The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Ideas For Killer Reworks/Tweaks

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


- Remove Snares/Dream Pallets.

- The passive sleep timer is increased to 90 seconds.

- The Beam sees a revival; Tagging a survivor with the Beam will accelerate their sleep timer by 100% for 30 seconds. Survivors cannot be Tagged by the Beam while their timer is accelerated.

- Hitting a survivor will no longer instantly put them to sleep. Instead, hitting an awake survivor will cause them to experience a difficult skill-check at the start of their next interaction (heal or repair) unless they are placed into Dying.

- For 5 seconds after hooking a survivor, Gen Projection cannot be used.



- Teleport enters a 5 second cooldown when actively teleporting to a Phantasm/Trap.

- Traps cannot be placed within 12m of a hooked survivor. Any Traps placed within 12m of an unused hook will be destroyed if a survivor is hooked there.

- Break speed is increased by 1.5% for every Trap in the environment.

- Traps can no longer be destroyed by flashlights.

- A survivor remaining within a 3m range of a placed Trap, for a maximum of 4 seconds, will gradually cause a build-up within the Trap causing it to glow. Glowing Traps reveal any survivor within 10m of the Trap via Killer Instinct. Triggering a Phantasm to appear from a Glowing Trap, resulting in a successful Phantasm Attack, will cause Hag to experience no cooldown for her next Teleport.

- Survivors see the aura of a Glowing Trap when they enter within the 10m range.



- Survivors within the TR now hear the Phase audio.

- Survivor audio is reduced by 100% when Spirit is Phasing.

- Scratch Marks appear slightly brighter while Phasing.

- For 2 seconds post-Phase, blood appears brighter.

- Environmental audio within 12m is increased by 50% while Phasing (repair, heal, sabotage, cleanse, searching, opening, vaulting, hiding, grass rustles).



- Must wait 0.5 seconds to shoot after ADSing.

- Experience a 1 second delay between lowering the Redeemer and performing a Basic Attack.



- Pushing the attack button while Of The Abyss is still charging will cancel the charge but not perform a Basic Attack.

- Experience a 0.5 delay between cancelling Of The Abyss and performing a Basic Attack.



- Blood Orbs are only visible while holding Yamaoka's Wrath (absorbing).

- Picking up a survivor no longer causes Blood Fury to end.



- A survivor experiences a 3 second delay between Cleansing the infection and becoming Healthy, when Cleansing while Injured.



- Static Blast no longer causes Survivors to scream.

- Static Blast is restricted to 28m, no longer related to TR.



- Starts with 2 Traps

- Traps are now Logwood Dye level of Darkness.

- Logwood Dye is now Tar bottle Darkness, Tar Bottle is now slightly more darker than currently.

- Guarenteed 8 Traps spawn in the environment. (Bags merely increase the amount starting in hand; so 8 plus the 2 held is basekit Trapper = 10).

- Audio of setting a Trap is reduced by 2m.



- The speed increase of Windstorm 'Mud' is basekit. Values of current Windstorm add-on speed tiers are decreased slightly.

- While Cloaked, become resistant to Blinds, but Burns are still possible.



- No longer see auras of Jigsaw Boxes.

- Remain Undetectable for 2 seconds after standing up.



- Chainsaw cannot be used for 1.5 seconds after missing the sweep(s), even if tokens are available.

- 1 second delay between cancelling a Chainsaw Rev and performing a Basic Attack.



- A direct Bottle Toss causes survivors to suffer from Incapacitated for 10 seconds.

- Gas is slightly wider at base.



- Survivors gain points in the Survival category for succesful Cage Of Torment skill-checks.


Post edited by Onyx_Blue on


  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Could you be more specific, please. Since a good amount of these are buffs.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Okay then.

    Freddy: Why? He's fine fine the way he is, reverting him back to a slightly better version of his old form would suck.

    Hag: It's fine I guess, aside from making it harder for her to camp I don't think this would change much.

    Spirit: Unneeded. This removes a lot of her mindgames. Also what's the point of making survivors quiet but making their actions louder? It wouldn't change much.

