Killer seems more determined to get you when they know you don't have DS.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    BT also helps me get Stbfl stacks.

    Ds helps me keep them by switching obsession.

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    Without DS no one would play anymore. There are just far too many unskilled players playing killer right now that can't win unless they camp, tunnel or mori.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Because forcing two objectives can sometimes be too much and nothing compares to it. Imagine a survivor perk that forces killer to go rabbit hunting before he can kill survivors. That's ruin/undying.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Undying is a problem imo, totems shouldn't change if undying gets broken first, but it is what it is.

    But tinkerer is fine, ruin is fine.

    Also, totems are your objective.

    Survivors focus on gens too much, they get punished for it.

    Survivors cleanse totems or open chests, killer gets punished.

    I run inner strength, pharmacy, and detectives hunch. Totems give me heals, chests take 5 seconds to open, and hunch helps me locate.

    I don't find ruin undying impossible, and I don't want 5 minute gen rush games as killer or survivor.

    Everybody talks about the killer's tunnel vision, but y'all survivors also have tunnel vision when it comes to gens.

    Only 5 totems on map, if all survivors did 1 totem, it only leaves 1 left. But y'all just want 5 minute gen rush games.