Why is nobody talking about Coup de Grace?

Its so good. Even with the nerf and all I have found out it can give you the edge at so many loops, it gets kind of hard countered by dead hard, but besides that it is basically a massive chase shortener.
Maybe I am being hyperbolic, but I think it is STBFL levels of good. It comes off as unexpected, and when survivors realize you have it, its too late and they are already down. Survivors think they are safe at that jungle gym window and then BAM! They go down.
This perk isn't good, it's total trash in fact. You waste an entire perk slot for at BEST 5 enhanced lunges for the entire game, hit or otherwise. Sorry dude but this perk isn't good it's meme tier trash.
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Have you tried it? Those 5 lunges can be game savers if you use them correctly.
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If it were more than 5 potential hits a match it might be ok.
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I like Coup De Grace. The only issue I see is that if you're using it, you're not using a "meta" perk that could give you more of an edge. As someone that occasionally misses lunges I could see it definitely making a difference.
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I can see a bit of potential with it on Legion. You don't need to lunge to get hits with frenzy and the Tokens could go a long way toward making their subsequent M1 chase easier. That said... I don't have Coup De Grace and Legion is bugged... so... it might be a bit before I can try it. Also obviously it could be amazing on Myers.
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If they want this perk to be solid they need to remove the gen nonsense from it and just make it give you an enhanced lunge on a timer of sorts, maybe 60s you get one enhanced lunge then it goes on CD or something. Numbers can be tweaked but it's current form is junk
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It's straight poopy, that's why.
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Why?! Why do forum members seem set on some crusade to convince others of something that indeed works successfully for them that it’s bad?!
The perk isn’t outright trash. You just personally think it’s trash.
There’s not a chance in hell you’re going to convince somebody something is trash when the person you’re telling that to is getting a great result, so why waste the effort?
One of my favourite perks is Coulrophobia, and i’m told all the time how “bad” that is too. But I get such a great result from the perk, and so many successful matches that telling me how “bad” it is is a waste of breath.
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Half of the killer perks that already exist give you more value than this one, that objectively makes it a weak perk, that isn't my opinion it's a statistical fact. I never said the perk didn't have impact because it absolutely does, it's just it is way to restricted which is what makes it bad.
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In regards to OP post, for comparison, know you know exactly how I feel about Blood Favour.
It sounds meh on paper, but in practice it works beautifully in shortening chases. I’m still toying with CDG, but I’m getting some value out of it.
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The effect is strong, but the requirements to even use the perk is outrageous.
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But again though, you’ll never convince someone of that when they’re getting successful results from it.
It’s like telling the wealthy, successful ceo of a cleaning business that they’ll never get anywhere in life in the cleaning industry.
It’s more appropriate to simply point out that you yourself think it’s bad, or that you personally haven’t gotten any value out of it after experimenting with it, rather than a blanket “it’s trash”
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Well, different people have different opinions, I aswell think that Coup de Grâce is a trash perk, but I'm not saying that other people should think the same, if you like the perk that's great!
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Coup de grace is a cool perk in theory, but like most other cool stuff killers get, it is entirely dependent on the survivors when you get to use it
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its only good on a few killers ie. nurse,hag billy, bubba and demo otherwise its just not that good
even then a perk slot for 5 uses of anything isnt that good
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Its niche. That's all. It has very few uses. This forum is obssessed with metas.
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It's meme-y, but ultimately if you are running it you have to accept that you are going to likely lose. If you are playing to win, then you probably won't use that perk over other better perks, imo.
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I really want to test it out some. On paper and what i have seen in video's it seems really bad.
If a normal lunge could have hit it also consumes a token. And i don't it get's use enough to be worth it.
Again haven't played with it yet so i have no experience with it. It just seems really clunky to use for a very minor benifit.
Hope i prove myself wrong when i play with it though. This idea is pretty neat being the first perk that plays with lunges
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Here are my thoughts on it that I put in another post.
Coup De Gráce:
Here’s the real surprise: Coup De Gráce is a WAY more better perk than I expected, especially with the surprising reduction on distance despite its already restrictive conditions, provided this perk is used thoughtfully. I get the feeling a lot of the killer community put a lot of stock into gen slow down with little regard into things that can help end chases as fast as possible. Coup De Gráce is a wonderful example of how when considered, intelligent thought is put into how to get the most value out of a perk, it gives a really big pay off. Firstly, it really forced me to be way more attentive of being conservative of when I lunge. Secondly, it also got me to focus on ensuring I only lunge at INJURED survivors. With these 2 factors in mind, in circumstances where I would identify its 100% appropriate to lunge, such as a survivor about to take a vault, or I had successfully baited out a dead hard, Coup De Gráce 100% guaranteed a down. Every time, no question. For any killer that relies on their basic weapon being unquestionably, guaranteed a down up to 5 times per match at loops that would otherwise be 50/50 whether a lunge misses or not is nothing to be laughed at.
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You won't find it so great when survivors start hard countering it by not doing gens
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I love the effect, too big of a requirement for it to be viable though.
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If survs have a perk that we can use to reduce 5 times 60% of lunge attack range of the killer you”ll see rivers of tears and so many killers saying it should be nerfed because it will be meta
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I just spat my drink 🤣
Makes me think of a match yesterday in my Adept Twins attempts were I snowballed so hard at the beginning of the match that I 4K without the survivors getting any repairs done.
So I got no use at all out of CDG that match, and also didn’t get the Adept because, well... I killed them too hard.
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The whole DLC is trash.
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I'm with ya dude.
I am disappointed in the fact that the numbers were decreased and they no longer work with certain killer lunges, but I'm loving it otherwise. You can easily save them when you don't need them, and they can help you hit a survivor who woulda got that window and made it out, ya know?