    Deathslinger: As much as I hate him he's a pretty bad killer so this seems unneeded.

    Demi: Why? Again Demi isn't even that good, faking his shred is like his main strength why make it harder?

    Oni: Might make him too strong, I would have to see how it people would play him.

    Plague: A buff, but one that likely wouldn't change much.

    Doctor: Same with Freddy he's not as good as people say he is. He doesn't need any nerfs, especially not to his static blast.

    Trapper: Genuinely a good buff.

    Wraith: A small but welcome QOL change.

    Pig: Why are we nerfing Pig? The Pig player can make informed decisions during the match about weather to protect box's or pressure gens. This nerf gets rid of so much forethought which is makes her fun to play. The undetectable buff doesn't do anything because it already takes a second for her terror radius to go back to normal when she stands up.

    Bubba: Again what is with making killers powers harder to fake? Unneeded.

    Clown: A fine change, like Wraith it's a small but nice QOL buff.

    Pyramid Head: Whatever, some extra bp for survivors would be nice.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Freddy, is not fine the way he is. Nowhere near fine. It actually wouldn't, old Freddy was way more fun, and this revamped version, would be way more interactive and refreshing; while still keeping Freddy strong.

    Hag, kinda the only thing needed really. Otherwise it means changing her entire power lol.

    Spirit, her 'mindgames' are one-sided. Definitely in need of changing.

    Deathslinger, definitley in need of this change. Much like Spirit his gameplay consists of one-sided mindgames.

    Demogorgon, this is needed because atm, he is insanely strong at zoning and chasing, simultaneously. If you commit to using your power, you should be committed into it or suffer a small delay between the two, due to the fact there needs to be a fair window for survivors in chase to react.

    Oni, encourages players not to slug.

    Plague, more to do with fixing her emblems.

    Doctor, a lazy tracker with good anti-loop/zoning. Definitely needed in order to restrict the abusability. Especially when you look at how braindead his add-ons are.

    Trapper, thanks.

    Wraith, thanks again lol.

    Pig, she should never be able to defend boxes, they are a delay tactic with lethal effects. Her fun comes from the ambush and grabs, not running around making survivors frustrated that the player is holding them hostage to boxes. The extra second makes it so the Pig can stand earlier and make it harder for a survivor to hear the blade audio.

    Bubba, he is extremely braindead when it come to his power. Making it so he is commited to it and giving survivors needed room to breathe in certain scenarios is definitely needed. If you mess up your power, especially one with immense camping potential like his, you should be punished for it.

    Clown, thanks.

    Pyramid Head, yeah, the necessary changes were already implemented, this is just something else that would be nice.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,075

    Most of these changes are just unneeded nerfs.

    The Nightmare

    • Without Dream Pallets and Dream Snares, what's the point of the Dream World?
    • I think Survivors should only fall asleep passively while within his Terror Radius, and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep to 30 seconds.
    • I think putting a Survivor to sleep by hitting them is ok, because Freddy actually does something.
    • I think that having a slight cooldown before teleporting is unneeded.

    The Hag

    • Only idea I liked about your changes to the Hag are the Traps near hooks, everything else is unneeded.

    The Spirit

    • I think Spirit should have a tell when she starts Phasing, also she should move grass and I actually like the bug where her breathing was heared during phasing.

    The Deathslinger

    • I think he should just have a small cooldown when putting his gun away, 0.75 - 1 second should be enough, so he can't just spam it and zone you for free.

    The Demogorgon

    • These changes are really unneeded, why even put a cooldown on one of the worse Killers?

    The Oni

    • Oni doesn't need any nerfs or changes, he's perfect right now.

    The Plague

    • I don't see a point in this "buff".

    The Doctor

    • So basically just remove his secondary power?

    The Trapper

    • Actually good buffs!

    The Wraith

    • Nice changes!

    The Pig

    • Why nerf the Pig? I don't see a reason for this, also she already is kinda Undetectable while standing up, it takes a few seconds before her Terror Radius fully reappears.

    The Cannibal

    • I don't see a point with this nerf.

