Victor Camping is insane

Bubba? never heard of him.

Trapper? never heard of him.

Hag? never heard of her.

but wow have i heard of victor. something really needs to be done about his camping. it’s not necessarily the fact he can camp, every killer can do that so it’s not really a problem.

Camping is kinda just a strategy if worse comes to worse but the real issue is killer instinct, it just straight up tells charlotte when to switch back to victor to just camp and tunnel and tbh something needs to be done about it.

what if they changed victor so killer instinct won’t activate when near a hooked survivor? you can still switch back to victor and use him as normal ect but it just doesn’t show the killer instinct near a hook? would that be a bit more fair?


  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Camping is a valid strategy (even though it hurts more than it helps).

  • Pig_Is_Pog
    Pig_Is_Pog Member Posts: 222

    generally it does but there are some times were camping is kinda understandable. for example if you know that there’s 1 or 2 people nearby your obviously gonna look around

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    What I've noticed and have been doing:

    I CAN'T place Victor by a hook if someone is on it.

    I CAN place Victor by a hook, THEN I hook the survivor with Victor babysitting.

    Victor can only stay out for so long (idk the duration) you have to switch to Victor in order to reset timer. After switching, you cannot switch back unless you leave hook area. (Preventing Victor camping)

    Victor can miss big time, unless you lock animation (windows, pallets)

    Missing can cost Victor even more, just smash him if he misses.

    My advice is to wait until Victor either moves or de spawn. Then unhook safely.

    Or, double up and taking protection hits, like you would normally have to do for camper counter.

    Even if he camps, 1 unhurt survivor can get grabbed by Victor, and still unhook the survivor.

    He has camp potential, but so do the other killers. And when you play him, you'll see, he has so many weaknesses.

    Just stop rushing hook, Victor will de spawn over time and cannot be left by hooks while occupied.

    Or keep rushing hooks giving me easy 4k.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    good camping killers can prevent the save, if you letting the save happen then that is not a good camper, the twins are only good if the camping is happening in the basement since charlotte can get one or both survivors.

    bubba can totally prevent a save

    hag can stop the save from happening as she patrols nearby or at least get the savior and has stronger basement camping which can easily result in the savior failing and also getting hooked.

    the twins can have charlotte nearby to try and get one of the survivors or if camping with victor he either downs a injured survivor going for the save or he latches onto the savior, i have played against a camping victor and if im healed i don't unhook the survivor until he latches onto me so he can't down the other survivor. In other words they have counter play. edit: at least in every instance where charlotte isn't camping basement.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Victor's like Hag with Mint Rag except less so.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Charlotte is also great for camping, you can just hook someone and leave her there and use victor. When you get an unhook notif you go back to her, and since she doesn't have a terror radius when you're not using her BT doesn't even work... It's annoying af.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    No! This is horrible. Weak killers that are forced to camp are the definition of bad design.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    From what I experienced camping near hook with victor is counterable as you can crough towards him (KI won't activate, not alarming charlotte) and kick him to make a safe rescue. The biggest problem is to know where and how far from the hook victor is.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    If a player is cheeky like me and places Victor by a hook before hooking the survivor, Victor becomes a beacon.

    But Victor can only stay on the map unattended for a short while, then he de spawns.

    The counter play: wait till Victor de spawns or get Victor on your own head before saving.

    Just like most killers, it's all about counter play.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    This is great advice! Sneak around Victor to avoid his beacon.

    How would a survivor avoid a camping Charlotte?

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    That's where the problem is in my opinion. I would give her TR even during controling victor as you really can't do almost anything about her camping the hook while victor pressure other survivors.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Too true. It becomes a situation where multiple survivors need to help with hook save and body blocking.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Crouch to avoid the Killer Instinct. Boom, countered.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It's kind of funny when I see these posts about nerfing killer instead of using some kind of counterplay. Would you sprint to the hook vs hag?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I Iove the amount of people that try and claim you can just crouch over and kick Victor. But here's the thing: the moment you hear Victor's snarls, he's seen you and now he's coming for you. Which means you need to spend a ridiculous amount of time crouching and that alone will basically lose you the trial just because some arsehole decided to "patrol." Yay, counterplay that's extremely beneficial to the killer bordering on perhaps even being better than using Victor to tunnel!