Twins; A good idea for a killer, but the wrong execution

I liked the idea of a 2 in one killer and thought the twins would be an interesting killer and they still can be. However the way they operate currently (in my honest opinion) is the wrong route to go. Their ability is extremely exploitable, even for new players, to camp hooks, generators, downed survivors and pretty much everything else I didn’t mention. As someone who enjoys playing both survivors and killers, I don’t feel this new killer is doing players any favors regardless of which you prefer to play. The idea behind them is to leave Charlotte behind to camp a location and take advantage of victor’s speed and undetectable status to run down survivors. You have to understand that this only encourages players, especially those new to the game, to guard key locations rather than actually actively engage survivors. And by actively engage I mean continually looking for survivors, not finding one survivors and just staying with them until others come to their rescue. As a developer, your focus should be encouraging players to grow and learn by exploring other methods, not making it easy to stay in your comfort zone.