    The Clown

    • I think this Status Effect is special only for the Twins, and I think that making the Gas Cloud wider wouldn't help much, it's already huge.

    The Executioner

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    It seems to me that you just really hate killers that can fake their power or cancel it fast. A lot of these killers are mid tier or bad though. Just because they're annoying doesn't mean they need to be nerfed. Spirit's midgames are not "one-sided", I used to hate her until I actually player myself and I realized it takes skill to master her. Old Freddy was way more annoying then current Freddy. I much prefer having an actual strong Freddy than having one that would always lose but be annoying while he does it.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Survivor main?

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    It's obvious.

    You're trying to change every killer to help the survivor side.

    You don't like mind games, camping or tunneling, or shutting down loops.

    Maybe all killers should just have their weapons and abilities removed entirely, the killer can go around and tickle survivors.

  • Eralo
    Eralo Member Posts: 11

    Ummmh wow, I think you just destroyed the Oni

    I explain: first if you can't see orbs you won't get your power as much. A lot of the time you will find a place where a poor claudette auto-heal. I know that's a problem for her teammates, so here's my idea: why don't put a cap of blood orbs in every area of the map? So ou can't charge your whole power on it.

    The second is clearly not a buff but an enormous nerf. A lot of his gameplay is about the economy of blood orbs, and you don't want to carry a survivor while it. So either you lost a half of your time, either you slug. Soooo that wouldn't be good for the game health, as no one like that

    Spirit is still reallly frustrationg to play against, there's still some coin flip sometimes, i think that instead of a rebalance she needs a total rework. And i don't get why you make hearing survivor harder and hearing the grass easier ? Doesn't make a lot of sense. However i really like the changes on her post-phase, it wouldn't be so punishing to fail it and lost the survivor, when it happens.

    The static blast of the doctor would be useless if it doesn't make anyone scream.

    Even if i like the idea of a DS that can't insta-shoot, it's really hard to hit with it (I invite you to try him if you didn't), and it would destroy the character in my opinion.

    For freddy i would like to add that without traps the character is just a M1 with a TP, not interesting at all, and no one would ever play him again. As I HATE freddy that would be awesome

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    The majority of changes are buffs again, get out. Your argument is lazy and has no leg to stand on

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    So, oni would be fine with these changes. You would still be able to see Orbs, but only while holding the button to absorb (L2/LT/M2). This makes it so it isn't free tracking, due to the fact your movement is slower while using Yamaoka's Wrath, and it takes more effort to keep track of the Orbs path. People slug with him now as it is. The change to make it still active while carrying is to discourage that. You cam still keep momentum in your power and get a hook at the same time; as oppossed to now, having to slug or lose your power.

    The idea behind making environmental noises louder and survivors quieter during Phase is to make it more skill based for both roles. A survivor not payinb attention to their surroundings may rustle a bush or grass patch when walking away, the louder audio will tip the Spirit off. The quieter survivor meana the Spirit will need to use her power more unpredictabley, more tactically and also pay attention to the environment more in order to track and get hits. That seems far more fun and interactive than she currently is now. Both sides enjoying balanced mindgames and fair chases.

    Tier3 would still cause survivors to scream, and he'd still be a strong anti-looper. It just removes the braindead tracking he currently has.

    Currently Deathslinger's chase is one-sided from a power perspective. The injured survivor is forced to predict when he will shoot, wiggling side to side, ducking etc to avoid the possible incoming shot. Whereas te Deathslinger cam just walk towards them, never losing ground on them with possibly no intention of shooting at all. The Redeemer is not hard to land shots with at all! So the change to him would actually make his chases feel fair from a survivors end.

    Without Snares or Pallets, Freddy would still have a teleport and a beam which allows him to locate survivors hidden in his LOS. His lullaby makes him harder to detect too. So the fact that he would be an M1 killer isn't crippling to him.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Okay, I'll be 100% honest.

    Freddy: As much as I think this SoB needs nerfs, this isn't the way. It would completely kill his chasing power, which is just not the way. Also, increasing the passive Sleep to 90 secs would make using an alarm clock would increase that to a brutal 120 secs. Furthermore, without snares/pallets... literally what is the point of putting survivors asleep?

