More endurance perks
I was thinking recently why do we have so many perks but only 3 are endurance: Soul Guard, Mettle of Man, and Borrowed Time. But we have so many other perks at our disposal e.g Sprint Burst, Dead Hard,Balanced Landing and Head On are all exhaustion perks. Why do we have so many exhaustion perks but not enough endurance perks? I think BHVR should release more teachable endurance perks because even is nobody uses them, we will still have a variety of them.
because MoM is a meme, BT is a relatively hated anti tunneling perk and SG is widly hated at much as DS in some circles and thats the newest one.
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Probably because Endurance is really strong of a status effect. It's literally just a free hit.
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Because endurance is really good and arguably better than Insta heal this baby actually tanks one shot killer powers. Just take a look at back when MoM was broken as hell.
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Endurance is the strongest status in the entire game by far. Tank a hit and avoid going down for the low, low price of having to mend somewhere down the line. It's not hard to see why the Devs aren't exactly churning out Endurance perks.
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Thanks to Deep Wound the actual bleed out effect of endurance is significantly stronger than it once was. They probably don't want to go overboard with it. And yeah MoM needs a rework. You need to waste so much time just to get the 1 health state and even then the killer can track you for the rest of the game after using it.
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There's no real way to add more Endurance effects (to current known mechanics) that won't make them overpowered.