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Is this a bug or can this actually happen?

I was playing matches as usual and someone offered the Pied Piper. As you can see from map info, we did not go to Badham Preschool. Can the green map offerings fail or is this a bug? (Note: I'm playing on Nintendo Switch and A Nightmare On Elm Street released on tuesday so that could have something to do with it and sorry for the blurry picture)

Best Answer

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452
    Answer ✓

    It's not a bug. The (green) map offerings, when burned alone, make the probability to go to the selected realm almost 100% but not quite. I think the actual value is upward of 99% nonetheless. Meaning that they can actually fail. I've seen a few times over 2k hours and it was confirmed here on the forum to be the case by design.