    Hag: Almost all of them are unnecessary. I'd decrease the "placing a trap at a hook" range to more like 8 meters, but this one is alright. I don't agree with the rest though.

    Spirit: I don't agree with survivors hearing the phasing audio. Make no mistake, they should have some sort of info—I don't agree with Spirit being completely opaque. I think it would be better to have them hear her breathing, similar to the bug we had before. This would provide survivors with some information, remove the ridiculous "stand still" tactic, and keep her gimmick of being all about mind games.

    Deathslinger: Here's the problem. you gave a nerf without anything to compensate. Slinger is infamously a weak killer in almost every aspect... except his chase. His oppressive chase is literally all he has and is the single thing that keeps him a decent killer. Remove that, and he's literally a worse Huntress. You need to give him something in return.

    Demo: This is pretty much just a nerf... Demopuppy doesn't need a nerf.

    Oni: Literally all of that is a nerf... and why? Oni is fine as he is. Well, topknot could be looked into but otherwise, he's fine. Leave his basekit alone.

    Plague: Unnecessary change that doesn't really help in any way.

    Doctor: You pretty much just removed the killer's power by stopping survivors from screaming. Then shortened the radius. This is a nerf to a killer who doesn't need one.

    Trapper: Decent changes. Not amazing and I think he needs more, but not terrible

    Wraith: Base windstorm is great although the blind resistance is unneeded since he'll still be burned.

    Pig: .... I don't think Pig needs anymore nerfs. Please, leave Piggy alone :(

    Cannibal: more unneeded changes for no real reason.

    Clown: Again, unneeded since Incapacitated doesn't help in a chase. Wider gas is fine although not very helpful.

    PH: I mean... not bad. Doesn't really mean much, but i guess a nice QoL thing for survivors.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Freddy, increasing the sleep timer is compensating for the new power accelerating it. And the point of the dream world is to make survivors have a harder time determining your location, which can really be crucial in a strong tile or survivor sided-map. Also, you can see their glow, which makes hiding harder.

    Hag, the hook one definitely is needed, ths others ar just to give her power less spamability and a refreshing feel.

    Spirit, hearing exactly where she is is busted on the survivor side though.

    Deathslinger, he doesn't struggle with pressure. His chase wouldn't suffer from making him actually fairer in chase, since it isn't hard to land the shots at all.

    Demo, he actually does need this change. His zoning ability is way too strong to not have a punishment for spamming. (I actually main him, so I know full well how busted this particular capability is)

    Oni, losing his power on pick-up should never have been how his power worked in the first place. It encourages slugging, which is never healthy for the gameplay. And the fact that a strong momentum killer is given easy tracking throughout ths match is also ridiculous imo.

    Plague, it makes it so that solid emblem scores are actually more likely to be attainable for her.

    Doctor, he still has add-ons which are braindead and make finding people way too effortless. Plus he's great in a chase.

    Trapper, anything more and he becomes oppressive with arena control.

    The blind resistance is there to make it easier to keep track of a survivor trying to burn you without running the risk of mothing. Since certain tiles you cannot afford to look down/away/up as well as move out of LOS.

    Pig, oh she really does need this nerf. It is a really obnoxious mechanic allowing her to troll and bully people into an easy death.

    Cannibal, his power is so uninteractive. Making him have punishments for mistakes is definitely needed.

    Clown, it is seriously the only thing that makes sense. Making direct bottle tosses do something that isn't chase related feels great for him. And wider gas at base definitely would be value.

    Pyramid Head, i've said this should be a thing since PTB.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Freddy - That is simply not enough. His power is worthless when it comes to downing people. You know who else has a power that makes hiding hard and can't down people with it? Legion, and he's widely regarded as one of the weakest killers in the game. While we're at it, that playstyle is basically Old Freddy—the killer who was completely reworked because he was so weak.

    Spirit - Wrong. I encourage you watch ScottJund's video on it. He explains why it's good for both sides far better than I can.

