Survivor Stealth / Slug counter perk builds?

WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Survivor main here:

I love playing stealth. I'm not immersive, but I'm good at stealth. My build has been spine chill, urban evasion, poised, and iron will until recently. It helps me knock out gens even when injured and not get caught.

I've decided I want to change things up a bit though. I don't want to completely give up my stealthy ways, but I want to incorporate the thing I hate the most as a survivor main - being slugged.

I want a build that allows me to retain some of the stealth, but allows for some ability to counter slugging also. When I say counter I don't mean only ideas about how to be slugged less. I'm also interested in ideas that would negate some of the advantages of slugging after it's happened. I have been running spine chill and urban along with unbreakable and tenacity. It's working pretty well, but I would love to hear other ideas. I see people on this forum talk about perk builds all the time that are really creative and work together in ways I wouldn't have thought about.

***** Note *****

If you feel the need to comment about survivors playing stealth make your own post. I enjoy it and it's how I'm going to play.

The fact I said I hate being slugged does not mean I think it is unfair or anything like that. I understand why killers do it. If you feel the need to defend slugging do it elsewhere. This post isn't criticizing it. I simply want to know hear some creative ideas on how to do the things I talked about above.


  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited December 2020

    Slugging usually happens after unhooks so fast healing and get out of the area perks are great.

    We'll make it, sprint burst are prime candidates

    We're going to live forever is good in a way that isn't written on the perk description. If you take a hit for someone you are going to get 25% extra blood points. So this might motivate your otherwise unmotivated stealthy behind to jump in when someone is about to die.

    I do not recommend going for builds to counter slugging and only slugging unless you're comfortable in games where you have no perks. I recommend always bring 1 or 2 that you are very comfortable falling back on.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    To properly counter slugging, you only need unbreakable. Adding in perks like flip flop, tenacity and no mither is overkill imo. Tenacity is essentially a warning to the killer to not slug you for long, but it is good if you dont let the killer know you have it

    If slugging is massive problem for you though, perhaps running soul guard too would be good. Alot of killers are running hexs now with ruin being so popular, so you can repeatedly get up with it, and while some killers play around hitting a survivor who gets up in case of soulguard, its harder to play around a survivor that can get up repeatedly.

    Combining this with a stealth shell however is rather counterproductive, playing stealthily means you shouldn't often be getting slugged. So instead of soul guard perhaps use WGLF, the 2x healing on downed survivors means you can play as the team slug doctor.

    However, alot of this goes out of the window if there is no obsession in the match, as then there is alot less reason for the killer to actually slug, since they don't need to play around DS, so running For the People, or DS yourself will guarentee it.

    The builds i would reccomend then would be Spinechill, Unbreakable, DS and then your choices of Soul Guard, WGLF, For the People and Sprint Burst

    And my final note, its just a matter of opinion, but i find that urban evasion is weaker than fixated, but i hold no stock in moving whilst crouching. But thats a "to each their own" scenario

    Item wise to add to this, the build has no in build healing, so a medkit would work best, besides keys of course

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576

    You're right. As a stealthy survivor I don't get slugged every match or anything close. I'm just looking to add some variety and try some different things. I figured if I'm going to mix it up a little I may as well try some anti-slug measures for when it does happen since I hate it so much.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576

    Poised is definitely one of the perks I'm looking at switching out in this situation. Although I will say poised is an extremely valuable perk in a stealth build. You can finish a gen with the killer in relatively close proximity and be completely gone by the time they get to the area without leaving a trace. I can't count the amount of times I have been able to finish a crucial gen and be gone without even being seen.

    I have given thought to trying to give up urban. It just serves me so well. Being able to crouch and move around a short obstacle allows me to evade killers in almost every match I play. I become much less stealth without that ability.

    I personally won't use DS. I have tried to use it on multiple occasions, but it's always counterproductive to me. Almost every single time I have used DS I have been tunneled immediately after using it. For me DS may as well be called the tunnel guarantee perk.

    I have been doing tenacity and unbreakable in place of poised and iron will. It's not bad. I am looking for other ideas to experiment with though.