    Deathslinger - Um... are we talking about the same killer? Literally his number one weakness is his lack of map pressure due to his low DPS and slow movement.

    Demo - I mean, Demo is a beast at certain tiles because of his zoning potential, but you're acting as if it's without counter. He has to fully charge it, lets out a loud hiss, and then both Demo and the survivor have to make a read. If the survivor makes a correct one, Demo will just shred a wall, and vice versa.

    Oni - This... makes literally no sense. Not having his power cancel on pick up will encourage slugging behavior. If you down a survivor, hear nothing on infectious, why pick him up if you can't cancel? You might as well slug and use the extra mobility. And seriously, how prevalent do you think stealthing is? Its usefulness steadily declines the better the killer you're facing. Furthermore, slugging is a virtual necessity at higher ranks—there is overdoing it, of course, but it's an important part of the game. Besides, there are a plethora of anti-slugging perks out there (unbreakable, Flip Flop, Tenacity, WGLF)

    Doctor - H-His power's entire purpose is literally finding people. Changing that means literally changing the entire killer. In which case, good luck with that mess considering the massive amount of add-on changes needed.

    Pig - So... the pig is supposed to just predict which box the survivor is going to go and believe it's the correct one that survivor needs? Her power is too RNG to make that a viable tactic. Especially since it takes 2 minutes at least to kill someone like that, which is basically throwing the game with the amount of babysitting you need to do.

    Cannibal - The punishment is worthless... Like, will not change anything. You are aware Bubba already faces 1.5 - 3.5 sec cooldown for missing, right? (depending on the number of charges used)

    Clown - pointless to discuss since he's getting a rework soon.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Freddy, just because the beam is the same, the idea is nothing like old Freddy. He can attack awake survivors, and does not have aura reading built in, therefore it would not be weak. Freddy is way too abusable in his current state.

    Spirit, watch that guy? no thanks! In what world is hearing where Spirit is while phasing good for both sides. During that bug I never got caught by a Spirit using Phase, whilst utilizing a tile/loop. Whereas currently, Spirit can easily get hits during tile/loop utilization, about 75% of the time she hits me, even if I make the right guess in my head, the reaction time is lacking due to no telltale and due to her being able to hear survivors quite bloody clearly.

    Deathslinger, why do you think he has no map pressure? "4.4m/s"? - that's a false reason. I have zero struggles having a presence and nuisance in multiple survivors business as DS. People are under the illusion that killers should be able to defend all 7 gens on the map, and if theh struggle to be in an area to stop one or two popping early on, suddenly no map pressure XD it's so delusional.

    Demo, you DO NOT need to fully charge Of The Abyss to Shred. That is why there should be a delay between closing his mouth and swinging a Basic Attack. Most Demo's power bait/fake all the time, and that's their style and how they get hits. It is lazyyyyy and should not be encouraged.

    Oni, ok, as soon as you said specifically 'Infectious Fright' makes me see that you potentially rely on perks for the killers power usage. Kinda not a good thing to be stuck on. Plus, you said if you hear nothin on it, why not slug and look for someone? That is literally the opposite of it's play. Being able to keep your power and still get a hook is far more enoyable as killer, because you get the confirmed hook AND potentially chain it into anoher one. Whereas slugging is unreliable but also boring af to go against constantly.

    Doctor, they'd still scream in Tier3 and he would still be told someone is in his radius due to the giggle and the score event.

    Pig, the boxes are a DELAY TACTIC with fatal consequences for failing to get it off. It is not Pig's design to defend them and go off catching people trying to get it off. Why would you do that over say, rescue blocking hook swappers, and gen protection? Lol it is absurd how many Pigs rely on Boxes to have kill pressure. Pig's chase and map rotation is so good and FUN, yet, defending boxes is the go to...yawn. I t needs to change.

    Cannibal, I'm talking about making camping and tile abuse less of a function in Bubba. Atm he is dull af and predictable to go against. Get right up your butt if possible and rev without much consequence if he doesn't bump. That leads to, again, really lazy defence play as well as braindead looping.

    Clown, yeah true.